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281 RAS CT1838 .I3x     00008057 Life of Marquis Shigenobu Okuma, The : a maker of new Japan Idditti, Smimasa Hokuseido Press 1956 60167  
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286 RAS D13 .Pre     00007341 Preservation of cultural heritage   Published by Cultural and Social Centre for the Asian and Pacific Region   46464
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346 RAS DA10  .J40 2009 Vol 19 Pt 1     Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland 2009 JAN.   
347 RAS DA10  .J41 2009 Vol 19 Pt 2     Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland 2009 APR.   
348 RAS DA10  .J42 2009 Vol 19 Pt 3     Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland 2009 JULY   
349 RAS DA10  .J43 2010 Vol 20 Pt 3     Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland 2010 JULY   
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351 RAS DA10  .J9  Summer 2007     Royal Asiatic Society Newsletter Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland Summer 2007  
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358 RAS DS1 .H3 1958-1963   011765 Harvard journal of Asiatic studies Ware, James Roland Harvard-Yenching Institute 1936 60761
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364 RAS DS1 .Pub v.47 (1960)   00036750 Publications de  L'École française d'Extrême-Orient  École française d'Extrême-Orient  École française d'Extrême-Orient 1900 312595 RARE
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367 RAS DS1 .J6 1959-1960   00011757 Journal of Asian Studies, The  Far Eastern Association Far Eastern Association 1956 60763
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384 RAS DS1 .J6 v.51 no.3 (1992)   00036763 Journal of Asian Studies, The  Far Eastern Association Far Eastern Association 1956 60763
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388 RAS DS1 .J6 v.52 no.4 (1993)   00002638 Journal of Asian Studies, The  Far Eastern Association Far Eastern Association 1956 60763
389 RAS DS1 .J6 v.53 no.1 (1994)   00002656 Journal of Asian Studies, The  Far Eastern Association Far Eastern Association 1956 60763
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418 RAS DS1727 .S64 1991       Chosen Women in Korean Politics Soh, Chang-hee Greenwood Publishing 1991  
419 RAS DS19  .H378       Mongols,The  / Die Mongolen Heissig, Walther , Dumas,Dominique  Pinguin-Verlag, Umschau-Verlag    
420 RAS DS3. A2A82 NO.25        Mandarins, Gunboats, and Power Politics Swartout, Jr., Robert  The University Press of Hawaii 1980  
421 RAS DS32.7 .S29 A3       From Leavenworth to Lhasa :  Living in a Revolutionary Era  Scalapino, Robert A.  IEAS, UCBerkley 2008  
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426 RAS DS5  .K66       Thunder from the East Kristoff, N. WuDunn, S.    2000  
427 RAS DS501 63 v.41   A022002 東洋學報. vol. 1(19- ) 동양문고. 동양학술협회 東洋文庫. 東洋學術協會    
428 RAS DS501 63 v.43   A020555 東洋學報. vol. 1(19- ) 동양문고. 동양학술협회 東洋文庫. 東洋學術協會    
429 RAS DS501 .F274  v.46 No. 1     Journal of Asian Studies   Association for Asian Studies    
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440 RAS DS504  .I6 v3       Official Guide to Eastern Asia, An  VOL.3 Japan. Tetsudōin. Imperial  Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan 1914(대정3) RARE
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442 RAS DS509.3  .C67       Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity Tu, Wei-ming (Ed.) Harvard  1996  
443 RAS DS511 .S68 1944 1944   00008345 History of the Far East, A Steiger, George Nye Ginn and company 1944  
444 RAS DS511 .K55 1980 1980 1 00008285 Last Phase of the East Asian World Order, The : Korea, Japan, and the Chinese Empire, 1860-1882 Kim, Key-Hiuk University of California Press 1980  
445 RAS DS511  .T141        Truth and Reconciliation: Activities of the past three years Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Republic of Korea   2009  
446 RAS DS515  .B8216 2008 Korea       격동의 동아시아를 걷다 막스폰 프란트 살림 2008 KOREAN
447 RAS DS517 .W35x     00007490 Tide at sunrise , The : a history of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 Warner, Denis Ashton Angus & Robertson 1974  
448 RAS DS517  .C741       Korea & Taiwan : A travel survival kit  Crowther, Geoff  Lonely Planet 1982  
449 RAS DS518 .Adv     00007386 Adversary politics in East Asia : a reassessment Lee, Eun Ho Seoul Computer Press 1986  
450 RAS DS523.1 .P75 1963     00001776 Prières Jarai Lafont, Pierre Bernard École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1963  
451 RAS DS531 .E395 1959 v.49 No 2 013748 Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1901  
452 RAS DS531 .E395 1959 v.40 013749 Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1901  
453 RAS DS531 .E395 1959 v.41,45 013750 Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1901 46430
454 RAS DS531 .E395 1960   006397 Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1901 46437
455 RAS DS531 .E395 1960   013753 Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1901  
456 RAS DS531 .E395 1962   019886 Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1901  
457 RAS DS531 .E395 v.43, 48     Bulletin de l'E>cole franC*aise d'Extre^me-Orient  ( École française d'Extrême-Orient )  École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris   École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris    
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459 RAS DS557 .A6 W74   2 00007353 Barriers to progress in South Vietnam: the United States experience Wright, Edward Reynolds Pomso Publishers, Ltd 1973 127919
460 RAS DS701 .R89 v.20 no.2-6(1885)   0007369 Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. China Branch 1884 69195 RARE
461 RAS DS701 .R89 v.27(1895)   0007834 Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. China Branch 1884 69195 RARE
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467 RAS DS701 .R88 no.2(1865)   007371 Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch 1859 312493 RARE
468 RAS DS701 .R88 v.9(1875),v.12(1878)   007372 Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch 1859 312493 RARE
469 RAS DS701 .R90 v.38(1907)   007871 Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch 1906 312493 RARE
470 RAS DS701 .R90 v.39(1908)   007872 Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch 1906 312493 RARE
471 RAS DS701 .R90 v.40(1909)   007873 Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch 1906 312493 RARE
472 RAS DS701 .R90 v.41(1910)   007874 Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch 1906 312493 RARE
473 RAS DS701 .R88 New Series v.1 pt.3     Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. North-China Branch    
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479 RAS DS707 .R45     00020244 Ennin's travels in T'ang China Reischauer, Edwin O Ronald Press Company 1955 65578
480 RAS DS709 .B49     00007335 Break-up of China, The: with an account of its present commerce, currency, waterways, armies,railways, politics, and future prospects Beresford, Charles  ; William De la Poer Beresford Harper & Brothers 1899 65578 RARE
481 RAS DS719 .R4 1985     022983 Relics salvaged from the seabed of Sinan Korea Ministry of culture and Information Dong Hwa publishing Co 1985 65578
482 RAS DS721 .S6x     00007527 Some traditional Chinese ideas and conceptions in Hong Kong social lifetoday The Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society The Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 1966 65578
483 RAS DS735 .Jou v.2   00007457 Journey in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia : with some account of Corea Williamson, B. A., Alexander Smith, Elder & Co 1870 65579 RARE
484 RAS DS774  .S393 1985       Chrysanthemum and the Sword, The Benedict, Ruth  Meridian Books 1969 48305
485 RAS DS775.7 .E767 2004       Selected Works on the Political History of Modern China Etō ,Shinkichi The Toyo Bunko 2004 65579
486 RAS DS777 .K3     00007350 Court-martial of the Kaohsiung defendants, The Kaplan, John Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California 1981 65579
487 RAS DS785  .G752       Guide to Guilin Canton Guangdong, A Bonavia, David, et. al. China Books (China Guide Series Ltd. 1985  
488 RAS DS785  .P97       Guide to Peking, A Bonavia, David, et. al. China Books (China Guide Series Ltd.) 1985 46426
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490 RAS DS786 .Har     00008047 Seven years in Tibet Harrer, Heinrich E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc 1953 68180
491 RAS DS787  .H127       Historical Hong Kong Walks :  Hong Kong Island Tang, Madeleine H., Baker, Ashley H.  A Guidebook Company 1988 46498
492 RAS DS796 .J6 v.13 (1973)     JOURNAL HONGKONG BRANCH R. A. S.     1973  
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516 RAS DS796 .Cha     00007339 Changing face of Hong Kong, The Dwyer, D. J Ye Olde Printerie, Ltd 1971 46502
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520 RAS DS796 .J6 Vol. 48 2008     Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch    
521 RAS DS796 .J6 Vol. 52 2012     Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch    
522 RAS DS796 .J6 1960-1965   001507 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961  
523 RAS DS796 .J6 1966, 1968-1969   001508 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961 46503
524 RAS DS796 .J6 1970-1972   011477 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961  
525 RAS DS796 .J6 1973-1975   001509 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961 46506
526 RAS DS796 .J6 1976-1978   001511 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961 46509
527 RAS DS796 .J6 1979-1981   011475 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961  
528 RAS DS796 .J6 1982-1983   011476 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 1961  
529 RAS DS796 .J6 Vol. 50 2010     Journal of the R.A.S. Hong Kong Branch: Fiftieth Anniversary 1961-2010 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch 2010  
530 RAS DS796  .J6 Vol 49 2009     Journal of the RAS Hong Kong Branch   RAS HK 2009 60450
531 RAS DS801 .J3 v. 17 no.1 (1970)   00036747 Japan quarterly Asahi Shinbunsha Asahi Shinbunsha 1954 60450
532 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.11 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1996 60450
533 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.15 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2000  
534 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.16 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2001  
535 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.18 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2004  
536 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.19 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2005  
537 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.19 Sup. 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2005  
538 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.20 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2006  
539 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.21 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2007  
540 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.4 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1989 312638
541 RAS DS801 .T7  4th Series, v.9 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1994  
542 RAS DS801 .T7 3rd ser., v.17   00002149 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1873 61539
543 RAS DS801 .T7 3rd ser., v.18   00002150 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1873 61539
544 RAS DS801 .T7 3rd ser., v.19   00002156 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1873 61539
545 RAS DS801 .T7 4th ser., v.2   00002211 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan   61539
546 RAS DS801 .T7 4th ser., v.3   00002233 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan   61539
547 RAS DS801 .T7 4th ser., v.5   00002250 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan   61539
548 RAS DS801 .T7 4th ser., v.6   00002251 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan   61539
549 RAS DS801 .T7 4th ser., v.8   00002451 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan   61539
550 RAS DS801 .T7 5th Series, v. 2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2011 61539
551 RAS DS801 .T7  4thSeries, v. 20, 2006     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2006 61539
552 RAS DS801 63 no.2-7,13-16   A020698 東洋文庫書報, no.1[1969]- 동양문고 東洋文庫 1969 61539
553 RAS DS801 .T7  v.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
554 RAS DS801 .T7  v.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
555 RAS DS801 .T7  v.3 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
556 RAS DS801 .T7  v.3 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
557 RAS DS801 .T7  v.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
558 RAS DS801 .T7  v.5 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
559 RAS DS801 .T7  v.6 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
560 RAS DS801 .T7  v.6 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
561 RAS DS801 .T7  v.6 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
562 RAS DS801 .T7  v.7, pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
563 RAS DS801 .T7  v.7 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
564 RAS DS801 .T7  v.7 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
565 RAS DS801 .T7  v.8 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
566 RAS DS801 .T7  v.8 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
567 RAS DS801 .T7  v.8 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
568 RAS DS801 .T7  v.8 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
569 RAS DS801 .T7  v.9 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
570 RAS DS801 .T7  v.10 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
571 RAS DS801 .T7  v.10 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
572 RAS DS801 .T7  v.11 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
573 RAS DS801 .T7  v.11 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
574 RAS DS801 .T7  v.11 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
575 RAS DS801 .T7  v.11 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
576 RAS DS801 .T7  v.12 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
577 RAS DS801 .T7  v.12 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
578 RAS DS801 .T7  v.12 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
579 RAS DS801 .T7  v.12 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
580 RAS DS801 .T7  v.13 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
581 RAS DS801 .T7  v.13 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
582 RAS DS801 .T7  v.14 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
583 RAS DS801 .T7  v.14 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
584 RAS DS801 .T7  v.15 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
585 RAS DS801 .T7  v.16 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
586 RAS DS801 .T7  v.16 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
587 RAS DS801 .T7  v.16 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
588 RAS DS801 .T7  v.17 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan
589 RAS DS801 .T7  v.17 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
590 RAS DS801 .T7  v.18 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
591 RAS DS801 .T7  v.18 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
592 RAS DS801 .T7  v.19 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
593 RAS DS801 .T7  v.19 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
594 RAS DS801 .T7  v.19 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
595 RAS DS801 .T7  v.20 Supp.     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
596 RAS DS801 .T7  v. Supp.2 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
597 RAS DS801 .T7  v.21     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
598 RAS DS801 .T7  v.21 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
599 RAS DS801 .T7  v.22 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
600 RAS DS801 .T7  v.22 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
601 RAS DS801 .T7  v.22 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
602 RAS DS801 .T7  v.22 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
603 RAS DS801 .T7  v.23     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
604 RAS DS801 .T7  v.23 Supp     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
605 RAS DS801 .T7  v.24     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
606 RAS DS801 .T7  v.24 Supp     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
607 RAS DS801 .T7  v.25     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
608 RAS DS801 .T7  v.26 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
609 RAS DS801 .T7  v.27 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
610 RAS DS801 .T7  v.27 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
611 RAS DS801 .T7  v.27 pt3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
612 RAS DS801 .T7  v.27 Supp     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
613 RAS DS801 .T7  v.28     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
614 RAS DS801 .T7  v.29 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
615 RAS DS801 .T7  v.29 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
616 RAS DS801 .T7  v.30 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
617 RAS DS801 .T7  v.30 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
618 RAS DS801 .T7  v.30 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
619 RAS DS801 .T7  v.31     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
620 RAS DS801 .T7  v.32     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
621 RAS DS801 .T7  v.33     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
622 RAS DS801 .T7  v.34     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
623 RAS DS801 .T7  v.34 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
624 RAS DS801 .T7  v.34 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
625 RAS DS801 .T7  v.34 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
626 RAS DS801 .T7  v.35 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
627 RAS DS801 .T7  v.35 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
628 RAS DS801 .T7  v.35 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
629 RAS DS801 .T7  v.35 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
630 RAS DS801 .T7  v.36 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
631 RAS DS801 .T7  v.36 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
632 RAS DS801 .T7  v.36 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
633 RAS DS801 .T7  v.37 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
634 RAS DS801 .T7  v.37 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
635 RAS DS801 .T7  v.38 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
636 RAS DS801 .T7  v.38 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
637 RAS DS801 .T7  v.38 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
638 RAS DS801 .T7  v.38 pt.4     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
639 RAS DS801 .T7  v.38 pt.5     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
640 RAS DS801 .T7  v.39     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
641 RAS DS801 .T7  v.41 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
642 RAS DS801 .T7  v.41 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
643 RAS DS801 .T7  v.41 pt.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
644 RAS DS801 .T7  v.42 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
645 RAS DS801 .T7  v.42 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
646 RAS DS801 .T7  v.43 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
647 RAS DS801 .T7  v.43 pt.2 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
648 RAS DS801 .T7  v.44 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
649 RAS DS801 .T7  v.44 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
650 RAS DS801 .T7  v.45 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
651 RAS DS801 .T7  v.46 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
652 RAS DS801 .T7  v.47     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
653 RAS DS801 .T7  v.49 pt.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
654 RAS DS801 .T7  v.49 pt.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
655 RAS DS801 .T7  v.50     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
656 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
657 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
658 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.5     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
659 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.6     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
660 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.7     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
661 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.8     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
662 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.9     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
663 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.10     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
664 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.11     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
665 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.12     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
666 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.13     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
667 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.14     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
668 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.15     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
669 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.16     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
670 RAS DS801 .T7  Second Ser. V.17     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
671 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.1     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
672 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.2     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
673 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.3     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
674 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.5 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
675 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.6 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
676 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.7     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
677 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.8     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
678 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.9     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
679 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.10     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
680 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.11     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
681 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.12     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
682 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.14     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
683 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.15     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
684 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.16     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
685 RAS DS801 .T7  Third Ser. V.20     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan     RARE
686 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series v.12  1997     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1997 61539
687 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series, v.10 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1995 61539
688 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series, v.13 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1998 61539
689 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series, v.14 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 1999 61539
690 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series, v.17 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2002-2003 61539
691 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series, v.21 Sup 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2007 61539
692 RAS DS801  .T7  4th Series, v.22 1   Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The  Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2008 Fifth Series, Volume 2
693 RAS DS801   .K96 No. 60     KYOTO JOURNAL 60: Korea -- Kyoto Journal 2005 Fifth Series, Volume 3
694 RAS DS802 .T7 5th Series, v 3.      Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan 2011 61539
695 RAS DS803 .T7 5th Series, v 3. Supp.     Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan Asiatic Society of Japan    
696 RAS DS803 .Aki     00011904 Chronological List of Japan and China, A Akiyma, Aisaburo Kyo Bun Kwan 1942   RARE
697 RAS DS803 45 색인집   A0037451 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 46323 RARE
698 RAS DS803 45 v.1   A0037433 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
699 RAS DS803 45 v.10   A0037442 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
700 RAS DS803 45 v.11   A0037443 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
701 RAS DS803 45 v.12 1 A0037444 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
702 RAS DS803 45 v.13   A0037445 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
703 RAS DS803 45 v.14   A0037446 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
704 RAS DS803 45 v.15   A0037447 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
705 RAS DS803 45 v.16   A0037448 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932   RARE
706 RAS DS803 45 v.17   A0037449 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 46510 RARE
707 RAS DS803 45 v.18   A0037450 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
708 RAS DS803 45 v.2   A0037434 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
709 RAS DS803 45 v.3   A0037435 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
710 RAS DS803 45 v.4   A0037436 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
711 RAS DS803 45 v.5   A0037437 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
712 RAS DS803 45 v.6   A0037438 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
713 RAS DS803 45 v.7   A0037439 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
714 RAS DS803 45 v.8   A0037440 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
715 RAS DS803 45 v.9   A0037441 日本地理風俗大系 仲麻照久 新光社 1932 48305 RARE
716 RAS DS805  .T124       Theological Perspectives of Tenrikyo, The Edited by the Oyasato Research Institute, Tenri University Tenri University Press 1986 48305
717 RAS DS809  .K54 (Korea)       자 유주의자의 고뇌와 소망 : 김경원 박사 추모집 / Agonies and Aspirations of a Liberal :  In memory of Dr. Kim Kyung Won    중 앙북스 2013 48305 KOREAN
718 RAS DS811  .K4713       Tunnel of Destiny, The  Kim, Hyung-Cha The Christian Literature Society of Korea 1971 48305
719 RAS DS821  .B46 1969       Soong Dynasty, The Seagrave, Sterling  Sidgwick & Jackson Limited 1985 65579
720 RAS DS821.5 .K6 C68 1984 1984 1 00008265 Japan's hidden history : Korean impact on Japanese culture Covell, Jon Etta Hastings Carter Hollym International Corp 1984 48305
721 RAS DS835 .Kuno v.1   00007354 Japanese expansion on the Asiatic continent : a study in the history of Japan with special reference to herinternational relations with China, Korea, and Russia Kuno, Yoshi S University of California 1937 48305 RARE
722 RAS DS835 .Kuno v.2   00007355 Japanese expansion on the Asiatic continent : a study in the history of Japan with special reference to herinternational relations with China, Korea, and Russia Kuno, Yoshi S University of California 1937 48305 RARE
723 RAS DS835 .B3    1   조선해전 The Influence of the Sea on the Political History of Japan Ballard, G. A. ??? 2005 48305
724 RAS DS835 .R38        Japan : The story of a nation Reischauer, Edwin O Tuttle 1981  
725 RAS DS836 .M5     00007427 Korean Minority in Japan, The  Mitchell, Richard H University of California Press 1967 48305
726 RAS DS855  .G74       Quest for Kibi and the True Origins of Japan,The  Michael S.F. Gorman Orchid Press 1999  
727 RAS DS882 .D88       Abacus and the Sword, The Duus, Peter University of California 1995  
728 RAS DS895 .R92 H35   2   Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island Hall,Basil  RAS Korea Branch/Kyung-in Publishing Co. 1975   Korean 
729 RAS DS897  .A74 N32       Guide to the Asuka Historical Museum Nara National Cultural Properties Research Institute Japan,  Willam Carter, Trans Asuka Historical Museum 1978  
730 RAS DS899 .K855 Nos. 1-7 1976-81     Korean Studies Forum        
731 RAS DS900 .K855 No.2 1 Spring-Summer Korean Studies Forum Korean-American Educational Commission University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh 1977  
732 RAS DS900 .K855 No.3 2   Korean Studies Forum Korean-American Educational Commission University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh 1977/78  
733 RAS DS901 .G742 Jun. 2009     Granite Tower, The   Korea University Jun. 2009  
734 RAS DS901 .H322 No. 15 12/1961     Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities   Korean Research Center 12/1961 46433
735 RAS DS901 .H322 No. 16 6/1962     Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities   Korean Research Center    
736 RAS DS901 .H322 No. 17 12/1962 1   Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities   Korean Research Center 12/1962 46512
737 RAS DS901 .H322 No.30 1969     Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities   Korean Research Center    
738 RAS DS901 .J62 v.18-19   007367 Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society   Kelly & Walsh 1884 46512 RARE
739 RAS DS901 .J62 v.21 pt.1,2,5,6   007370 Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society   Kelly & Walsh 1884   RARE
740 RAS DS901 .J62 v.5   007368 Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society   Kelly & Walsh 1884   RARE
741 RAS DS901 .K880 Feb. 2009     Korea     Feb. 2009 60128
742 RAS DS901 .K880 Mar. 2009     Korea     Mar. 2009  
743 RAS DS901 .K880 Apr. 2009     Korea     Apr. 2009  
744 RAS DS901 .K880 Jun. 2009     Korea     Jun. 2009  
745 RAS DS901 .K880 Jul. 2009     Korea     Jul. 2009  
746 RAS DS901 .K880 Aug. 2009     Korea     Aug. 2009  
747 RAS DS901 .K880 Sep. 2009     Korea     Sep. 2009  
748 RAS DS901 .K880 Oct. 2009     Korea     Oct. 2009 65582
749 RAS DS901 .K880 Nov. 2009     Korea     Nov. 2009 65582
750 RAS DS901 .K880 Dec. 2009     Korea     Dec. 2009 65582
751 RAS DS901 .K880 Jan. 2010     Korea     Jan. 2010  
752 RAS DS901 .K880 Feb. 2010     Korea     Feb. 2010  
753 RAS DS901 .K6 1977, 1981-82   013754 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification    
754 RAS DS901 .K6 1982   013755 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification    
755 RAS DS901 .K6 1983-84   013756 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification    
756 RAS DS901 .K6 1984-85   013757 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification    
757 RAS DS901 .K6 1986   010793 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification      
758 RAS DS901 .K6 1987   010794 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification      
759 RAS DS901 .K6 1988   010795 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification      
760 RAS DS901 .K6 1988-89   010796 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification      
761 RAS DS901 .K6 1990   010564 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification      
762 RAS DS901 .K6 1991   010568 Korea & World Affairs Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea Research Center for Peace and Unification      
763 RAS DS901 .K67 1984       Korea Annual 1984   Yonhap News Agency 1985    
764 RAS DS901 .K67 1985       Korea Annual 1985 -- Yonhap News Agency 1985 68915  
765 RAS DS901 .K67 1986       Korea Annual 1986 -- Yonhap News Agency 1986 68915
766 RAS DS901 .K67 1987       Korea Annual 1987 -- Yonhap News Agency 1987 68915
767 RAS DS901 .K67 1988       Korea Annual 1988 -- Yonhap News Agency 1988 68915
768 RAS DS901 .K67 1989       Korea Annual 1989 -- Yonhap News Agency 1989 68915
769 RAS DS901 .K67 1990       Korea Annual 1990 -- Yonhap News Agency 1990 68915
770 RAS DS901 .K67 1991       Korea Annual 1991 -- Yonhap News Agency 1991 68915
771 RAS DS901 .K67 1992       Korea Annual 1992 -- Yonhap News Agency 1992 68915
772 RAS DS901 .K67 1993       Korea Annual 1993 -- Yonhap News Agency 1993 68915
773 RAS DS901 .K67 1994       Korea Annual 1994 -- Yonhap News Agency 1994 68915
774 RAS DS901 .K67 1995       Korea Annual 1995 -- Yonhap News Agency 1995  
775 RAS DS901 .K67 1996       Korea Annual 1996 -- Yonhap News Agency 1996  
776 RAS DS901 .K67 1997       Korea Annual 1997 -- Yonhap News Agency 1997  
777 RAS DS901 .K67 2000       Korea Annual 1999   Yonhap News Agency 1999  
778 RAS DS901 .K7   Vol. 50 No 4 Winter 2010     Korea Journal : The Centennial of Japan's Annexation of Korea: Rethinking Annexation and Postcolonial Legacy Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO 2010  
779 RAS DS901 .K7 Index 9.61-8.81 SEP1961-AUG1981 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
780 RAS DS901 .K7 Index 9.81-8.86 SEP1981-AUG1986 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
781 RAS DS901 .K7 Index 96-91 1996-1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
782 RAS DS901 .K7 v.21 No.1 JAN. 1982 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
783 RAS DS901 .K7  v.22 No.10 OCT. 1982     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
784 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.11 NOV. 1982 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
785 RAS DS901 .K7  v.22 No.12 DEC. 1982 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
786 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.2 FEB. 1982 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
787 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.3 MAR. 1982     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
788 RAS DS901 .K7  v.22 No.4 APR. 1982 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
789 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.5 MAY. 1982 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
790 RAS DS901 .K7  v.22 No.6 JUN. 1982 3   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
791 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.7 JUL. 1982 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
792 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.9 SEP. 1982 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
793 RAS DS901 .K7 v.22 No.8 AUG. 1982 3   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
794 RAS DS901 .K7 v.23 No.1 JAN. 1983 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
795 RAS DS901 .K7 v.25 No.8 AUG. 1985     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
796 RAS DS901 .K7 v.26 No 3 MAR 86     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
797 RAS DS901 .K7  v.27 No.1 JAN. 1987     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
798 RAS DS901 .K7 v.27 No.10 OCT. 1987 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
799 RAS DS901 .K7  v.27 No.11 NOV. 1987 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
800 RAS DS901 .K7 v.27 No.5 MAY. 1987     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
801 RAS DS901 .K7 v.27 No.6 JUN. 1987     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
802 RAS DS901 .K7 v.27 No.7 JUL. 1987 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
803 RAS DS901 .K7 v.27 No.8 AUG. 1987 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
804 RAS DS901 .K7  v.27 No.9 SEP. 1987     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
805 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.1 JAN. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
806 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.10 OCT. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
807 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.11 NOV. 1988 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO      
808 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.12 DEC. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
809 RAS DS901 .K7  v.28 No.2 FEB. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
810 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.3 MAR. 1988 2   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
811 RAS DS901 .K7  v.28 No.4 APR. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
812 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.5 MAY. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
813 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.6 JUN. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
814 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.7 JUL. 1988     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
815 RAS DS901 .K7 v.28 No.9 SEP. 1988 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
816 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.1 JAN. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
817 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.10 OCT. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
818 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.11 NOV. 1989 1   Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
819 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.12 DEC. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
820 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.2 FEB. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
821 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.3 MAR. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
822 RAS DS901 .K7  v.29 No.4 APR. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
823 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.7 JUL. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
824 RAS DS901 .K7 v.29 No.8 AUG. 1989     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
825 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.1 JAN. 1990     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
826 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.10 OCT. 1990     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
827 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.2 FEB. 1990     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
828 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.5 MAY. 1990     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
829 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.4 APR. 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
830 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.7 JUL. 1990     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
831 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.8 AUG. 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
832 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.6 JUN. 1992     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
833 RAS DS901 .K7 v.31 No.4 WINTER 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
834 RAS DS901 .K7 v.31 No.1 SPRING 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
835 RAS DS901 .K7 v.31 No.2 SUMMER 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
836 RAS DS901 .K7 v.31 No.3 AUTUMN 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
837 RAS DS901 .K7 v.32 No.1 SPRING 1992     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
838 RAS DS901 .K7 v.32 No.2 SUMMER 1992     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
839 RAS DS901 .K7 v.32 No.3 AUTUMN 1992     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
840 RAS DS901 .K7 v.32 No.4 WINTER 1992     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
841 RAS DS901 .K7 v.33 No.1 SPRING 1993     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
842 RAS DS901 .K7 v.33 No.2 SUMMER 1993     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
843 RAS DS901 .K7 v.33 No.3 AUTUMN 1993     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
844 RAS DS901 .K7 v.36 No.2 SUMMER 1996     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
845 RAS DS901 .K7 v.36 No.3 AUTUMN 1996     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
846 RAS DS901 .K7 v.37 No.1 SPRING 1997     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
847 RAS DS901 .K7 v.37 No.2 SUMMER 1997     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
848 RAS DS901 .K7 v.37 No.3 AUTUMN 1997     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
849 RAS DS901 .K7 v.37 No.4 WINTER 1997     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
850 RAS DS901 .K7 v.38 No.1 SPRING 1998     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
851 RAS DS901 .K7 v.38 No.2 SUMMER 1998     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
852 RAS DS901 .K7 v.38 No.3 AUTUMN 1998     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
853 RAS DS901 .K7 v.38 No.4 WINTER 1998     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
854 RAS DS901 .K7  v.39 No.2 SUMMER 1999     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
855 RAS DS901 .K7  v.39 No.3 AUTUMN 1999     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
856 RAS DS901 .K7  v.39 No.4 WINTER 1999     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
857 RAS DS901 .K7  v.39 No.1 SPRING 1999     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
858 RAS DS901 .K7  v.40 No.1 SPRING 2000     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
859 RAS DS901 .K7  v.40 No.2 SUMMER 2000     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
860 RAS DS901 .K7  v.40 No.3 AUTUMN 2000     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
861 RAS DS901 .K7 v.30 No.3 MAR. 1991     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
862 RAS DS901 .K7 v.48 No.1 SPRING 2008     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
863 RAS DS901 .K7  v.40 NO.4 WINTER 2000     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
864 RAS DS901 .K7 v.41 No.1 SPRING 2001     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
865 RAS DS901 .K7 v.41 No.2 SUMMER 2001     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
866 RAS DS901 .K7 v.41 No.3 AUTUMN 2001     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
867 RAS DS901 .K7 v.41 No.4 WINTER 2001     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
868 RAS DS901 .K7 v.42 No.4 WINTER 2002     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
869 RAS DS901 .K7 v.43 No.1 SPRING 2003     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
870 RAS DS901 .K7 v.43 No.2 SUMMER 2003     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
871 RAS DS901 .K7 v.43 No.3 AUTUMN 2003     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
872 RAS DS901 .K7 v.43 No.4 WINTER 2003     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
873 RAS DS901 .K7 v.44 No.3 AUTUMN 2004     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
874 RAS DS901 .K7 v.44 No.4 WINTER 2004     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
875 RAS DS901 .K7 v.45 No.3 AUTUMN 2005     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
876 RAS DS901 .K7 v.45 No.4 WINTER 2005     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
877 RAS DS901 .K7  v.46 No.1 SPRING 2006     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
878 RAS DS901 .K7 v.46 No.2 SUMMER 2006     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
879 RAS DS901 .K7 v.46 No.3 AUTUMN 2006     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
880 RAS DS901 .K7  v.46 No.4 WINTER 2006     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
881 RAS DS901 .K7 v.47 No.1 SPRING 2007     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
882 RAS DS901 .K7 v.47 No.2 SUMMER 2007     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
883 RAS DS901 .K7 v.47 No.3 AUTUMN 2007     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
884 RAS DS901 .K7 v.47 No.4 WINTER 2007     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
885 RAS DS901 .K7 v.48 No.2 SUMMER 2008     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
886 RAS DS901 .K7 v.48 No.3 AUTUMN 2008     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
887 RAS DS901 .K7 v.48 No.4 WINTER 2008     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
888 RAS DS901 .K7 v.49 No.1 SPRING 2009     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
889 RAS DS901 .K7 v.49 No.2 SUMMER 2009     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
890 RAS DS901 .K7 v.49 No.3 AUTUMN 2009     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
891 RAS DS901 .K7 v.49 No.4 WINTER 2009     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
892 RAS DS901 .K7 v.50 No.1 SPRING 2010     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
893 RAS DS901 .K7 v.50 No.3 AUTUMN 2010     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
894 RAS DS901 .K7 v.50 No.4 WINTER 2010     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
895 RAS DS901 .K7 v.50 No.2 SUMMER 2012     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
896 RAS DS901 .K7 Vol. 51 No 4 Winter 2011     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO Winter 2011  
897 RAS DS901 .K7 Vol 51 No 3 Autumn 2011     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO Autumn 2011  
898 RAS DS901 .K7 Vol 53 No 3 AUTUMN 2014     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO 2013  
899 RAS DS901 .K7 Vol 53 No 2 Summer 2014     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
900 RAS DS901 .K7 Vol. 51 No 1 Spring 2011     Korea Journal Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
901 RAS DS901 .K7   Vol. 51 No 2 SUMMER 2011     Korea Journal : The Horak Debate in Eighteenth Century Joseon Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO    
902 RAS DS901 .K65  v.1 No.1     Korea Quarterly  -- ? Winter 1979  
903 RAS DS901 .K65  v.2 No.1 1   Korea Quarterly  -- ? Winter1980  
904 RAS DS901 .K65  v.2 No.2     Korea Quarterly  -- ? Spring 1981  
905 RAS DS901 .K65  v.2 No.4     Korea Quarterly  -- ? Autumn  1981  
906 RAS DS901 .K65  v.3 No.1 2   Korea Quarterly  -- ? Winter 1982  
907 RAS DS901 .K63 1977-78, 1980, 1986     Korean Studies University of Hawaii at Manoa University Press of Hawaii 1977  
908 RAS DS901 .K63 1987-91     Korean Studies University of Hawaii at Manoa University Press of Hawaii 1977  
909 RAS DS901 .K63 V.16     Korean Studies The Center for Korean Studies University Press of Hawaii 1992  
910 RAS DS901 .K63 V.19     Korean Studies The Center for Korean Studies University Press of Hawaii 1995  
911 RAS DS901 .K855 No.4 2 Spring-Summer Korean Studies Forum Korean-American Educational Commission University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh 1978  
912 RAS DS901 .K855 No.5 2 Winter-Spring Korean Studies Forum Korean-American Educational Commission University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh 1978-1979    
913 RAS DS901 .K855 No.6 1 Winter-Spring Korean Studies Forum Korean-American Educational Commission University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh 1979-1980    
914 RAS DS901 .K855 No.7 2 Summer-Fall Korean Studies Forum Korean-American Educational Commission University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh 1981    
915 RAS DS901 .H9 1989     023591 Koreana Hyun, Peter Korea Britannica Corporation 1989    
916 RAS DS901 .K89 v.3 no.1,v.6 no.2,v.9 no.4(1961,64,67)   00020815 Koreana Quarterly Kukche Haksurwon (Seoul, Korea) Kukche Haksurwon (Seoul, Korea) 1959 60456  
917 RAS DS901 .M3x     00007413 Michigan and Korea, 1899-1914 McCune, Evelyn The McAllister Street Press 1977 60456  
918 RAS DS901 .T7 v.6-11 (1915-20)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1915-1920    
919 RAS DS901 .T7 v.80 (2005)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 2005    
920 RAS DS901 .T7 v.81 (2006)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 2006  
921 RAS DS901 .T7 v.82 (2007)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 2007  
922 RAS DS901 .T7 v.83 (2008)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 2008  
923 RAS DS901 .T7 v.84 (2009)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 2009  
924 RAS DS901 .T7 v.1-5 (1900-1914)   00008914 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 46331
925 RAS DS901 .T7 v.12-18 (1921-1929)   00008916 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 68194
926 RAS DS901 .T7 v.19-22 (1930-1933)   00008917 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 312641
927 RAS DS901 .T7 v.23-26 (1934-1936)   00008918 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 46514
928 RAS DS901 .T7 v.27-30 (1937-1940)   00008919 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900  
929 RAS DS901 .T7 v.31-36 (1948-1960)   00008920 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900  
930 RAS DS901 .T7 v.37-40 (1961-1963)   00008921 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900  
931 RAS DS901 .T7 v.41-45 (1964-1969)   00008922 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900  
932 RAS DS901 .T7 v.46-49 (1971-1974)   00008923 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900  
933 RAS DS901 .T7 v.50-54 (1975-1979)   00008924 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900  
934 RAS DS901 .T7 v.51,53,60-66 (1976,78,85-91)   00005607 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 312556
935 RAS DS901 .T7 v.55-60 (1980-1985)   00008925 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 312556
936 RAS DS901 .T7 v.6-11 (1915-1920)   00008915 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch 1900 312556
937 RAS DS901 .T7 v.45  (1969)   00027398 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch    
938 RAS DS901 .T7 v.69 (1993)   00027398 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
939 RAS DS901 .T7 v.70 (1995)   00027400 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
940 RAS DS901 .T7 v.71(1996)   00003288 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
941 RAS DS901 .T7 v.72 (1997)   00029553 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
942 RAS DS901 .T7 v.73 (1998)   00029554 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
943 RAS DS901 .T7 v.74 (1999)   00013968 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
944 RAS DS901 .T7 v.75 (2000)   00012517 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556  
945 RAS DS901 .T7 v.76 (2001) 1 00036128 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
946 RAS DS901 .T7 v.77 (2002)   00036588 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch   312556
947 RAS DS901 .T7 v.78 (2004)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch    
948 RAS DS901 .T7 v.79 (2005)     Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Korea Branch    
949 RAS DS901 54 no.1,8-9   A018166 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
950 RAS DS901 54 no.10-13   A018196 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
951 RAS DS901 54 no.103-106   A020518 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
952 RAS DS901 54 no.14-17   A018228 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
953 RAS DS901 54 no.18,20-22   A018229 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
954 RAS DS901 54 no.23-26   A018266 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
955 RAS DS901 54 no.27-30,32   A018086 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
956 RAS DS901 54 no.33-36   A018037 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
957 RAS DS901 54 no.37-40   A018064 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
958 RAS DS901 54 no.47-49   A018079 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 312556 KOREAN
959 RAS DS901 54 no.50-53   A018275 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
960 RAS DS901 54 no.54-56,59   A018277 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
961 RAS DS901 54 no.60-61,63-64   A018309 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
962 RAS DS901 54 no.65-68   A018346 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
963 RAS DS901 54 no.69-72   A018366 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
964 RAS DS901 54 no.73-76   A018367 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
965 RAS DS901 54 no.78-81   A018368 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
966 RAS DS901 54 no.82-85   A018451 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
967 RAS DS901 54 no.86,88-90   A020291 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
968 RAS DS901 54 no.91-94   A020330 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
969 RAS DS901 54 no.95-98   A020347 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
970 RAS DS901 54 no.99-102   A020505 朝鮮學報, No.1(May 1951)- 천리대학 天理大學 朝鮮學會 1951 46342 KOREAN
971 RAS DS901 159 v.1 pt.1   A008764 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-120 韓國學國際學術會議(1978: 韓國精神文化硏究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
972 RAS DS901 159 v.2 pt.2   A008765 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
973 RAS DS901 159 v.3 pt.3a   A008785 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
974 RAS DS901 159 v.3 pt.3b   A009072 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
975 RAS DS901 159 v.3 pt.3c   A009078 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
976 RAS DS901 159 v.3 pt.3d   A009230 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
977 RAS DS901 159 v.3 pt.3e   A009608 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
978 RAS DS901 159 v.3 pt.3f   A009824 韓國學國際學術會議文集 : 韓國學國際學術會議, 1979. 12. 17-20 韓國學國際學術會議(1979: 韓國精神文化硏 究院) 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
979 RAS DS901 1576     A0010630 韓國學硏究 人名錄 한국정신문화연구원 韓國精神文化硏究院 1979 46342 KOREAN
980 RAS DS901 .T7 Volume 87     Transactions R. A. S. KOREA BRANCH R. A. S. KOREA BRANCH 2012 46342
981 RAS DS901  .H322 No. 20 6/1969 14   Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities   THE KOREAN RESEARCH CENTER 6/1969 46520
982 RAS DS901  .K717  V.29 No. 3 1998     Korea Observer: A quarterly journal Vol. ⅩⅩⅠⅩ No. 3 Autumn 1998 -- The Institute (Academy?) of Korean Studies 1998  
983 RAS DS901  .M412       What's so Good about Korea, Maarten? Meijer,Maarten    2007  
984 RAS DS901 . .K761        Constitution Korean Overseas Information Service Seoul 1980    
985 RAS DS901.2 .B7 Br   4   British Embassy Compound Seoul 1884-1984 Hoare, J.E. Korean-British Society Seoul 1984  
986 RAS DS901.2 .W47   2   Korea and Britain : Selected Essays Chung, Chong-wha : Morris, Warwick (eds) Korea-British Society 1988  
987 RAS DS901.3 .S613 (Korea)       서 울 역 사  박물관  서 울 역 사  박물관  서 울 역 사  박물관  2012 KOREAN
988 RAS DS901.6  .R401       Seoul in Rosetti's Eyes (1902-3) 강홍빈 서울역사박물관 2012  
989 RAS DS901.72 .K545M 1994       Multivision Korea Kim, Byong-kuk Seoul Institute of International Economics 1994  
990 RAS DS901.8 .M3     00021589 City of the Yi, The : a cultural guide to the Seoul region of Korea Mattusch, Harriet Dong-A Publishing Co., Ltd 9999  
991 RAS DS901.8 .Com     00011972 Compact guide to Korea Hollym Corporation Hollym Corporation 1986  
992 RAS DS901.8 .Con     00008327 Construction of Seoul, The Seoul Metropolitan Government Seoul Metropolitan Government    
993 RAS DS901.8 .C57x     00007347 Discovering Seoul Clark, Donald N Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1986  
994 RAS DS901.8 .FacK     00007332 Faces of Korea : a photo study selection Adams, Edward B.  Sham-Bo Press 1969   RARE
995 RAS DS901.8 .Fac     010873 Facts about Korea Kim, H. Edward Hollym Corp 1987  
996 RAS DS901.8 .F6x v.1   00008315 Focus on Korea Korean Overseas Information Service Seoul International Pub. House 1986    
997 RAS DS901.8 .F6x v.2   00008316 Focus on Korea Korean Overseas Information Service Seoul International Pub. House 1986  
998 RAS DS901.8 .F6x v.3   00008317 Focus on Korea Korean Overseas Information Service Seoul International Pub. House 1986   Korean/English Photo book
999 RAS DS901.8 .S455 1999     00036512 Focus on living in Seoul American Chamber of Commerce ( AMCHAM ) in Korea American Chamber of Commerce in Korea 1999  
1000 RAS DS901.8 .K8x     00008030 Korea : site of the '86 Asian Games and '88 Olympics Han, Suzanne Crowder Hollym 1986 46532
1001 RAS DS901.8 .K6     00012617 Korea, 1945-1975 Mah, Hack-cho Asia PR Center 1975 OVERSIZE  
1002 RAS DS901.8 .KorN     00011973 Korea, new pearl of the Orient Korean National Tourism Corporation Korea National Tourism Corporation 1982 46539
1003 RAS DS901.8 .Kort     00008338 Korea, travel manual, 1981-82 Korean National Tourism Corporation Korean National Tourism Corporation   65584
1004 RAS DS901.8 .W39x     00007400 Living in Korea Wickman, Michael The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea 1978 60149
1005 RAS DS901.8 .KimO   1 00007514 Old Hanyang, New Seoul : a Guide to Korea's fastest growing metrpolis Kim, John K Eastern Media 1978 60149
1006 RAS DS901.8 .Pan     00008069 Panmunjom : facts about the Korean DMZ Kirkbride, Wayne A Hollym Co 1985 60149
1007 RAS DS901.8 .Kim     00008019 Seoul : host city of the '88 Olympics Kim, Jong-ki KBS Enterprises 1983 60152
1008 RAS DS901.8 .S4x     00008029 Seoul : host of the '86 Asian Games and '88 Olympics Han, Suzanne Crowder Hollym Cor 1986 60153
1009 RAS DS901.8 .Seo 1983 1983   00008046 Seoul : Metropolitan Administration Seoul Metropolitan Government Seoul Metropolitan Government 1983 46540
1010 RAS DS901.8 .Seo 1982 1982   00008035 Seoul : metropolitan administration, 1982 Seoul Metropolitan Government Seoul Metropolitan Government 1982 60162
1011 RAS DS901.8 .Seou     00008036 Seoul, 1988 Olympic site Adams, Edward B Seoul International Tourist Publishing Company 1984 46548
1012 RAS DS901.8 .SeK     00008040 Seoul, Korea Seoul Metropolitan Government Seoul Metropolitan Government   46550
1013 RAS DS901.8 .Seo K     00008041 Seoul, Korea Seoul Metropolitan Government Seoul Metropolitan Government 1981 46564
1014 RAS DS901.8 .Rucci     00008037 Seoul, shopping guide Rucci, Richard B Seoul International Publishing House 1986 46545
1015 RAS DS901.8 .Kim Se     00007531 Seoul, the phoenix city Kim, Chewon Kodansha International Ltd 1969 46552
1016 RAS DS901.8 .B3x     00008034 South Korea Bartz, Patricia M Oxford University Press 1972 46555 westview press?
1017 RAS DS901.8 .K642       Survival Kit for Overseas Living  Kohls, L. Robert  Intercultural Press  1984 46543
1018 RAS DS901.8  .H23       Inside Seoul: The Honam Oil Guide to Seoul   Benedict Press 1985 46557
1019 RAS DS901.8  .K56       Morning Calm: A photographic journey through the Korean Countryside Kowalczyk,Robert  Dawn Press 1981 46560
1020 RAS DS901.95  .K66   2   Korea (Insight Guides)  Höfer, Hans (Series Editor) APA Publications 1992 46559
1021 RAS DS901.95  .S795       Living in Seoul: An Urban Survival Guide for English Speakers    Seoul Global Center 2008 46563
1022 RAS DS902 .K7  v.29 No.5 MAY. 1990              
1023 RAS DS902 .Eth     00008322 Ethno-sociological reports of three Korean villages Mills, John E United Nations Command Office of the Economic Coordinator for Korea 1958 46558 RARE
1024 RAS DS902 .K675 1970     A0078989 Korea : its people and culture   Hakwon-Sa 1970 46561
1025 RAS DS902 .KorP     00008266 Korea Fantasia McCurdy, John Chang Seoul International Publishing House 1986 OVERSIZE
1026 RAS DS902 .K527 Vol. 16 No 1     Korea Focus     Spring 2008 46547
1027 RAS DS902 .M727       Mt. Kongo, Chosen (Diamond Mountain Korea)       46525 RARE
1028 RAS DS902 .Vil     00007407 New generation of Koreans, A  Villano, Michael M Sejon Co 1975  
1029 RAS DS902 .Ada     00008070 Palaces of Seoul : Yi Dysasty Palaces in Korea's capital city Adams, Edward B Seoul International Publishing House 1972  
1030 RAS DS902 .P47 1998     00019913 Perspectives on Korea Lee, Sang-Oak Wild Peony 1998  
1031 RAS DS902 .Pic     00007462 Pictorial Chosen and Manchuria Bank of Chosen The Bank of Chosen 1919   RARE
1032 RAS DS902 .C57x     00007529 Seoul; past and present: a guide to Yi T'aejŏn's (Daejeon's) capital Clark, Allen D Hollym Corp 1969  
1034 RAS DS902 .Tra     00007845 Transportation of Korea Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Transportation 1957 RARE
1035 RAS DS902 65 1991 1991   A0041345 한국의 서원 최완기 대원사 1991   KOREAN
1036 RAS DS902 .M46   1 00008071 Me>langes de core>anologie ( Mélanges de coréanologie ) Haguenauer, M. Charles Centre d'E>tudes Corée (Coree)nnes 1979 46577
1037 RAS DS902 .A4132     00007520 Korea moves ahead : post-revolutionary progress   Republic of Korea 1962    
1038 RAS DS902  .W75 1994       Korea : Its history and culture Wright, Chris  Korea Overseas Information Service 1994 46566
1039 RAS DS902  .K5253       Korea : More Accurate Facts and Information   Academy of Korean Studies 2007 136350
1040 RAS DS902  .G17       Vanguard : A tale of Korea Gale, James S. Fleming H. Revell Company 1904 (Reprint) 46571
1041 RAS DS902  .K740   v.3 No.2 Korea     亞細亞硏究 Vol. No. 2 Journal of Asiatic Studies 고려대학교 아세아관계연구소 1960 60180
1042 RAS DS902   .K516       Learning to Think Korean : A Guide to Living and Working in Korea Kohls, L. Robert  Intercultural Press  2001 46572
1043 RAS DS902.14  .S84       Beauty of Korea, The Suh, Jae-Sik Hollym - 46575
1044 RAS DS902.18  .V84       Korea : A Sensory Journey Verin, Marc, photos; Mason, David A., Park, Ji Eun, text Woojin 1993 46576
1045 RAS DS902.18  .H36        Korea Geography and Geographers Organizing Committee of the 29th International Geographical Congress Hanul Publishing Company 2000 46825
1046 RAS DS902.2 .L43   2 00007315 Dutch come to Korea, The Ledyard, Gari Taewon / Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1971 48299
1047 RAS DS902.2 .H3 1994   2 001999 Hamel's Journal and a description of the Kingdom of Korea 1653-1666 Hamel, Hendrik The Royal Asiatic Society 1994  
1048 RAS DS902.2 .H3 P5       Travels of Marco Polo / An Account of the Shipwreck of a Dutch Vessel Polo, Marco; Hamel, Hendrik Eul-yoo Publishing 1984  
1049 RAS DS902.2  .H353       Hamel's World: A Dutch-Korean Encounter in the Seventeenth Century Buys, Jean-Paul, Angela Wolswinkel, Arthur Payman, Roald Malingkay, Trans. Sun Publishers, Amsterdam 2003  
1050 RAS DS902.2  .U33        Times Past in Korea Uden, Martin  Routledge 2003  
1051 RAS DS902.2  .C316 2008 Korea       백두산으로 가는 알프레드 에드워드 캐번디시 살림 2008   KOREAN
1052 RAS DS902.3 .M33 1980z   2   Views of the Geography of Korea 1935-1960 McCune, Shannon Korean Research Center 1980?  
1053 RAS DS902.4 .W56       Korea: A walk through the land of miracles Winchester, Simon Prentice Hall 1988    
1054 RAS DS902.4  .P67        Insider's Guide to Korea, The Popham, Peter ; Evrard,Alain  (photos) Seoul International Publishing House  1987 46425  
1055 RAS DS902.4  .K63       Korea Pacific Media, Korea Korean Overseas Information Service 1977    
1056 RAS DS902.4  .M5   3   Some Korean Journeys Middleton,Dorothy H. ; Middleton, Willam D,  Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1975 77804  
1057 RAS DS902.4  .T68 1979       땅콩 (Guide to Korea) Cole, Lani, Editor Peace Corps 1979 Korean
1058 RAS DS902.5 66 1999     A0080405 ( 사진으로 보는 ) 해운대 백년사   해운대구 1999   KOREAN
1059 RAS DS902.5 .K96 1998     00003425 Kyongju : city of millennial history   Hollym 1998   KOREAN
1060 RAS DS903 95 1977 v.1   A015107 文化遺蹟總覽 한국. 문화공보부 文化公報部 文化財管理局 1977   KOREAN
1061 RAS DS903 95 1977 v.2   A015147 文化遺蹟總覽 한국. 문화공보부 文化公報部 文化財管理局 1977   KOREAN
1062 RAS DS903 95 1977 v.3   A015177 文化遺蹟總覽 한국. 문화공보부 文化公報部 文化財管理局 1977   KOREAN
1063 RAS DS903 95 1977 v.4   A015185 文化遺蹟總覽 한국. 문화공보부 文化公報部 文化財管理局 1977   KOREAN
1064 RAS DS903  .K96 1986       慶熙大學校博物館圖錄 -- Kyunghee University Museum 1986   KOREAN
1065 RAS DS903.81  .S840       1901 Photographs of Seoul (English & Korean) Stanko Vraz, Enrique  Seoul Museum of History 2011  
1066 RAS DS904 64 2002     A0093970 ( 한국어 교육을 위한 ) 한국문화론 박영순 한국문화사 2002   KOREAN
1067 RAS DS904 .A25 V.1     Acta Koreana   Academia Koreana, Keimyung University 1998 129823
1068 RAS DS904 .A25 V.2     Acta Koreana   Academia Koreana, Keimyung University 1999 121335
1069 RAS DS904 .P37   1 00007311 Communication styles in two different cultures : Korean and American Park, Myung-seok Han Shin Publishing Co 1979 67223
1070 RAS DS904 .P3     00008325 Crosscurrents, Korean and Western culture in contrast Pares, Susan Seoul International Publishing House 1985 67223
1071 RAS DS904 .K8x     00007337 Culture of Korea, The Korean American Cultural Association, Inc The Korean American Cultural Association, Inc 1945 67223 RARE
1072 RAS DS904 .Lee     00008354 Daily pursuits and timeless values : a woman's view in changing society Lee-Chon, Seunghi Hollym Corp 1978  
1073 RAS DS904 .D58 1999     00006525 Discover Korea : collection of Morning Calm articles an Korea   Korean Air 1999  
1074 RAS DS904 .D57 2011       Discovering Korea at the Start of the Twentieth Century Brother Anthony, Ed. AKS Press 2011 320868
1075 RAS DS904 .F64     00011976 Folk culture in Korea Chun, Sin-Yong International Cultural Foundation 1974 150898
1076 RAS DS904 .Y55   3 007384 Geomantic relationships between culture and nature in Korea Yoon, Hong-Key The Oriental Cultural Service 1976  
1077 RAS DS904 .K5x     00007382 I Married a Korean Kim, Agnes Davis J. Day Co 1953    
1078 RAS DS904 .Int     00007361 Introduction to Cheju, An : Korea's island province Dustin, Frederic H [ ]   46591
1079 RAS DS904 .B57x     00007451 Korea and her neighbors: a narrative of travel, with an account of the recent vicissitudes andpresent position of the country Bird, Isabella L Yonsei University Press 1970 46590
1080 RAS DS904 .YangK     00007515 Korean etiquette Yang, Seung Mok Kei Rim Corporation 1964  
1081 RAS DS904 .C75   2 00007517 Korean patterns Crane, Paul S The Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1978  
1082 RAS DS904 .K     00008300 Korean traditions : as seen through paper windows Joo, Myong-dok Seoul International Tourist Pub. Co 1983 OVERSIZE
1083 RAS DS904 .Rutt   2 00008282 Korean Works and Days Rutt, Richard Taewon Publishing Co/Tuttle 1973  
1084 RAS DS904 .K63 Vol. 22 No 2     KOREANA     Summer 2008  
1085 RAS DS904 .K63 v.1 1994   024675 Koreana : Korean cultural heritage   Korean Foundation 1999  
1086 RAS DS904 .K63 v.2 1994   024645 Koreana : Korean cultural heritage   Korean Foundation 1999  
1087 RAS DS904 .K63 v.3 1997   027415 Koreana : Korean cultural heritage   Korean Foundation 1999  
1088 RAS DS904 .K63 v.4 1998   00002071 Koreana : Korean cultural heritage   Korean Foundation 1999  
1089 RAS DS904 .C735 1982 1982     Korea's cultural roots Covell, Jon Etta Hastings Carter Hollym International Corp 1982  
1090 RAS DS904 .C735 1983 1983   00008271 Korea's cultural roots Covell, Jon Etta Hastings Carter Hollym International Corp 1983 46601
1091 RAS DS904 .C8x     00021833 Looking at each other : 1994 분실도서 : Korean and Western cultures in contrast Current, Marion E Seoul International Pub. House 1987 46213
1092 RAS DS904 .M54 v.1(1972) 1     Minhakhoe (Korea) Minhakhoe (Korea) 1972 46585
1093 RAS DS904 .D43 1998     00019912 NTC's dictionary of Korea's business and cultural code words De Mente, Boye NTC Publishing Group 1998    
1094 RAS DS904 .W27   3 00007447 One man's Korea Wade, James Hollym 1967 79676
1095 RAS DS904 .S74x     00007437 Quality of Mercy, The Steensma, Juliana John Knox Press 1969 79676
1096 RAS DS904 .H3x M     00008027 Relation du naufrage d'un vaisseau hollandais sur la côte de l'île de Quelpaert avec la description du Royaume de Corée ( Coree ) Hamel, Hendrik L'Harmattan 1985 79676
1097 RAS DS904 .S68 Vol 1 1   Sourcebook of Korean Civilization, Vol 1 Lee, Peter H., Ed Columbia University Press 1993  
1098 RAS DS904 .S68 Vol 2 1   Sourcebook of Korean Civilization, Vol 2 Lee, Peter H., Ed Columbia University Press 1993 60122
1099 RAS DS904 .S69       Sources of Korean Tradition Vol One Lee, Peter H. ; de Bary, William Theodore, Eds Columbia University Press 1997  
1100 RAS DS904 .S78 1977 1977   00007484 Studies on Korea in transition Studies on Korea in Transition Conference Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii 1977 60171
1101 RAS DS904 .Sun     00007842 Sun & moon : fairly tales from Korea Seros, Kathleen Hollym International Corp 1982 136353
1102 RAS DS904 .Cho     00007847 Survey of Korean Kites, The Choe, Sang-su Goryo Books Co 1958 46600
1103 RAS DS904 .L38 1994     027411 To dream of pigs : travels in South and North Korea Leatherdale, Clive Desert Island Books 1994 46593
1104 RAS DS904 .T7x     00007494 Traditional culture and society of Korea, The : thought and institutions Kang, Hugh H. W The Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii 1975 46582
1105 RAS DS904 .T73x     00007536 Traditional Korea : theory and practice Nahm, Andrew C Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan Univ 1974 57407
1106 RAS DS904 .U66       Upper-class Culture in Yi-dynasty Korea
International Cultural Foundation 1973  
1107 RAS DS904 29 1998     A0075427 찬란한 문화유산   大韓民國憲政會 1998   KOREAN
1108 RAS DS904 16 1997 v.1     A0065271 한국의 문화유산 정영호 97문화유산의 조직위원회 1997 121266 KOREAN
1109 RAS DS904 165 1997     A0075389 한국의 세계문화유산 97문화유산의 조직위원회 97문화유산의 조직위원회 1997   KOREAN
1110 RAS DS904 52 2002     A0093965 한국의 세계문화유산 : 이상수 사진집 이상수 민속사진출판 2002 46444 KOREAN
1111 RAS DS904 16 1997 v.2     A0065272 한국의 전통예술 심우성 97문화유산의 조직위원회 1997 46581 KOREAN
1112 RAS DS904  .C44973 1 1 00035427 Cultural history of modern Korea, A : a history of Korean civilization Joe, Wanne E., Choi, Hongkyu A. Hollym 2000 98152
1113 RAS DS904  .K5528       Family of Dolls, The Kim, H. Edward Hyung-min Publications 1981 46596
1114 RAS DS904  .H253       Guide to Korean Culture Ha, Tae-hung Yonsei University Press    
1115 RAS DS904  .I57   1   Introducing Korea Hyun, Peter, Ed Jungwoo-sa 1979 121992
1116 RAS DS904  .Y5328 1994       Korea in its Creations Lee, O-young Design House   112752  
1117 RAS DS904  .K62  v.12 No.2 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service SUMMER 1991 150880
1118 RAS DS904  .K62  v.12 No.3 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service FALL 1991 112750
1119 RAS DS904  .K62  v.12 No.4 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service WINTER 1991 112751
1120 RAS DS904  .K62  v.13 No.1 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service SPRING 1992 133778
1121 RAS DS904  .K62  v.13 No.2 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service SUMMER 1992  
1122 RAS DS904  .K62  v.3 No.2 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service JUL. 1982  
1123 RAS DS904  .K62  v.3 No.4 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service DEC. 1982  
1124 RAS DS904  .K62  v.4 No.1 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service MAR. 1983  
1125 RAS DS904  .K62  v.4 No.2 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service  JUN. 1983  
1126 RAS DS904  .K62  v.4 No.3 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service SEP. 1983  
1127 RAS DS904  .K62  v.4 No.4 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service DEC. 1983  
1128 RAS DS904  .K62  v.5 No.1 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service MAR. 1984  
1129 RAS DS904  .K62  v.5 No.2 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service JUN. 1984  
1130 RAS DS904  .K62  v.6 No.1 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service MAR. 1985  
1131 RAS DS904  .K62  v.6 No.2 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service JUN. 1985  
1132 RAS DS904  .K62  v.6 No.3/4 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service SEP, DEC 1985  
1133 RAS DS904  .K62  v.7 No.1 1   Korean Culture (한국문화) Korean Cultural Service Korean Cultural Service MAR. 1986  
1134 RAS DS904  .K555  V. 20     Korean Folklore Pictures, Vol 20 (earthenware & ceramics) Kim, Man-hee ? 1984    
1135 RAS DS904  .K555574       Korean Life : Portayed in Genre Pictures . Trans: Sung, Hye Jean Kim, Man-Hee Hyeonamsa 2002  
1136 RAS DS904  .Y4862       Korean Traditional Culture Lee, Kwang-kyu & Joseph P. Linskey, (Ed) Jimoondang 2003  
1137 RAS DS904  .T2 1904a       Koreans at Home: The Impressions of a Scotswoman Tayler, Constance J. D .  Bibliobazaar 2008  
1138 RAS DS904  .Y47       Korea's Pastimes and Customs Lee, E-Wha Homa & Sekey Books 2006  
1139 RAS DS904  .M54 v.2(1972)     Minhak (Folkism) Minhakhoe (Korea) Minhakhoe (Korea) 1973  
1140 RAS DS904  .K68       Oriental Image    Oriental Image    
1141 RAS DS904  .K68 Special     Oriental Image Special   Oriental Image    
1142 RAS DS904  .K68 Vol. 13     Oriental Image Vol 13   Oriental Image      
1143 RAS DS904  .K68 Vol. 15     Oriental Image Vol 15   Oriental Image      
1144 RAS DS904  .M24   2 00007535 Scrutable Oriental, The MacMahon, Hugh Sejong Corporation 1975  
1145 RAS DS904  .K711       Study of Korean Culture Kim,Hae Ok  동사출판 역락 2005  
1146 RAS DS904  .T73       Traditional Performing Arts of Korea   KNC for UNESCO 1975  
1147 RAS DS904  .C449135       Understanding Koreans and their Culture  Choi, Joon-sik  Her One Media  2007  
1148 RAS DS904  .S3       Undiplomatic Memories Sands,William Franklin Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1975/1990  
1149 RAS DS904  .W28       West Meets East Wade, James  Pomso Publishers 1975  
1150 RAS DS904  .D201       한국 그내면과 외면 (Korea : Inside, Outside) De Fraeye, Mark Haenglim Publishing, Co. 1990   Korean/English
1151 RAS DS904   .C5413   1 00007389 Annual customs of Korea : notes on the rites and ceremonies of the year Choe, Sang-su Hyeob-dong Pub. Co 1960   Korean/English
1152 RAS DS904
.H87        Culture Shock: Korea Hur, Sonja Vegdahl, Ben Seunghwa Hur Times Editions PTE, Ltd., Times Books International, Singapore 1988   Korean/English
1153 RAS DS904.5 .Moe     00007390 Americans, The : a study and research on interracial children in Korea Moen, Sv. J Taewon Publishing Co 1974   Korean/English
1154 RAS DS904.5 .Fee     00007327 Feel of Korea, The : a symposium of American comment Jung, In-hah Hollym Corporation 1966 46619
1155 RAS DS904.5 .Par     00008351 Feelings of a Korean Park, Won Inha University Press 1978  
1156 RAS DS904.5 .KorI     00007516 Korea insights : light of the East Jeon, Kyu-tae Sejong Corporation 1974  
1157 RAS DS904.5 .Kal     00007464 Korean ideas and values Kalton, Michael C Philip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation. Inc 1979  
1158 RAS DS904.52 .O139 2000     00035430 American/Korean contrasts : patterns and expectations in the U.S. and Korea Oak, Susan Hollym 2000  
1159 RAS DS904.52 .P34       Ethnographic Study of Changdeok Palace Park, Hyung-yu Jimoondang 2010    
1160 RAS DS904.52 .K5313 1991       Koreans, The : Their Mind and Behavior Kim Jae-Un, Kim Kyong-dong (trans) Kyobo Book Centre (Korea Research Foundation) 1991   Photography
1161 RAS DS904.7 .K65       48 Keywords that Describe Korea, The Kim, Jin-woo, Lee Nam-hoon Gongto 2006 46579
1162 RAS DS905 .G74 (Korea)       고구려특별대전   한국방송공사 (KBS) 1994 46606 KOREAN
1163 RAS DS905 52 2002   1 A0093980 추사와 그의 시대 정병삼 돌베개 2002 46603 KOREAN
1164 RAS DS905  .H21   4   History of Korea, A Henthorn, William E.  The Free Press 1971 46605
1165 RAS DS905  .S228   1   Koreans to Remember: 50 famous people who helped shape Korea Saccone, Richard  Hollym  1993 46604
1166 RAS DS905  .D272 Korea       동양통신 사보 終刊號 -- 쌍용그룹? 1980 133780 KOREAN
1167 RAS DS905  .D125 Korea       東洋通信社史 -- 동양통신 1982   Korean Studies Series, No. 44
1168 RAS DS905.92 .U6 G85 1993       Guide to Korean Studies in the United States, A 한국학 연구 안내서 Coleman, Craig S. , Ed  The Korea Society 1993    
1169 RAS DS906 .K6 1999     00035428 Korea : a historical and cultural dictionary Pratt, Keith Curzon 1999  
1170 RAS DS906 .Y39x   1   World is One, The : princess Yi Pangja's autobiography Yi Pangja, Kim Sukkyu (trans) Joan Rutt (ed) Taewon Publishing Company 1973 46608
1171 RAS DS906.2 .K62       King Seijong the Great King Seijong Memorial Society King Seijong Memorial Society 1970  
1172 RAS DS907 .Zab     00008313 ( Der ) gelehrte und staatsmann Mogún Yi Saek (1328-1396) : Studien zu seiner biographie Zaborowski, Hans-Jürgen Otto Harrassowitz 1976 150881 GERMAN
1173 RAS DS907 .A52 1955     Handbook of Korea, A  Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea 1955 70260
1174 RAS DS907 .A52 1982       Handbook of Korea, A  Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea      
1175 RAS DS907 .A52 1983       Handbook of Korea, A  Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea    
1176 RAS DS907 .A52 1987       Handbook of Korea, A  Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea    
1177 RAS DS907 .A52 1990       Handbook of Korea, A  Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea      
1178 RAS DS907 .His     00008341 History Korean Overseas Information Service Korean Overseas Information Service 1972  
1179 RAS DS907 .S58   1   History of Korea, The Sohn Pow-key, Kim Chol-choon, Hong Yi-sup Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1970, 1982, 1984  
1180 RAS DS907 .I34x     00008042 Identity of the Korean people. The : a history of legitimacy on the Korean Peninsula Suh, Kuk-sung Research Center for Peace and Unification 1983  
1181 RAS DS907 .I5x     00007426 International Conference on Korean futures Asiatic Research Center Asiatic Research Center, Korea Univ 1975  
1182 RAS DS907 .R8x     00008307 James Scarth Gale and his history of the Korean people Rutt, Richard Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1972  
1183 RAS DS907 .KorH     00008344 Korea, her history and culture Office of Public Information Office of Public Information 1954 133779
1184 RAS DS907 .C62     00007450 Korea: a history Choy, Bong Youn C. E. Tuttle Co 1971  
1185 RAS DS907 .O8x     00008288 Koreans and their Culture, The Osgood, Cornelius Yale University 1951 46631
1186 RAS DS907 .K65 1996     00028712 Korea's amazing century : from kings to satellites Korea Fulbright Foundation The Korea Fulbright Foundation 1996  
1187 RAS DS907 .H6     00018864 Korea's self-identity Hong, Yi-sup Yonsei University Press 1973 46613
1188 RAS DS907 .R4     00018862 Short History of Modern Korea, A Rees, David Ham Publishing Co. Ltd 1988 46615
1189 RAS DS907 298 2002     A0093343 코리아 스케치 국립민속박물관 신유문화사 2002 46616 KOREAN
1190 RAS DS907 166 2001     A0089901 한국의 문화 이미지 국립민속박물관 국립민속박물관 2001 46624 KOREAN
1191 RAS DS907 23 2002     A0093211 한국의 사찰 현판. 1 신대현 혜안 2002 46618 KOREAN
1192 RAS DS907  .H3313

History of Korea, A  Takashi Hatada, (Warren W. Smith and Benjamin H. Hazard, trans) ABC-Clio 1969 46435
1193 RAS DS907  .H299813

History of Korea, The Han, Woo-keun & K.S.Lee  Eul-yoo Publishing 1994 46609
1194 RAS DS907  .K71 (Korea)

고구려 고분백화 고구려특별대전   한국방송공사 (KBS) 1994 46621 KOREAN
1195 RAS DS907   .H841

World Landmark, A: Hwasong Fortress and Festivals -- Division of Culture and Tourism, Suwon City, Korea -- 115441
1196 RAS DS907.01  .S39 (Korea)

서울의 古地圖 (고지도) Historic Maps of Seoul
Samseong Publishing 1989 46610 KOREAN
1197 RAS DS907.16  .Y5313 1984   1   New History of Korea, A Ki-baik Lee; Edward Wagner & Edward J. Shultz (trans) Ilchokak Publishers 1984 46625
1198 RAS DS907.18 .K64 1990     021554 Korea, old and new : a history Eckert, Carter J Published for the Korea Institute, Harvard University by Ilchokak 1990 46622
1199 RAS DS907.18 .N34 1983 1983   00008058 Panorama of 5000 Years, A : Korean history Nahm, Andrew C Hollym International Corp 1983 148873
1200 RAS DS907.18 .S73 1989       Republic of Korea, The : Economic Transformation and Social Change David I. Steinberg Westview Press 1989 143887
1201 RAS DS907.18 .S487 1995

Korea : The search for soverignty Simons, Geoff St. Martin's Press 1995

1202 RAS DS907.18  .S4 2006

Concise History of Korea, A Seth, Michael J.  Rowman&Littlefield 2006 147961
1203 RAS DS907.18  .H63 1988

Korea : An Introduction Hoare, James; Pares, Susan  Kegan Paul International 1988

1204 RAS DS907.18  .M33 1990

Koreans, The: Contemporary Politics and Society Macdonald, Donald Stone  Westview Press 1990

1205 RAS DS907.2 .S2   2   16th Century Sŏwŏn (Seoweon) : The Rise of Private Neo-Confucian Education in Korea Smith, Jr., Warren W.  Kyŏnggi University, Suwŏn, Korea 2003  
1206 RAS DS907.2 65 1999     A0006354 英王· 關聯 遺品 特別展 : 하라 슈오꼬(原秋櫻子)기증 문화재관리국 궁중유물전시관 1999 72897 KOREAN
1207 RAS DS907.72  .C62 M9 (Korea)

정도 육백녁 서울 지도   성신여자대학교 박물줜   46440 KOREAN
1208 RAS DS908 .Korea     00008346 Korea Toppan Press Toppan Press 1951 RARE
1209 RAS DS908 .K6x v.1   00007479 Korean Repository,  The 1892-   The Trilingual Press 1892

1210 RAS DS908 .K6x v.2   00007480 Korean Repository,  The 1892-   The Trilingual Press 1892

1211 RAS DS908 .K6x v.3   00007481 Korean Repository,  The 1892-   The Trilingual Press 1892

1212 RAS DS908 .K6x v.4   00007482 Korean Repository,  The 1892-   The Trilingual Press 1892  
1213 RAS DS908 .K6x v.5   00007483 Korean Repository,  The 1892-   The Trilingual Press 1892  
1214 RAS DS908 .Nah
Nice to be a Korean 한국인은 즐거워 남용우 Lee Woo Press 1978  
1215 RAS DS908  .R42

Bronze Age in Korea, The  Riotto, Maurizio  Kyoto 1989 126384
1216 RAS DS908  .B94  2005

Korea Bug Burgeson, J. Scott  Eunhaeng Namu 2005

1217 RAS DS908  .K730 Korea

방랑시인 김삿갓 김삿갓 고려문학사 1990 46638 KOREAN
1218 RAS DS908  .B94  v.5 2002

외국인(Oegugin) BUG Vol. 5 (2) Burgeson, J. Scott  -- 2001 46345
1219 RAS DS909  .H505 1998

Beyond the Celestial Sinic Sphere : King Kojong and Korea's Pursuit of Modernization  Han, Sukhee  Unpublished 1998 46345
1220 RAS DS909   .K52 (Korea)

왜나라와 백제 김영 열린출판사 2006 46345 KOREAN
1221 RAS DS9099 .K7  V. 2

Korean Review, The  Vol.2 1902
Kyung-In Publising Co. 1902   RARE
1222 RAS DS9099 .K7  V. 3

Korean Review, The Vol.3 1903   Kyung-In Publising Co. 1903
1223 RAS DS9099 .K7  V. 4

Korean Review, The Vol.4 1904   Kyung-In Publising Co. 1904
1224 RAS DS9099 .K7  V. 5

Korean Review, The Vol.5 1905   Kyung-In Publising Co. 1905
1225 RAS DS9099 .K7  V. 6

Korean Review, The Vol.6 1906
Kyung-In Publising Co. 1906
1226 RAS DS9099  .K7  V. 1

Korean Review,  The Vol.1 1901   Kyung-In Publising Co. 1901
1227 RAS DS910 .K5 1993

Korea's Relations with her Neighbors in a Changing World Kim, Hak-joon Hollym 1993  
1228 RAS DS910 .V6x     00007459 Korea : eine sommerreise nach dem lande der Morgenruhe, 1894 Von Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Verlag von Carl Reissner 1904 RARE
1229 RAS DS910 .P9x     00007453 Korea : my country Pyun, Yung Tai International Cultural Association of Korea 1954

1230 RAS DS910 .N4x     00008337 Korea and the Old Orders in Eastern Asia Nelson, Melvin Frederick Louisiana State University Press 1945

1231 RAS DS910  .H3 1966
God, Mammon and the Japanese Harrington, Fred Harvey  University of Wisconsin Press 1966

1232 RAS DS910  .H4

Korea: The Politics of the Vortex Henderson, Gregory  Harvard University Press 1968

1233 RAS DS910.2 .B7 Br
British Embassy Compound, Seoul 1884-1984 Hoare, J.E.  Korean-British Society 1984

1234 RAS DS910.2 .C27

Korea and Britian Today : A developing relationship Chung, Chong-hwa, McCleary, Boyd Korea University 1986

1235 RAS DS910.2 .J3 K66

Korea and Japan in World Politics Chung, Chin-wee ; Ohm, Ky-moon ; Yu, Suk-ryul ; Chang, Dal-joong (Eds) Korean Association of International Relations 1985

1236 RAS DS910.2 .K67x     00007440 Korea-British relations : yesterday, today and tomorrow Chung, Chong-wha The Korean-British Society 1984

1237 RAS DS910.2 .K67x

Korean-British Relations: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Chung, Chong-wha;   Hoare J. E. , Eds 한영협회, 고려대학미문화연구소 1984

1238 RAS DS910.2 .Uni     00007857 United States and Korea, The : American-Korean relations, 1886-1976 Nahm,Andrew C., (ed.) Western Michigan Univ 1979 46795
1239 RAS DS910.2 .J3 F8     00007304 Future of Japan and the Korean Peninsula Fukuda, Tsuneari Hollym International Corp 1978 46656
1240 RAS DS910.2 .U5 박정희     A0013000 朴正熙大統領訪美記 : 友誼 信義 架橋   東亞出版社 1965 60161 KOREAN
1241 RAS DS910.2  .H7

Britain and Korea 1797-1997 Hoare, J.E. British Embassy Korea ?  1997? 46643
1242 RAS DS911 .A5x     00007373 Ancient history of the Korea-Dong-I Race, The : creator of East Asian culture An, Ho-sang Institute of Baedal(Korean) Culture    
1243 RAS DS911 .G3

Early History of Korea, The  Gardiner, K. J. H.  University of Hawaii Press 1969

1244 RAS DS911 .Fol     00007320 Folk treasury of Korea, The : sources in myth, legend and folktale Chang, Duk-soon (ed.)  Society of Korean Oral Literature 1970

1245 RAS DS911 .Ha     00007461 Korea, Forty Three Centries Ha, Tae Hung Yonsei University Press 1962

1246 RAS DS911 .I4x     00007530 Samguk yusa: legends and history of the three kingdoms of ancient Korea Iryo}n ( Iryōn , Iryoon ) Yonsei University Press 1972 46662
1247 RAS DS911 경주     A0015292 慶州ガイド : 新羅の文化精神 アダムスエドワ- B   1986

1248 RAS DS911 76     A0015293 慶州古蹟圖彙   朝鮮總督府 古蹟調査委員會 1940 46665 KOREAN
1249 RAS DS911 삼국 v.1 pt.5   A015385 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931 60150 KOREAN
1250 RAS DS911 삼국 v.20 pt.9 1 A015386 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931 46668 KOREAN
1251 RAS DS911 삼국 v.20, pt.6   A015388 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931
1252 RAS DS911 삼국 v.30 pt.1   A015382 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931
1253 RAS DS911 삼국 v.32 pt.7   A015387 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931 46674 KOREAN
1254 RAS DS911 삼국 v.38 pt.44   A015383 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931 46677 KOREAN
1255 RAS DS911 삼국 v.45 pt.50   A015384 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931 60179 KOREAN
1256 RAS DS911 삼국 v.6   A015380 三國史記 金富軾 古典刊行會 1931 46683 KOREAN
1257 RAS DS911 일연 v.1-2   A0015377 三國遺事 一然 古典刊行會 1932 48333 KOREAN
1258 RAS DS911.76 .H65 1988 1988   00021558 Relationship between Korea and Japan in early period : Paekche and Yamato Wa Hong, Wontack ILSIMSA 1988 65650
1259 RAS DS911.76 74 v.1-2, 6-7   A020527 백제연구   충남대학교 박물관   65650 KOREAN
1260 RAS DS912.35 .S54 2000     00036514 Generals and scholars : military rule in medieval Korea Shultz, Edward J University of Hawai'i Press 2000 65650
1261 RAS DS912.38 32 1994     A012986 麗末忠義 고려숭의회 高麗崇義會出版部 1994 65650 KOREAN
1262 RAS DS913 .U5x     00008302 Fifteen years among the top-knots, or, life in Korea Underwood, L. H American Tract Society 1904 65650 RARE
1263 RAS DS913 .D3x v.1   00007377 Historie de L'Eglise de Corée (Coree) Dallet, Par Charles Librairie Victor Palmé ( Palme ) 1874 65650
1264 RAS DS913 .D3x v.2   00007376 Historie de L'Eglise de Corée (Coree) Dallet, Par Charles Librairie Victor Palmé ( Palme ) 1874 65650
1265 RAS DS913 .I45     00014053 Imjin Changch'o : admiral Yi Sun-sin's memorials to court Ha, Tae-hung Yonsei University Press 1981 65650
1266 RAS DS913 .Haz     00007357 Japanese marauding in medieval Korea : the Wako impact on late Koryo Hazard, Jr., Benjamin Harrison University Microfilms International 1968 46688
1267 RAS DS913 .U5     00014058 Korean boats and ships Underwood, Horace H Yonsei University Press 1979 46688
1268 RAS DS913 .McG     00007506 Korea's tragic hours : the closing years of the Yi Dynasty McGrane, George A Taewon Publishing Co 1973 59040
1269 RAS DS913 .Y39x     00007396 Nanjung Ilgi : war diary of admiral Yi Sun-sin Yi, Sun-sin Yonsei University Press 1977 76419
1270 RAS DS913.19 75 1908     A0078988 朝五百年史   [발행자불명] 1908 46715 KOREAN
1271 RAS DS913.2 .F76 1999     A0091617 포르투갈 신부가 임진왜란 초기의 한국 : 일본사 16세기 한국에 관한 최초의 세부적인 기술(記述) Frois, S.J.P. Luis 주한 포르투갈 문화원 1999 46694 KOREAN
1272 RAS DS913.2  .H3 1983
Behind the Scenes of Royal Palaces in Korea Ha Tae-hung Yonsei University Press 1985 46694
1273 RAS DS913.26 66     A048168 朝鮮賦 윤호진 까치 1995 46703 KOREAN
1274 RAS DS913.27 .D48 1992     006485 Confucian transformation of Korea, The : a study of society and ideology Deuchler, Martina Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University 1992 46697
1275 RAS DS913.392 .H94A3 1996       Memoirs of Lady Hyegyŏng, The  Hyegyŏnggung Hong . JaHyun Kim Haboush (trans) University of California Press 1996 46710
1276 RAS DS913.392 .S44 K56 (Korea)

세종대왕 15세기 한국 (King Sejong the Great: The Light of 15th Century Korea) 김영 신구문화사 1998 46705 KOREAN
1277 RAS DS913.392  .Y86 H33

Confucian Kingship in Korea, The JaHyun Kim Haboush Columbia 1988 46717
1278 RAS DS913.4  .Y8513 Korea Research Monograph 28 1
Book of Corrections, The Yu Sŏngnyong, Choi Byonghyon (trans). Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley Center for Korean Studies 2002 46692
1279 RAS DS913.4  .F76 2008 Korea

임진난의 기록 루이스 프로이스 살림 2008 46692 KOREAN
1280 RAS DS913.45
.Y56 P37 1978   1   Admiral Yi Sun-shin and his Turtleboat Armada Park Yun-hee Hanjin 1978 124678
1281 RAS DS915 .D48 1976 1976 1 00008049 Confucian gentleman and barbarian envoys : the opening of Korea, 1875-1885 / Martina Deuchler Deuchler, Martina University of Washington press 1977

1282 RAS DS915 .K55x     00007455 Korea and the politics of imperialism, 1876-1910 Kim, C. I. Eugene University of California Press 1967 84694
1283 RAS DS915 .G34x     00008289 Korean sketches Gale, James Scarth F. H. Revell company 1898 75665
1284 RAS DS915 .C63
Korea's 1884 Incident Cook, Harold F Royal Asiatic Society 1972  
1285 RAS DS915 .H82 1978   1   Korean Reform Movement of the 1880s, The  : A Study of Transition in Intra-Asian Relations Hwang, In K.  Schenkman Publishing Company 1978
1286 RAS DS915 .Wom     00007469 Women of the Yi Dynasty Research Center for Asian Women Research Center for Asian Women, Sookmyung Women's University, 1986 1986

1287 RAS DS915 .M5 F56

Min Yŏng-Hwan ( Yong-Hwan ) : A political biography Finch, Michael University of Hawaii Press 2002

1288 RAS DS915  .Y306

Earlier Canadian Missionaries in Korea: A Study in History 1888-1895 Yoo, Young Sik   The Society for Korean and Related Studies 1987

1289 RAS DS915  .C463 

Rule of the Taewŏn'gun, The  1864-1873: Restoration in Yu Korea Choe, Ching Young Harvard University Press 1972  
1290 RAS DS915  .P94 Korea

포르투갈-국가, 역사, 문화 임진왜란에 참전한 포르투갈인들 완선애, 인은숙 번역 포르투갈의 신대륙발견 기념위원회 마카오지부 1998 46718 OVERSIZE
1291 RAS DS915.15  .O73 

Archives Francais Relatives a La Coree Orange, Marc Collége de France Centre D'Études Coreénnes 1987 59549
1292 RAS DS915.19  .H21

Intellectual and Modernization, The  Hong, Sung Chick  Social Research Institute, Korea University 1967 46721
1293 RAS DS915.25

세밀한 일러스트와 희귀 사진으로 근대 조선 : Korea illustrated by British Weeklies 1858-1911   살림 2008   OVERSIZE
1294 RAS DS915.26 .R4713 2001     00036517 Spirit of Independence, The : a primer of Korean modernization and reform Rhee, Syngman University of Hawaii Press 2001  
1295 RAS DS915.27 .F57 1982

First encounters, Korea  1880-1910 Underwood, Peter A.;  Moffett Samuel H.;  Sibley Norman R. , Eds. Dragon's Eye Graphics 1982 OVERSIZE
1296 RAS DS915.27 .C555 2008 Korea

서양인의 조선살이 정성화, 로버트 네프 푸른역사 2008 46724 KOREAN
1297 RAS DS915.35 .C43    1   Imperialism, Resistance and Reform in Late Nineteenth Century Korea: Enlightenment and the Korea Club Chandra, Vipan  Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley Center for Korean Studies 1988

1298 RAS DS915.37 .L43 1988 1988   00021556 West goes East : Paul Georg von Mllendorff ( Moellendorff) and great power imperialism in late Yi Korea Lee, Yur-Bok University of Hawaii Press 1988

1299 RAS DS915.37 .L46 L46 v.1 1 00021552 Balance of intrigue : international rivalry in Korea & Manchuria, 1884-1899 Lensen, George Alexander University Presses of Florida 1982

1300 RAS DS915.37 .L46 L46 v.2 1 00021553 Balance of intrigue : international rivalry in Korea & Manchuria, 1884-1899 Lensen, George Alexander University Presses of Florida 1982

1301 RAS DS916 .Cho     00008330 Can aggression be justified and imperialsm relationalized by realiam? Areview of hilary conroy's, the Japanese seizure of Korea, 1868-1910 Chon, Dong The Korean Research Center 1961 RARE
1302 RAS DS916 .C48x     00007452 Korea : the Third Republic Chung, Kyung Cho The Macmillan Company 1971 147716
1303 RAS DS916 .KorN     00007425 Korea under Japanese colonial rule : studies of the policy and techiques of Japanese colonialiam Nahm, Andrew C The Center for Korean studies, Western Michigan Univ 1973

1304 RAS DS916 .KorK     00007415 Korea's response to Japan : the Colonial Period 1910-1945 Kim, C.I. Eugene The Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan Univ 1977

1305 RAS DS916 .McC     00007410 Mansei Movement, The : March 1, 1919 McCune, Shannon The Center for Korean Studies University of Hawaii 1976  
1306 RAS DS916 .I7x     00007405 New Korea, The Ireland, Alleyne E. P. Dutton & company 1926 RARE
1307 RAS DS916 .P37x     00007444 New Spirit Movement, The Park, Keun Hae The Naeway Business Journal and Korea Herald Inc 1979 42853
1308 RAS DS916 . .I716 2008 Korea

일본의 한국통치에 관한 세밀한 보고서 얼레인 아일런드 살림 2008 42853 KOREAN
1309 RAS DS916.26 .O45 2002   1 00036515 How long, oh Lord? : stories of twentieth century Korea Ogle, George E University Press of America 2002 46731
1310 RAS DS916.27  .J345

Narratives of Nation-Building in Korea: A genealogy of patriotism Jager   2003 46274
1311 RAS DS916.37 .U5

Counter Anti-Americanism in Korea Kim, Byong-kuk Seoul Institute of International Economics 1996  
1312 RAS DS916.5 .Y86x v.2   00007500 Yun Chi-ho's diary, 1890-92 National History Compliation Committee National History Compilation committee 1974 46729
1313 RAS DS916.5 .Y86x v.3   00007502 Yun Chi-ho's diary, 1890-92 National History Compliation Committee National History Compilation committee 1974 46736
1314 RAS DS916.5 .Y86x v.4   00007503 Yun Chi-ho's diary, 1890-92 National History Compliation Committee National History Compilation committee 1974 46735
1315 RAS DS916.5 .Y86x v.5   00007501 Yun Chi-ho's diary, 1890-92 National History Compliation Committee National History Compilation committee 1974 46737
1316 RAS DS916.5 .R5 K6x     00007454 Korea Flaming High   Office of Public Information Republic of Korea 1954 RARE
1317 RAS DS916.54 .H33 2001       Under the Black Umbrella: Voices from Colonial Korea 1910-1945 Kang, Hildi  Cornell University Press 2001 46738
1318 RAS DS916.54  .C65

Colonial Modernity in Korea Gi-wook Shin and Michael Robinson, Eds Harvard University Press 1999

1319 RAS DS916.55 .C553
Living Dangerously in Korea Clark, Donald N EastBridge 2003 147715
1320 RAS DS916.55 .S55 1996

Peasant Protest and Social Change in Colonial Korea Shin, Gi-wook University of Washington press 1996  
1321 RAS DS916.55  .K8 1985
Korea under colonialism : the March First movement and Anglo-Japanese relations Ku Dae-yeol   1985

1322 RAS DS916.6 .C6       유기천: 자유와 정의 지성 최종고 한들출판사 2007 46742
1323 RAS DS916.6  .K675 Vol 1, Number 2, December 2011

Korea Review International Policy Studies Institute   2011 46742
1324 RAS DS916.6  .K675 Vol 2, Number 1, May 2012

Korea Review International Policy Studies Institute   2012 46742
1325 RAS DS916.7 .K67 2006

Korea Witness: 135 Years of War, Crisis and News in the Land of the Morning Calm Donald Kirk, Choe Sang Hun (eds) EunHaeng Namu 2006 46742
1326 RAS DS917 .Int     00008310 International peace and inter-system relations in divided countries Kim, Se-jin Research Center for Peace and Unification 1977 46740
1327 RAS DS917 .Sae     00007534 Saemaul Undong : new community movement Korean Overseas Information Service Korean Overseas Informantion Service 1973  
1328 RAS DS917 한국혁 v.3     韓國革命裁判史 韓國革命裁判史編纂委員會 韓國革命裁判史編纂委員會   KOREAN RARE
1329 RAS DS917 한국혁 v.4     韓國革命裁判史 韓國革命裁判史編纂委員會 韓國革命裁判史編纂委員會   KOREAN RARE
1330 RAS DS917 한국혁 v.5   A0015295 韓國革命裁判史 韓國革命裁判史編纂委員會 韓國革命裁判史編纂委員會 1962 KOREAN RARE
1331 RAS DS917  .K5532

Divided Korea Kim, Joungwon  Hollym 1997

1332 RAS DS917  .Y276
Yanghwajin Seoul Foreigners' Cemetery, Korea: An informal history 1890-1984 Clark, Donald N.  (ed.) Yongsan RSOK Library 1984  
1333 RAS DS917
.C86 2005       Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History Cumings, Bruce  W.W. Norton and Company 1997

1334 RAS DS917.25 .H85     00007406 Neutralized Unification of Korea in Perspective, The Hwang, In K Schenkman Pub. Co 1980

1335 RAS DS917.25  .Y493

Security and Unification of Korea Rhee, Sang-woo Sogang University 1984

1336 RAS DS917.25  .K576

Toward a Unified Korea  Kim, Young Jeh   Research Center for Peace and Reunification of Korea 1987 46743
1337 RAS DS917.27 64 1999     A0086037 추억의 세계에서 꿈의 세계로 : 20세기 문명의 회고와 전망 국립민속박물관 국립민속박물관 1999 KOREAN
1338 RAS DS917.27  .C85

Cultural Life in Korea: Scenes from Everyday Life (with CD) Park, Myung-Hee, et. Al Kyonmunsa 2005 46746
1339 RAS DS917.28  .L692

Japan and Korean Unification Lee, Young-Sun & Masao Okonogi Yonsei University Press 1999 46746
1340 RAS DS917.43 .S96 1993     006531 Swiss delegation to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission in Panmunjom, The, 1953-1993 Kyung Hee University. Center for Asia-Facific Studies Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Kyung Hee University 1993 46746
1341 RAS DS917.444  .K719

Korea: People, country and culture Howard, Keith (Ed) University of London 1996

1342 RAS DS917.444  .K68

Korean Unification Jordan, Amos E. , Ed Center for Strategic and International Studies 1993

1343 RAS DS917.55  .C85 Vol. 1

Origins of the Korean War Volume 1 Cumings, Bruce Princeton    
1344 RAS DS917.55  .C85  Vol. 2

Origins of the Korean War Volume 2 Cumings, Bruce Princeton 1990 60172
1345 RAS DS917.55   .C85

Origins of the Korean War Cumings, Bruce Princeton 1981

1346 RAS DS917.7 .B74 1998     35422 Koreans, The : who they are, what they want, where their future lies Breen, Michael Orion Business 1998

1347 RAS DS918 .H34 1987       Korean War, The  Hastings, Max  Simon and Schuster 1987 136425
1348 RAS DS918 .S7     00019036 Staff ride read ahead packet battle of Chipyong-Ni, 13-15 February, 1951 USFK/EUSA History Office USFK/EUSA History Office 1951 RARE
1349 RAS DS918 .F37       This Kind of War Fehrenbach, T. R.  Macmillan Company 1963

1350 RAS DS918 .L142       Where There Is No Path: Lee Tai-young, her story Strawn, Sonia Reid  Korean Legal Aid Center for Family Relations 1988 75371
1351 RAS DS918 .A553 M55 2002       Their War for Korea Millett, Allan R.  BRassey's Incorporated 2002

1352 RAS DS918 .K8 K5x     00007477 Korean War, The Kim, Chum-kon Kwangmyong Pub Co 1973

1353 RAS DS918 .U5 K8x     00008293 Korean unification : source materials with an introduction Kim, Se-jin Research Center for Peace and Unification 1976

1354 RAS DS918 .C15

Seoul in the Era of Turbulence: from liberation through the April 19th revolution / 격동의 시대 서울 8.15 해방에서 4.19 학명까지   서 울박물관 2012

1355 RAS DS918 .C10 (Korea)

체코슬로바키아 중립국감독위원단이온 전전후 과북 / The Korean Peninsula After the Armistice : as seen by Czechoslovak delegates to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission 1952~1956 서 울 역 사  박물관  서 울 역 사  박물관  2013

1356 RAS DS918  .G69 1982

Korea: The Untold Story of the Korean War Goulden, Joseph C.  Times Books 1982 133538
1357 RAS DS918.15  .C46

Indelible Image, The  지울 없는 이미지 Park Do, Ed,  박도, 옊음 눈빛 2004  
1358 RAS DS919 .N6 1975 1975 1 00007317 Embassy at war Noble, Harold Joyce University of Washington Press 1975 46751
1359 RAS DS919 .O4x     00007836 Syngman Rhee and American involvement in Korea, 1942-1960 : a personal narrative Oliver, Robert T Panmun Book Co. LTD 1978  
1360 RAS DS919.3 .F2 1990  Vol. 2     Official History The British Part in the Korean War, Vol. II: An Honourable Discharge Farrar-Hockley, Anthony  HMSO 1995  
1361 RAS DS919.3  .F2 1990  Vol. 1     Official History The British Part in the Korean War, Vol. I: A Distant Obligation  Farrar-Hockley, Anthony  HMSO 1995  
1362 RAS DS920 .DanI
In the Shadow of the Mountain Daniels, Michael J. Moonhwa Publishing 1977 46747
1363 RAS DS920  .E14 .I27

Out in the Cold: Australia's Involvement in the Korean War Evans, Ben  Department of Veterans Affairs, Australia   46753
1364 RAS DS920.6 .Six     00008050 6 Insides from the Korean War Dae-Dong Moon Hwa Sa Dae-Dong Moon Hwa Sa 1958
Korean/English Photo book
1365 RAS DS920.6 .Kir     00008349 DMZ : a story of the Panmunjom Axe Murder Kirkbride, Wayne A Hollym International Corp 1984
Korean/English Photo book
1366 RAS DS920.6 .Kor     00007414 Korea's quest for peaceful unification : its history and prospects for the future   Research Center for Peace and Unification 1978

1367 RAS DS920.6 .Sel     00011975 Selected English essays of Sanguine You : with reference to international peace and intersystem relations individed countries, Christian messages and missions, and Han, Yung-chul Myong Ji University Press 1984

1368 RAS DS920.8  .N6413 2009

No Gun Ri Incident Victim Review Report Committee for the Review and Restoration of Honor for the No Gun Ri Victims Committee for the Review and Restoration of Honor for the No Gun Ri Victims 2009 60120
1369 RAS DS921  .C37

Remembered Prisoners of a Forgotten War Cawlson, Lewis H.  St. Martin's Griffin 2002 46754
1370 RAS DS921.6 .A16 2010 Korea

6•25 이하우, 최명 공편 까치 2010 KOREAN
1371 RAS DS921.6 .M35 1993     023920 From the Hudson to the Yalu : West Point '49 in the Korean War Maihafer, Harry J Texas A&M University Press 1993  
1372 RAS DS921.6  .G73

I Remember Korea Granfield, Linda  Clarion  2003

1373 RAS DS921.6   .R37

Come Along and See Rasmussen, Jr., Dan Pentland Press 2001

1374 RAS DS922 .P294 1970     006403 Country, the revolution, and I, The Park, Chung Hee Hollym Corp 1970 46759
1375 RAS DS922 .K2713

Letters from South Korea T. K., Edited by Sekai Iwanami Shoten 1976 46756
1376 RAS DS922 .P29613 1970     006404 Our nation's path: ideology of social reconstruction Park, Chung Hee Hollym Corp 1970 46757
1377 RAS DS922 .P2957     00007491 To build a nation Park, Chung Hee Acropolis Books 1971 46758
1378 RAS DS922  .N27

Life Story of President Kim Young-Sam, A  Nam, Hong-chin   1993

1379 RAS DS922  .P2958

Rebuilding a Nation Park, Chung Hee -- 1971

1380 RAS DS922.0  .G76 (Korea)

거제도포로수용사   거제시 2000 KOREAN
1381 RAS DS922.2  .G53

Korea's Quiet Revolution Gibney, Frank  Walker 1992 75676
1382 RAS DS922.2  .B97

서양인이 꼬리아 영숙 도서출판 남보사연 1998 KOREAN
1383 RAS DS922.25 .S68 1995     00029546 South Korea's minjung movement : the culture and politics of dissidence Wells, Kenneth M University of Hawaii Press 1995 75293
1384 RAS DS922.25  .K67 1993

Korea Under Roh Tae-Woo: Democratisation, Northern Policy, and Inter-Korean Relations Cotton, James Allen & Unwin 1993

1385 RAS DS922.27

Let's Visit South Korea Shepheard, Patricia Macmillan 1988 75294
1386 RAS DS922.27  .A32 1985
Korea Guide: A Glimpse of Korea's Cultural Legacy Adams, Edward B.  Seoul International Publishing House  1985 46447
1387 RAS DS922.35 .P3     00007429 Korea reborn : a model for development Park, Chung Hee Prentice-Hall 1979

1388 RAS DS922.42 .Y5613 A3 1997     00036131 My love, my country Lee, Hee-ho Center for Multiethnic and Transnational Studies, University of Southern California 1997

1389 RAS DS922.445 .K86 2000     00019914 Kwangju uprising, The  : eyewitness press accounts of Korea's Tiananmen Scott-Stokes, Henry M.E. Sharpe 2000

1390 RAS DS922.445 .L48 2002     00036516 Laying claim to the memory of May : a look back at the 1980 Kwangju uprising Lewis, Linda Sue University of Hawaii Press 2002

1391 RAS DS922.455 .L44

Kwangju Diary Lee, Jae-eui University of California, Los Angeles 1999
Korea Photography
1392 RAS DS922.46  .K67  1994-96 1
Korea Briefing 1994-96: Toward reunification McCann, David R. (Ed) M.E.Sharpe/Asia Society 1999  
1393 RAS DS922.46 .  .K67  1997-99

Korea Briefing 1997-99: Challenges and change at the turn of the century Oh, Kongdan (Ed) M.E.Sharpe/Asia Society 2000 130541
1394 RAS DS922.4635 .K526 1998
Golden Torch of Korea, The Kim, Byeong-kuk Seoul Institute of International Economics 1998

1395 RAS DS922.4635  .K527

Hilltop at Dawn and Sunset Korea Kim, Byong-kuk Seoul Institute of International Economics  2000

1396 RAS DS922.945 .k87

Kwangju in the Eyes of the World Journalists Association of Korea Moo-deung Ilbo 1997

1397 RAS DS923.23 .H77 (Germany)

Korea Kulturmagazin   Institut für Koreanische Kulture 1986

1398 RAS DS924 .N11

Geography of Dokdo, The National Geographic Information Institute National Geographic Information Institute 2013 60121
1399 RAS DS924 .S34

More than Witnesses Stentzel, Jim, Ed. Korea Democracy Foundation 2006 146140
1400 RAS DS924  .S25

At the Court of Korea : Undiplomatic Memoirs Sands, William Franklin  Century 1987 136352
1401 RAS DS924  .D831 

Coree aux Cent Visages (100 Faces of Korea) Dargnies, Gilles Self-published? 1985 147711
1402 RAS DS924  .D171 1993

Dokdo Story in the East Sea of Korea, The  Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongsangbuk-do Undated

1403 RAS DS924  .U207

Korean Studies in Europe -- Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1998

1404 RAS DS924  .U253

Philosophy, culture and education: Asian societies in transition  Edited by Philip Cam, In-suk Cha etc Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1999

1405 RAS DS924  .S700

Tourist Information Seoul Korea N/A 서울특별시 1995

1406 RAS DS924  .S715

Visitors Guide Seoul N/A 서울특별시 1999

1407 RAS DS924  .M327 Korea

산악인의가이드 전국등산안내 -- 은광사 1984 Heft 1,German KOREAN
1408 RAS DS924  .A217 (Korea)

안동의 문화재 서수용 영남사 1996 KOREAN
1409 RAS DS924  .K327 Korea 

鬰陵島 金元 국립박물관고적조사보고 4 1963 KOREAN
1410 RAS DS924  .K72

창신동 공간과 일상  강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2011 KOREAN
1411 RAS DS924  .H277

한국인의 참모습 -- 한국관광공사 1991 KOREAN
1412 RAS DS924.4 .C475

Cultural Properties of the Republic of Korea Office of Cultural Properties Ministry of Culture  1990

1413 RAS DS924.6 .H41       Korean Cultural Roots:  Religious and Social Thoughts Ho-Youn Kwon (ed) North Park College and Theological Seminary   Comic book
1414 RAS DS924.67 .J7       Guide To Korean Buddhist Temples   The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism 1995

1415 RAS DS924.7 .Q2       영국과 한국 1999 State Visit of Majesty Queen Elizabeth to Korea, The  Keith Howard 영국 외무부, 주한 영국 대사관  1999

1416 RAS DS925 .S48 .Y2

Changdeokgung (Palace) Yoon Jung-soon Sung Min Publishing House 2000

1417 RAS DS925 .S4 C572

Chongmyo Shrine   Youl Hwa Dang Publishing Co. 1986

1418 RAS DS925 .S4 C572 Korea

Chongmyo Shrine   Youl Hwa Dang Publishing Co. 1986 KOREAN
1419 RAS DS925 .S4 H36 1986 Korea

Han-gang River -- Seoul Metropolitan Government 1986

1420 RAS DS925 .S44 H65 1993

Introducing Seoul text by Holstein, John  ; photography by Yoon, Myung-sook. Hollym 1993

1421 RAS DS925 .K93 A33

Korea's Golden Age: Cultural Spirit of Shilla in Kyongju Adams, Edward B.  Seoul International Publishing House 1991

1422 RAS DS925 .DanM

Korea's Thirty Years of Growth and Change Daniels, Michael J. Myunghwa Press 1987

1423 RAS DS925 .K9 A3

Kyongju Guide Adams, Edward B. Adams Self-published 1979  
1424 RAS DS925 .S365 B87

Letter from a Korean Village, A  Burns, WJ ; Kim,David  Hanji-munhwa-sa Publishing Company 1987  
1425 RAS DS925 .S43 S46
Lonely Planet Seoul Storey, Robert  Lonely Planet Publications 1999  
1426 RAS DS925 .S14

Scenery of Korea   Universal Seoul 환구문화 1961

1427 RAS DS925 .S4 C58

Seoul Past and Present Clark, Allen D., Clark Donald N. Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch / Hollym 1969
Korean Ancient Palaces 5
1428 RAS DS925 .S59

Seoul Visitor's Guide Seoul Tourism Organization Seoul Tourism Organization 20??
(Korean) Korean Ancient Palaces 5 
1429 RAS DS925 .C485

Seoul:  Cheonggyechon is Flowing   Seoul Metropolitan Government 2005

1430 RAS DS925 .S44 C44

Soul in Seoul: A Cultural Journey Choi Joon-sik 동아시아  

1431 RAS DS925 .S4 A64 Vol II 3
Through Gates of Seoul: Trails and Tales of Yi Dynasty  Adams, Edward B. Sahm-bo Publishing 1970

1432 RAS DS925 .S4 A64 Vol II 1
Through Gates of Seoul: Trails and Tales of Yi Dynasty  Adams, Edward B. Sahm-bo Publishing 1970

1433 RAS DS925 .S12 

서울, 도성을 품다 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2012 KOREAN
1434 RAS DS925 .P8 H5 1993 1993   00023081 History and Culture of Pusan, The  City of Pusan, The  The City of Pusan 1993

1435 RAS DS925 .S4 54 1937     A0078990 京城府史, 第二卷   朝鮮印刷株式會社 1937 RARE RARE
1436 RAS DS925 .S4 658     A042340 서울, 새로운 탄생전, 1394-1994 서울특별시 서울특별시, 1994 1994 KOREAN
1437 RAS DS925  .G728

Images of Seoul Grove, Linda 단이슬 1994?

1438 RAS DS925  .G31

Moods and Views Grove, Linda, Namgung, Sunok, Hahn, Youngkyung Danisil 1997 OVERSIZE
1439 RAS DS925  .U201

Science and Human Values in Asia Today Cam, Philip ; Tamthai, Mark ; Tachikawa. Akira  (Eds) Korean National Commission For UNESCO., Seoul, Korea 2001

1440 RAS DS925  .S74

Seoul City Guide Kang, Hong-bin; Cho, Gap-je; Ahn, Sang-soo Ahn Graphics and Book Publishers ?

1441 RAS DS925  .K23

아동광장 발굴조사 보고서 도성발굴의 기록1 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2011 KOREAN
1442 RAS DS925  .M67 Korea    
한국의 지역축제 (Local  Festivals of Korea) -- 문화체육부   KOREAN
1443 RAS DS932 .H353 1996    
Handbook on North Korea, A N/A Naewoe Press 1998 77233
1444 RAS DS932 .Nah     00008068 North Korea : her past, reality, and impression Nahm, Andrew C The Center for Korean Studies, Western Michigan Univ 1978  
1445 RAS DS932  .I4    
Impressions of Korea -- Pyongyang Foreign Languages Publishing House. D, P, R, K. 1960

1446 RAS DS932.4 .H97   1
Darkness at Dawn Hyun, Peter Hanjin 1981
1447 RAS DS933 .H24    
North Korea in the 21st Century Hoare, J.E., Pares, Susan Global Oriental 2005

1448 RAS DS934.6 .K5S45   1
Kim Il-song 1941-1948 : the creation of a legend, the building of a regime Seiler, Sydney A University Press of America 1994

1449 RAS DS934.6 .K6 B339 1973     00001480 Kim Il Sung : biography [II] Baik, Bong Dar Al-Talia 1973

1450 RAS DS934.6  .K5 S84 1989   1
Kim Il Sung: The North Korean Leader Suh, Dae-Sook  Columbia University Press 1988

1451 RAS DS935 .Pol     00008024 Politics of North Korea, The Park, Jae Kyu The Institute for far Eastern Studies 1979

1452 RAS DS935 .L36    
Crisis in North Korea : The failure of de-Stalinization, 1956 Lankov, Andrei University of Hawaii Press 2004

1453 RAS DS935.31 .K5 1994     023593 North Korea's undeclared war : 1953- Kirkbride, Wayne A Hollym 1994

1454 RAS DS935.5  .S44    
Kim Jong-Il and Cinema Politica Shin, Il-chul My Friend Publisher 2002 46761
1455 RAS DS935.55 .A76    
North Korean Revolution, The 1945-1950 Armstrong, Charles K. Cornell University 2002

1456 RAS DS935.65 .N67 1986    
North Korea in a Regional and Global Context Scalapino, Robert A.;  Lee, Hongko, Editors Univ of California, Berkeley, Inst of East Asian Studies 1986

1457 RAS DS935.65  .D69    
Over the Line: North Korea's negotiating strategy Downs, Chuck  American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1999

1458 RAS DT650 .B36 T87 1987 1987   00022948 Forest People, The Turnbull, Colin M Simon & Schuster 1968

1459 RAS DT69  .A791 (Korea)    
고대 이집트 문명 (Splendours of Ancient Egypt)
Editions API, Ltd./Asia Gate  1997 KOREAN
1460 RAS DU485
.A44 German        Korea Anders, Conrad  Prestel-Verlag München 1988

1461 RAS DU624.6 .K67 .P37       Korean Frontier in America, The Patterson, Wayne University of Hawaii Press 1988

1462 RAS DU624.6 .K67 C47    
Koreans in Hawai'i A Pictorial History 1903-2003, The / 하와이 한인들: 사전으로 보는 미주 한인 100년사 1903-2003 Chang, Roberta & Wayne Patterson University of Hawaii Press 2008 46762
1463 RAS DU624.7 .K67 K56 1987 1987   00018867 Writings of Henry Cu Kim , The : autobiography with commentaries on Syngman Rhee, Pak Yong-man, and Cho}ngSun-man Kim, Henry Cu University of Hawaii Press 1987

1464 RAS E11 .J6 1958   012474 Journal of the American Oriental Society, 18 - American Oriental Society American Oriental Society 1843 76010
1465 RAS E11 .J6 1959-1962   012475 Journal of the American Oriental Society, 18 - American Oriental Society American Oriental Society 1843

1466 RAS E11 .J6 1963-1965   012476 Journal of the American Oriental Society, 18 - American Oriental Society American Oriental Society 1843

1467 RAS E183.8 .K7 A38 1982    
After One Hundred Years:  Continuity and Change in Korea-American Relations Han, Sung-joo, Ed. Asiatic Research Center, Korea University 1982

1468 RAS E183.8 .K6 C44 1990    
Diplomacy of Asymmetry: Korean-American Relations to 1910 Chay, Jongsuk  University of Hawaii Press 1990

1469 RAS E183.8 .K7 C49    
Korea and the United States Through War and Peace 1943-1960 Chung, Henry  Yonsei University Press 2000 56101
1470 RAS E183.8 .C5 T57 1986    
Search for security: United States citizens in the Far East, 1890-1906 : a comparative study of problems related to safeguarding Americans in China and Japan  Toiviainen, Hillevi  Jyvaskylan yliopisto 1986

1471 RAS E183.8 .K6 B87    
United States and the Republic of Korea, The : Background for Policy Buss,Claude A.  Hoover Institution Press 1982  
1472 RAS E183.8 .K6 U55 1986    
United States-Korea relations (Research papers and policy studies) Scalapino, Robert A. ; Han Sung-joo (Editors) Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California  1986

1473 RAS E184 .K6 T74 2003    
Language of Blood, The  Trenka,Jane Jeong  Gray Wolf Press 2003 60770
1474 RAS E184 .K6 L44    
Still Life with Rice Lee, Helie Touchstone  1996 67469
1475 RAS E184 .K6 K44    
Ten Thousand Sorrows Kim, Elizabeth Doubleday 2000 67469
1476 RAS E184 .K6 C45 2003     00036615 Century of the tiger: one hundred years of Korean culture in America 1903-2003 Foster, Jeenny Ryun University of Hawai'i Press 2003 OVERSIZED
1477 RAS E184 .K6 B3     00018871 Korean-American Relations : Koreans in the United States : a fact book Barringer, Herbert R Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii 1989

1478 RAS E184 .K6 M33 1951, vol. 3 1951,   00021557 Period of diminishing influence, The, 1896-1905 Burnett, Scott S University of Hawaii Press 1989

1479 RAS E184  .K6 C463       Forever Alien Che, Sunny  McFarland & Co.  2000

1480 RAS E184  .K6 C462    
Golden Mountain, The  Charr, Easurk Emsen University of Illinois Press 1996

1481 RAS E744  .H43   1
Two Koreas, The Cumings, Bruce The Foreign Policy Association May/June 1984

1482 RAS E813   .C42    
Korea in 1950s as seen by John S. Cornes/콘스 가본 1950년대 한국 Cornes, John Seoul Museum of History 2013

1483 RAS E847 .C32 1991 1991   00021804 Triumph & tragedy of Lyndon Johnson, The : the White House years Califano, Joseph A Simon & Schuster 1991

1484 RAS F900  .K6 Y86    
My Treacherous Journey Yun, Kyung Soon Elton-Wolf Publishing 2002

1485 RAS F910 .S62     00008063 North Alaskan Eskimo, The : a study in ecology and society Spencer, Robert F U.S. Govt. Print. Off 1959

1486 RAS G155 .K 76     A0011022 慶州   慶州市 1976 KOREAN
1487 RAS G155 .K6 68     A0024148 韓國 秘境, 130 김인걸 中央日報社 1984 KOREAN
1488 RAS G155 .K8 조선     A0015379 朝鮮が持つ世界的 至寶   德田寫眞館 1936 RARE
1489 RAS G2334  .S478 L1 H5     
이찬 기증 우리옛지도                                 Lee Chan Collection Historical Maps, The 
서울역사박물관 유물관리과 2006 OVERSIZE
1490 RAS G58   .C3 vol 26  
Architecture of Ideology, The : Neo-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea Nemeth, David J.  University of California Press 1987

1491 RAS G7904 .S478E635 1983 .C51    
Tourist Map Seoul
Chung Ang Atlas 1983

1492 RAS G7904  .S4 C39 문화지도1  
서울의 문화지도
신구문화사 1992 KOREAN
1493 RAS G7904  .T39    
서울지도 The Maps of Seoul 김우림(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2006 KOREAN / OVERSIZE 
1494 RAS GA1251 16 1972     A0079626 韓國地圖小史   國立建設硏究所 1972

1495 RAS GB609.81 .K6 W66    
Caves: A Wonderful Underground. Transl. Kyeong Park, Eunmi Chang Kyung, Sik-woo Hollym  2005 60135
1496 RAS GE1 .B8 1960-1961   014803 Bulletin of the geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala.1892-   Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB 1892 46765
1497 RAS GE1 .B8 1962-1963,1965   014804 Bulletin of the geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala.1892-   Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB 1892 46766
1498 RAS GE190 .E18 E36    
Ecological Security in Northeast Asia Schreurs, Miranda & Dennis Pirages (Eds) Yonsei University Press 1998 46768
1499 RAS GF659  .R98    
Reading the Korean Cultural Landscape Ryu, Je-hun  Hollym  2000

1500 RAS GN21 .K525 A3 2002       One Anthropologist, Two Worlds Kim, Choong Soon  The University of Tennessee Press 2002

1501 RAS GN29 .Shi     00007392 Anthropology of Eastern China and Kwangtung Province Shirokogoroff, S. M Royal Asiatic Society, North China Branch 1925 RARE
1502 RAS GN29 .Lau     00007510 Oriental theatricals Laufer, Berthold Field Museum of Natural History 1923 RARE
1503 RAS GN357  .C6 Korea    
우물 개구리의 처음 한동안 최정화 신론사 1993 KOREAN
1504 RAS GN36 .K8 29 1996     A0075370 국립민속박물관 50년사 국립민속박물관 국립민속박물관 1996 KOREAN
1505 RAS GN635 .K6 16 2000     A0087052 한국 문화 기초 용어 국립국어연구원 국립국어연구원 2000 KOREAN
1506 RAS GN776.32 .K6 N44     00008339 Han River Chulmuntogi : a study of early neolithic Korea Nelson, Sarah M Western Washington State College 1975 46349
1507 RAS GN790 .K153    
Hwasun Dolmens Lee, Young-moon, Kim, Jae-joon Research Center of Dolmens in Northeast Asis 2005 46349
1508 RAS GR342 .H3x     00008312 Folk customs and family life Ha, Tae Hung The Korea Information Service, Inc 1958

1509 RAS GR342 .K5     00016575 Folklore and customs of Korea Kim, Hyontay Korea Information Service, Inc 1957

1510 RAS GR342 .Y5     00008273 Korean Lore Yi, Chae-hyo}n Office of Public Information, Republic of Korea 1953  
1511 RAS GR342 67 1993     A0006352 마을祝祭   民學 1993 KOREAN
1512 RAS GR342 192 2004 v.1   A0094071 石南 宋錫夏 : 한국 민속의 재음미 국립민속박물관 국립민속박물관 2004 KOREAN
1513 RAS GR342 192 2004 v.2   A0094072 石南 宋錫夏 : 한국 민속의 재음미 국립민속박물관 국립민속박물관 2004 KOREAN
1514 RAS GR342 64     A048305 한국인의 , 한국인의 마음 이어령 디자인하우스 1994 KOREAN
1515 RAS GR342 .C46 2001     Korean Folktales Choo, Hee Woong ; Yoo, Hye-kyung (trans) ; Scheer, Carolyn (Ed)
1516 RAS GR342  .Y275    
Cultural Protection Policy in Korea Yang, Jong Sung    
1517 RAS GR342  .Z616    
Folk Tales from Korea Zong, In-sob Hollym International Corp 1970 46775
1518 RAS GR342  .I613   1
Korean Folk Tales: Imps, Ghosts and Fairies Im Bang and Yi Ryuk, (James S. Gale, Trans) Tuttle 1962

1519 RAS GR342
.C3   1   Tales of a Korean Grandmother Carpenter, Frances Tuttle/Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1973 46776
1520 RAS GR930 .B74 1990 1990   00021783 Victorian Family Celebrations Breathnach, Sarah Ban Simon and Schuster 1990 46778
1521 RAS GT1565 65     A0079655 실물로 색채(色彩) 무늬() 고찰 : 이조시대 의상을 중심으로 최옥자 [발행자 불명]   KOREAN
1522 RAS GT1565 298 2001     A0089905 우리 이천년 한국. 문화관광부 문화관광부 2001 KOREAN
1523 RAS GT1565 54     A0015376 朝鮮王朝宮中衣裳   東亞出版 1985 KOREAN
1524 RAS GT1565 64 1999     A0093329 朝鮮朝後期宮中服飾 : 英王服飾中心 김영숙 명원문화재단 1999 OVERSIZE
1525 RAS GT1565 97 1977     A0075417 한국복식사연구 유희경 子大學校 出版部 1977 KOREAN
1526 RAS GT1565 56     A0025977 韓國性洋裝變遷史 유수경 一志社 1990 KOREAN
1527 RAS GT1565 645 1992 1992   A0041422 韓國 服飾美 김영자 民音社 1992 KOREAN
1528 RAS GT1565  .K964    
조선시대 우리옷Korean Costumes during the Chosun Dynasty 권오창 현암사 1998 KOREAN
1529 RAS GT1565  .L76    
조선왕조궁중의상 李方子 동아출판사 1985 KOREAN
1530 RAS GT1748  .K6 H15    
한국의탈 전경욱 물화체육부 1996 KOREAN
1531 RAS GT207  .G327    
명동 공간의 형성과 변화 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2011 KOREAN
1532 RAS GT2509  .O942    
Seoul Food Guide, The O'Brien, Betsy  Hollym 1994 141620
1533 RAS GT2905  .L627    
Secret of Temple Tea/ 선사에서 만든 
(text in Korean)
Lee, Jeong-ae Junglee Publication 2005 45450
1534 RAS GT2907 .K6 A58 2007    
Korean Way of Tea, The  Brother Anthony , 홍경희 Seoul Selection 2007 148865
1535 RAS GT2914  .A212    
Korean Tea Classics Brother Anthony , 홍경희 Seoul Selection 2010 117723
1536 RAS GT369 15 1982 1982   A0010629 한국의 옛집 김광언 마당 1982 KOREAN
1537 RAS GT4886 .K6 D47   1
Fetes Paysannes et Culture Populaire Deschamps, Christian Collége de France Centre D'Études Coreénnes 1986 48787
1538 RAS GT4987.49 .R8 1978 1978   00021582 Christmas in Germany Ruland, Josef Hohwacht 1978
Choson dynasty costumes
1539 RAS GV1588.3 .L44 1985 1985   00008053 Zen dance : meditation in movement Lee, Sun Ock Seoul International Pub. House 1985
1540 RAS GV1703 .K6 Y527    
Korean Folk Dance (Korean Culture Series #13) Lee, Byong-Ok Korea Foundation 2008

1541 RAS GV1703 .K6 38 1992 1992   A0041276 東安 진쇠춤 윤미라 삼신각 1992 KOREAN
1542 RAS GV663 .K6 85 v.1   A0030310 大韓體育會 七十年史 대한체육회 大韓體育會 1990 KOREAN
1543 RAS GV663 .K6 85 v.2   A0030311 大韓體育會 七十年史 대한체육회 大韓體育會 1990 KOREAN
1544 RAS GV742.3 .L37    
Global Televisiona and the Politics of the Seoul Olympics Larson, James F., Park, Heung-soo Westview Press 1993 48779
1545 RAS H61.92 .P33 A75    2
Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Social Science Information Korea Social Sciences Library Korea Social Sciences Library 1993

1546 RAS HB2112.5 .L4x     00007525 Social Geography of Greater Seoul, A : processes and patterns of metropolitan expansion Lee, Ki-suk Po Chin Chai Printing Co. LTD 1977

1547 RAS HB3817.5 .K57 2000     00036068 Korean crisis : unraveling of the miracle in the IMF era Kirk, Donald St. Martin's Press 2000 48340
1548 RAS HC241.2  .S5315    
Single European Market and Its Implications for Korea as an NIE, The  Young, Soogil & Moonsoo Kang  Korea Development Institute  1991 60143
1549 RAS HC286.8  .G468    
German Unification - An Example for Korea? Heiner Flassbeck, Gustav Horn, Eds. Dartmouth Publishing Company 1996

1550 RAS HC411   .F18 v.159 Dec. 1996  
Far East Economic Review: Telling Asia's Story : 50th Anniversary Issue -- Dow Jones 1996 47878
1551 RAS HC466 .D5 For     00007322 Foreign Business Man in Korea, The Stanley, John W Kyumoon Publishing Co 1972 46781
1552 RAS HC466.5 .A2 E25 1991   1
Offspring of Empire: The Koch'Ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945  Eckert, Carter J.  University of Washington Press 1991 46826
1553 RAS HC467 .E26       Economic and Social Modernization of the Republic of Korea, The Mason, Edward S., Mahn Je Kim, Dwight H. Perkins, Kwang Suk Kim, David C. Cole Harvard University Council on East Asian Studies 1980 46826
1554 RAS HC467 .G61x     00008324 Economic survey of the 1975 Korean economy Government of the Republic of Korea Economic Planning Board, Government of the Republic of Korea 1976

1555 RAS HC467 .I5 1984 1984   00018937 Industry in Korea, 1984 The Korea Development Bank The Korea Development Bank 1985

1556 RAS HC467 .J3     00013960 Key to Successful Business in Korea, The Jang, Song-hyon Yong Ahn Publishing Co 1988 46783
1557 RAS HC467 .K455K 1997     Korea's Challenges and Opportunities Kim, Byong-kuk Seoul Institute of International Economics 1997  
1558 RAS HC467
Korea Confonts the Future Kotch, John Barry , Richter, Frank-Jürgen  Marshall Cavendish   144601
1559 RAS HC467 .S225 1993       Korea in the World Economy SaKong, Il  Institute for International Economics 1993

1560 RAS HC467 .Kor     00008276 Korean economy in 1976, The   Economic Planning Board, Government of the Republic of Korea 1977

1561 RAS HC467 .B72x     00007473 Korean Village, The : between farm and sea Brandt, Vincent S. R Harvard University Press 1971

1562 RAS HC467 .KorM     00007519 Korea's continuing development Ministry of Reconstruction, Republic of Korea Ministry of Reconstruction 1959 46785
1563 RAS HC467 .E77 vol. 1     00008018 Planning model and macroeconomic policy issues Kim, Chuk Kyo Korea Development Institute 1977

1564 RAS HC467 .K593 1992 1992   00022978 Sociocultural factors in the industrialization of Korea Koo, Bon Ho ICS Press 1992  
1565 RAS HC467 .S7x     00007523 Studies in the developmental aspects of Korea Nahm, Andrew C School of Graduate Studies and Institute of International and AreaStudies of Western Michigan Univ 1969 46748
1566 RAS HC467 .Sum     00007859 Summary of the first five-year economic plan, 1962-1966 Economic Planning Board Economic Planning Board, Government of the Republic of Korea 1977 46749
1567 RAS HC467 .C6486 1994   4 006481 Troubled tiger : businessmen, bureaucrats, and generals in South Korea Clifford, Mark M.E. Sharpe 1994 46250
1568 RAS HC467  .C673    
Comparison of Korean and Chinese Economic Development Doowon Lee Yonsei University Press  

1569 RAS HC467  .C417 1971    
Economic History of Korea, The -From the Earliest Times to 1945- Choi, Hochin  The Freedom Library 1971  
1570 RAS HC467  .E272    
Economic Systems in South and North Korea: The Agenda for… Cho, L. & Y. Kim Korea Development Institute 1995 46750
1571 RAS HC467  .H63    
Factor Supply and Factor Intensity of Trade in Korea  Hong, Wontack Korea Development Institute 1976 46741
1572 RAS HC467  .K512    
Growth and Structural Transformation (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of Korea: 1945-1975) Kim, Kwang Suk & Michael Roemer Harvard University 1981 46752
1573 RAS HC467  .E77    
Human Resources and Social Development in Korea, Vol. IV Park, Chong-kee  Korea Development Institute   46216
1574 RAS HC467  .E75     
Human Resources and Social Development Issues: Essays on Korea's Fifth Five-Year Plan Vol. II SaKong, Il (Ed.) Korea Development Institute 1987 57406
1575 RAS HC467  .K67    
Korea's Macroeconomic and Financial Policies  Korea Development Institute KDI Press 1989 46760
1576 RAS HC467  .K448     
Korea's New Horizon: A Collection of Articles and Essays  Kim, Byong-kuk Seoul Institute of International Economics  1995 46763
1577 RAS HC467  .E75     
Macroeconomic Policy and Industrial Development Issues , Vol. I SaKong, Il  Korea Development Institute 1987 75699
1578 RAS HC467  .K619853    
Realigning Korea's National Priorities for Economic Advance: Presidential Committee for Economic Restructuring Presidential Committee for Economic Restructuring Presidential Committee for Economic Restructuring 1988

1579 RAS HC467  .S6365     
Rise of the Korean Economy, The Byung-Nak Song OUP   1990

1580 RAS HC467  .K514 1985    
Sources of Economic Growth in Korea 1963-1982 Kim, Kwang Suk,  Park, Joon-kyung  KDI Press 1985

1581 RAS HC467   .C41564    
Dynamics of Korean Economic Development, The Cho, Soon Institute for International Economics 1994

1582 RAS HC467.5 .E25x   1 00008319 Economic history of Chosen Bank of Chosen Bank of Chosen 1920 RARE
1583 RAS HC467.99  .L807    
Fiscal Reform in Korea and OECD Countries Lee, Kye-sik & Ilho Yoo, eds Korea Development Institute 1996

1584 RAS HC470 .Cho     00007319 Economic history of Korea, The : from the earliest times to 1945 Choi, Hochin The Freedom Library 1971

1585 RAS HC470.2 .E25 1999    
End of North Korea, The Eberstadt, Nicholas The AEI Press 1999

1586 RAS HC481  .B77    
Does Money Cause Output in the Korean Economy?: Lessons from Time Series of 1982-1992 Baek, Ehung Gi  Korea Development Institute 1993

1587 RAS HD1486 .K6 A38 1998     00035778 Agricultural cooperatives in Korea National Agricultural Cooperative Federation National Agricultural Cooperative Federation 1998

1588 RAS HD2056  .O49 1988    
Development of food & agricultural statistics in Asia and the Pacific, 1965-1987 Oh, Heung Keun Korea Rural Economics Institute 1988

1589 RAS HD2095.5  .K42 1981    
Korean Regional Farm Product and Income: 1910-1975  Keidel, Albert Univ of Hawaii Press 1981

1590 RAS HD2095.5  .B37    
Rural Development (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of Korea: 1945-1975) Ban, Sung Hwan; Pal Yong Moon & Dwight H. Perkins Harvard University 1982

1591 RAS HD2328 .IndK     00007358 Industrial structure of Korea Mattusch, Kurt R Economic Research Center of Korea 1953 RARE
1592 RAS HD3616 .K852 J65    
Industrial Policies of Korea and the Republic of China Korea Development Institute KDI Press 1990 46770
1593 RAS HD3616  .K771   1
Man and Society in Korea's Economic Growth, Sociological Studies Kim, Kyong-dong SNU Press 1985

1594 RAS HD38.25 .C6x     00008033 Pioneer American businessman in Korea : the life and times of Walter Davis Townsend Cook, Harold F Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1981 46773
1595 RAS HD4315.5  .J66    
Public Enterprise and Economic Development: the Korean Case  Jones, Leroy P.  Korea Development Institute  1975

1596 RAS HD6060.65 .K6 G46    
Gender Division of Labor in Korea Cho, H. & P.Chang Ewha Womans University Press 1994

1597 RAS HD61.92 .P33 A75 1993    
Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Social Science Information -- The Korea Social Science Library 1993 142514
1598 RAS HD6198 .S62     00013957 Yogong, factory girl Spencer, Robert F Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1988  
1599 RAS HD7228  .P37    
Social Security in Korea: An Approach to Socio-Economic Development Park, Chong Kee  Korea Development Institute 1975

1600 RAS HD75 .S638 1995       Social Capability and Long-Term Economic Growth Bon Ho Koo, Dwight H. Perkins, (ed) St. Martin's Press 1995

1601 RAS HD8039 .A82 K76    
Automobile Workers in Korea Bae, Kyuhan  Seoul Nat'l University Press 1987 46774
1602 RAS HD8663  .K55 1980    
Motivation Survey in Saudi Arabia Kim, Linsu  Korea Development Institute 1980

1603 RAS HD920.6 .Z9 K343     
Kaesong Industrial Complex Lim Eun-chul Haenam Publishing Co. 2007
The Institute of Social Sciences Korean Studies Series No. 1
1604 RAS HD9502 .K8 E53    
Energy Policies in Korea and Japan Kim, Dalchoon & Euisoon Shin (Eds.) Yonsei University Press 1986 59550
1605 RAS HD9506 .K64 P865 1992 1992 2 00022975 Culture of Korean Industry, The : an ethnography of Poongsan Corporation Kim, Choong Soon University of Arizona Press 1992

1606 RAS HD9622 .K64 O567 1999     00019910 Colonial industrialization and labor in Korea : the Onoda cement factory Park, Soon-Won Harvard University Asia Center 1999

1607 RAS HD9696 .S43 E185 2000     00036127 Tiger technology : the creation of a semiconductor industry in East Asia Mathews, John A Cambridge University Press 2000

1608 RAS HD9710 .K62 C485    
Korean Dynasty: Hyundai and Chung Ju Yung  Kirk, Donald  Asia 2000 1994 60142
1609 RAS HD9940 .K63 S688    
동대문 시장 불이 꺼지지 않는 패션아이콘 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2011 KOREAN
1610 RAS HD9975  .N256    
Economic Incentives in Waste Management : Korea's Case  Nam, Ilchong   Korea Development Institute 1993  
1611 RAS HE327  .R47     
Resources, Maritime Transport and SLOC Security in the Asia-Pacific Region  Kim, Dalchoong   Institute of East and West Studies  1988

1612 RAS HE8695  .D957    
Complicated Currents Black, Daniel, Editor Monash University Press 2010

1613 RAS HF1455 .Uni     00007508 U.S.-Japan economic relations : a symposium on critical issues Abeggle, James C Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California 1980

1614 RAS HF1456.5 .K6 F76 1984     From Patron to Partner Moskovitz, Karl D.C.Heath & Company 1984

1615 RAS HF1480.15 .K8 K67 1989    
Korea and Canada-New Frontiers in the Asia Pacific Era Kim, Dalchoong; Evans, Brian L., Eds Institute of East and West Studies Yonsei University 1989 57401
1616 RAS HF1480.15 .Y20 1990    
Korea and the United Kingdom-Political and Economic Trends and Issues- Kim, Dalchoong;  Healey, Graham H. , Eds Institute of East and West Studies Yonsei University 1990 136354
1617 RAS HF1583 .Z4 P334 1994    
Economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific community  Lee, Jaymin; Lee, Young Sun,   Eds  Institute of East and West Studies Yonsei University 1994 145978
1618 RAS HF1602.5 .Z4 H84 1990    
Economic Cooperation Between Korea and Hungary Kim, Dalchoong, et.al, Ed. Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University 1990

1619 RAS HF3170 .C76       How to Achieve Business Success in Korea Choi,  Chong Ju and Wright, Nigel  The Macmillan Press 1994

1620 RAS HF3199 .A5       Doing Business with Korea: Investment Regulations and Commercial Strategies
Asia Law and Practice 2003

1621 RAS HF3751.7  .P32    
Trade and Growth of the Advanced Developing Countries in the Pacific Basin Hong, Wontack & Lawrence B. Krause (Eds.) Korea Development Institute 1981

1622 RAS HF3830.5  .S23    
Business of Korean Culture, The Saccone, Richard   Hollym  1994

1623 RAS HF5043  .P55 Korea    
負褓商 朴元善 韓國硏究院 1965 KOREAN
1624 RAS HG187 .K62 C64     
Financial Development in Korea 1945-1978 (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of Korea: 1945-1975) Cole, David C. & Yung Chul Park Harvard University 1983

1625 RAS HG187 .K62 F54     
Financial Development Policies and Issues  Kim, Joong-woong Korea Development Institute  1986

1626 RAS HG3329 .K6 B55     00008304 Banking reform in South Korea Bloomfield, Arthur I Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1951 RARE
1627 RAS HG3330.5 .A7 B51    
Bank of Korea, The : A History of the First Fifty Years Bank of Korea Bank of Korea 2000

1628 RAS HG3711 .K4 C21    
Industrial Policies for Industrial Restructuring  Park, Joon-kyung   Korea Development Institute 1994

1629 RAS HG5780.5 .A3 C45 1985    
Economics Control And Political Authoritarianism Chang, Dal-Joong  Sogang University Press 1985  
1630 RAS HJ1400.5  .B34    
Public Finances During the Korean Modernization Process (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of Korea: 1945-1975) Bahl, Roy & Chuk Kyo Kim, Chong Kee Park Harvard University 1986  
1631 RAS HJ2980.5  .K11    
Political Economy of Tax Reforms and their Implications for Interdependence Korea Development Institute KDI Press 1990

1632 RAS HM24 .Cho     00008020 Reconstruction of the Human Society Choue, Young Seek Kyung Hee University Press 1975

1633 RAS HM449 .A44    
Think No Evil Alford, Fred C. Cornell University Press 1999

1634 RAS HN651 .E3     00008321 Educators' Social Action Workshop (ESAW)      

1635 RAS HN700.5 .A8 N46     00007387 After Saigon fell : daily life under the Vietnamese Communists Nguyen, Long Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California 1981

1636 RAS HN730.5 .Asp     00007391 Aspects of social organization in the new territories   Royal Asiatic Society, Hong Kong Branch   46418
1637 RAS HN730.5 .A8 L34    
Dawn of Modern Korea,The  Lankov, Andrei  Eunhaeng Namu

1638 RAS HN730.5 .Z9 C6346    
Decade of Success: Korea's Saemaul Movement Kim, H. Edward  Hyung-mun Publications Co. 1980

1639 RAS HN730.5 .A65   v.28 No.1 (2001) 1
Korean Social Science Journal Korean Social Science Research Council Korean National Commission for UNESCO 2001

1640 RAS HN730.5 .A8 Y47   1
Le Village Clanique en Corée du Sud Yi, Chunsŏn ( Chunseon , Junseon ) Collége de France Centre D'Études Coreénnes 1992

1641 RAS HN730.5 .H37 C48   1
Reciprocity and Korean Society: An ethnography of Hasami Kyung-soo Chun SNU Press
1642 RAS HN730.5 .A8 S6519    
Social change in Korea                         Kim, Kyoung-dong  Jimoondang 2008

1643 RAS HN730.5 .A8 A24 1996     00029550 Echoes of the past, epics of dissent : a South Korean social movement Abelmann, Nancy University of California Press 1996 46784
1644 RAS HN730.5 .A8 S48 1990     
Shadow in the Sun, the Shapiro, Michael  Atlantic Monthly Press 1990 60144
1645 RAS HN730.5 .Z9 C645 1977     00006473 Community development program in Korea Brandt, Vincent S. R Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1977 46787
1646 RAS HN730.5 .Z998 W385       Management of Rural Change in Korea Whang In-joung Seoul National University Press 1981  
1647 RAS HN730.5 .A8 P3   3 00008077 Changing Korean Village, The Pak, Ki-Hyuk; Gamble, Sidney D. Shin-Hung Press 1975

1648 RAS HN730.5  .A65 v.26 No.1 (1999) 1
Korean Social Science Journal Korean Social Science Research Council Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1999

1649 RAS HN730.5  .A65 v.26 No.2 (1999) 1
Korean Social Science Journal Korean Social Science Research Council Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1999 French
1650 RAS HN730.5  .A8 K65       Korean Society International Cultural Foundation Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers 1982

1651 RAS HN730.5   .A65 v.24 No.1 (1997) 1
Korean Social Science Journal Korean Social Science Research Council Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1997

1652 RAS HN730.5   .A65 v.24 No.2 (1997)  
Korean Social Science Journal Korean Social Science Research Council Korean National Commission for UNESCO

1653 RAS HN730.5   .A65 v.27 No.2 (2000) 1
Korean Social Science Journal Korean Social Science Research Council Korean National Commission for UNESCO 2000 130545
1654 RAS HN730.5. .A8U5x     00007835 United Nations Command Civil Assistance and Economic Affairs-Korea, 1July 1954-30 June 1955   Headquarters, Korea Civil Assistance Command   RARE
1655 RAS HN730.6  .A8 K5245    
Escaping North Korea Kim, Mike  Rowman and Littlefield 2008 127155
1656 RAS HQ1765.5  .C4213    
Challenges for Women: Women's Studies in Korea Chung, Sei-wha (Ed) Ewha Womans University Press 1986 46237
1657 RAS HQ1765.5  .K675     
Korean Women: View from the Inner Room Laurel Kendall, Mark Peterson, Eds East Rock Press 1983

1658 RAS HQ1765.5  .H35213    
Women of Korea Kim, Yung-chung  Ewha University 1976

1659 RAS HQ1765.5  .W654    
Women's Experiences and Feminist Practices in South Korea Chang Pil-ho, Kim Eun-shil

1660 RAS HQ1767  .W64    
Women and Confucian Cultures in Premodern China Korea and Japan Ko, Dorothy, Haboush,  JaHyun Kim, Piggott, Joan R., (eds) University of California Press 2003  
1661 RAS HQ2008 .A25a  AUTUMN 1987  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1662 RAS HQ2008 .A25a FALL 1997  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1663 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SPRING 1988  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1664 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SPRING 1989  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea
1665 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SUMMER 1980  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1666 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SUMMER 1986  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1667 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SUMMER 1988  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1668 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SUMMER 1997 2
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1669 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1979  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1670 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1980  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1671 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1983  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1672 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1985  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1673 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1987  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1674 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1988  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1675 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1989  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1676 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1990 1
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1677 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1991 1
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1678 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1992  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1679 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1994  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1680 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1995  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1681 RAS HQ2008 .A25a WINTER 1997 1
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea

1682 RAS HQ2008 .A25a SPRING 1979  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1979

1683 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1977  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1977 

1684 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1978  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1978

1685 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1979  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1979

1686 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1980  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1980

1687 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1982  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1982

1688 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1983  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1983

1689 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1984  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1984

1690 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1985  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1985

1691 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1986  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1986

1692 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1989  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1989  
1693 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1990 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1990  
1694 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1991 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1991  
1695 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1992 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1992  
1696 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1993  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1993  
1697 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1994  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1994  
1698 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1995  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1995  
1699 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Fall 1996  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FALL 1996  
1700 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.10 No.5 MAY~JUN 1973  
AWC Journal American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1973  
1701 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.11 No.21973~1974  
AWC Journal American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1973~1974  
1702 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  Summer 1990  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1990  
1703 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  Summer 1991  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1991  
1704 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  Summer 1992  
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1992  
1705 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  Summer 1994 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1994  
1706 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.10 No.1  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SEP~OCT 1972  
1707 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.10 No.3  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea JAN~FEB 1973  
1708 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.10 No.4  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea MAR~APR 1973  
1709 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.11 No.3  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1973~1974  
1710 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.11 No.4  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1973~1974  
1711 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.12 No.2  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1974~1975  
1712 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.12 No.3  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1974~1975  
1713 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.12 No.4  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1974~1975  
1714 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.9 No.5  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea FEB. 1972  
1715 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.9 No.7  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea APR.~MAY 1972  
1716 RAS HQ2008 .A25a Korea  v.12 No.1  
AWC Journal (Ladies' News) American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea 1974~1975  
1717 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1980  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1980

1718 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1981  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1981

1719 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1982  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1982

1720 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1983  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1983

1721 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1984  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1984

1722 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1985  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1985

1723 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1986  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1986

1724 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1987  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1987

1725 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1991  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1991

1726 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1992 1
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1992

1727 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1993  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1993

1728 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1996  
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1996

1729 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 1997 1
Arirang American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 1997

1730 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SPRING 2002 2
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SPRING 2002

1731 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1979

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1979

1732 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1981

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1981

1733 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1982

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1982

1734 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1983

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1983

1735 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1984

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1984

1736 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1985

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1985

1737 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1987

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1987

1738 RAS HQ2008  .A25a SUMMER 1996

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea SUMMER 1996

1739 RAS HQ2008  .A25a WINTER 1982 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea WINTER 1982

1740 RAS HQ2008  .A25a WINTER 1984 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea WINTER 1984

1741 RAS HQ2008  .A25a Korea  Winter 1994 1
Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea WINTER 1994  
1742 RAS HQ2008  .A25a Korea  Winter 1998

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea Winter 1998  
1743 RAS HQ2008  .A25a Korea  Fall 1998

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea Fall 1998  
1744 RAS HQ2008  .A25a Korea  Winter 1978

Arirang  American Women’s Club of Korea American Women’s Club of Korea Winter 1978  
1745 RAS HQ2015 .C131

One Woman's Way Choi, Jin-young The Korea Herald 1988  
1746 RAS HT147 .P7     00008032 Present state of research on urbanization and its effect oncultural changes in ASPAC member countries The ; a bibliographic survey Cultural and Social Centre for the Asian and Pacific Region Cultural and Social Centre for the Asian and Pacific Region 1973  
1747 RAS HT169 .K62 W438  V.2

왕십리뉴타운 조사 보고서2                     왕십리 사람들의 삶과 이야기 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2009 KOREAN
1748 RAS HT169   .K62 W438 V.1

왕십리뉴타운 조사 보고서1                     왕십리 공간 경제 문화 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2009 KOREAN
1749 RAS HT321  .K73

Characteristics of Urban Poverty and Policy Measures Kim, Jong-gie  Korea Development Institute 1993  
1750 RAS HT395 .K6 P7     00018870 Proceedings of the second conference on cooperation and regional development between Chejudo and Hawaii   Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii 1988  
1751 RAS HT690 .K8 L48 1998

In Pursuit of Status: the Making of South Korea's "new" Urban Middle Class  Lett, Denise Potrzeba Unpublished 1996  
1752 RAS HT869 .E6 A3 1967 1967   00014457 Equiano's travels: the interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano or GustavusVassa, the African Equiano, Olaudah Praeger 1967  
1753 RAS HV640.5  .K725 K77

This is Paradise: My North Korean childhood Kang, Hyok 

1754 RAS HV875 .K181

Who Will Answer? Kim, Dr. David Hyungbok Holt International Children's Services 2006  
1755 RAS HV875.58 .K67122

I Wish for You a Beautiful Life Dorow, Sara (Ed.) Yeong & Yeong Book Company 1999

1756 RAS HV875.58 .K6 P47 1996   1   Korea Adoption and Inheritance Peterson, Mark A.  Cornell University Press 1996 46278
1757 RAS HV881 .K64 1988     00029548 Oriental Children in American homes Koh, Frances M East-West Press 1981

1758 RAS HV91 .Ale     00008085 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 1953-1983 Pfeiffer, Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung 1984

1759 RAS HX415.5 .A6 S354  Korea

韓國共産主義運動 起源 로버트 A. 스칼라피뇨, 共著 韓國硏究圖書館 1961

1760 RAS HX415.5 .A6 S88     00007306 Documents of Korean communism, 1918-1948 Suh, Dae-Sook Princeton University Press 1970 46791
1761 RAS J1729 .A15 R48       Breakdown of Authority Structure in Korea in 1960 : A systems approach Rhee, Yong-Pil Seoul National University Press 1984  
1762 RAS JA1568  .D195 Korea

외교정책의 이론과 이해 김달중 편저  오름 1998 KOREAN
1763 RAS JA1570  .D424

New Dynamics in East-West Relations Kim, Dalchoong;  Gumpel, Werner,  Eds Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1989 46427
1764 RAS JA26 .J6 1982, 1984-85   014808 Journal of East and West studies Yŏnsei  ( Yonsei )Taehakkyo Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1982

1765 RAS JA26 .J6 1987, 1989   014809 Journal of East and West studies Yŏnsei  ( Yonsei )Taehakkyo Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1982

1766 RAS JA26 .J6 1989-91   014810 Journal of East and West studies Yŏnsei  ( Yonsei )Taehakkyo Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1982
Letters from mothers to their babies given up for adoption
1767 RAS JA26 .J6 1991-93   014811 Journal of East and West studies Yŏnsei  ( Yonsei )Taehakkyo Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1982  
1768 RAS JA26 .J6 Vol.17, No. 1 Spring/Summer 1988

Journal of East and West studies Yŏnsei  ( Yonsei )Taehakkyo Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1988 130543
1769 RAS JA26  .J6  v.23 No1 (April 1994)

Journal of East and West studies Yŏnsei  ( Yonsei )Taehakkyo Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University. Yonse Taehakkyo Tongso Munje Yo}nguwon 1994 46796
1770 RAS JA29  .V14       Korean Experience, The : Structuralized Adjustment in a Newly Industrialized Country Corbe, Vittorio, Sang-mok Suh, Ed. The World Bank 1992

1771 RAS JC319 .G4855

Geopolitics and Trajectories of Development Kang, Sungho ; Grosfugel, Ramón, Eds University of California 2013 60147
1772 RAS JF56 .M6 S7 (Korea)

성숙한 세계국가 외교통화부 외교통화부 2013 KOREAN
1773 RAS JQ1530  .S590

Managing Change on the Korean Peninsula 김경원, 한성주 Seoul Press 1998

1774 RAS JQ1633 . J88
    Korean Politics and Foreign Affairs Lee, Jung-Hoon, Editor The Academy of Korean Studies Press 2011 69202
1775 RAS JQ1645  .P277 Korea

韓國官僚制度 史的展開 朴東 韓國硏究圖書館 1961 KOREAN
1776 RAS JQ1653  .K702 Korea

韓國租稅硏究 郭塽 韓國硏究圖書館 1961 KOREAN
1777 RAS JQ1663  .K73 Korea 

한국의 외교정책 김달중 편저  오름 1998 KOREAN
1778 RAS JQ1677  .S141

Politics of Economic Development, The : Coup, State, and the Repubric of Korea's First Five-Year Economic Development Plan(1962~1966) Satterwhite, David H.  Unpublished 1994

1779 RAS JQ1723.1864 .P34     00007442 Politics and policy in traditional Korea Palais, James B Harvard University Press 1975

1780 RAS JQ1725 .KorR     00011998 Korean Report : reports from the cabinet ministries of the Republic of Korea for 1954 The Office of Public Information The Office of Public Information 1955  
1781 RAS JQ1725 .A1 P65  1976 1 00007441 Political leadership in Korea Suh, Dae-Sook ; Lee, Chae-Jin , Eds. University of Washington Press 1976

1782 RAS JQ1726 .M339x     00017766 Major speeches by Korea's Park Chung Hee Park, Chung Hee Hollym Corp 1970

1783 RAS JQ1727  .K523 

Legislative Process in Korea  Kim, Chong Lim & Seong-Tong Pai SNU Press  1981

1784 RAS JQ1729 .A15 S73
State and Society in Contemporary Korea Koo Hagen, Ed. Cornell University Press 1993  
1785 RAS JQ1729 .A15 H45 1998       Democracy and Authority in Korea Helgensen, Gier  Curzon Press 1998

1786 RAS JQ1729 .A15 I.57 2000     00020506 Institutional reform and democratic consolidation in Korea Diamond, Larry Jay Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University 2000

1787 RAS JQ1729 .A15 O43 1999     00035425 Korean politics : the quest for democratization and economic development Oh, John Kie-chiang Cornell University Press 1999

1788 RAS JQ1729 .A15 S55 1999     00035424 Mass politics and culture in democratizing Korea Sin, To-chol Cambridge University Press 1999

1789 RAS JQ1729 .A15 S58 2000       Politics of Democritization in Korea, The : The Role of a Civil Society Kim, Sunhyuk  The University of Pittsburgh Press 2000 60176
1790 RAS JQ1729.5 .KorP     00008347 Korea and Indonesia : toward inter-regional cooperation Park, Jae Kyu The Institute for far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University 1981 46798
1791 RAS JQ1729.5 .A31981.S83
Korean Communism 1945-1980 Suh, Dae-sook University Press of Hawaii 1981 46800
1792 RAS JQ1729.5. .A58 Y36
North and South Korean Political Systems, The : A Comparative Analysis Yang, Sung Chul Westview Press, Seoul Press 1994 60133
1793 RAS JQ96 .S6x     008038 Southeast Asia in transition : 분실도서 : regional and international politics Park, Jae Kye The Institute for Far Easten Studies, Kyung Nam University 1977

1794 RAS JS7392 .City     00007307 City in transition, A : urbanization in Taegu, Korea Lee, Man-gap Hollym Corporation 1971

1795 RAS JX1391  .D58 1990

Divided Nations and East-West Relations on the Threshold of the 1990s Kim, Dalchoong ; Gumpel, Werner ; Kindermann, Gottfried-Karl ; Jung, Ku-hyuun, (eds) Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University 1990  
1796 RAS JX1428 .U5x     00007858 United States and the Soviet Union in the Asian Third World, The Kim, Yu-nam Center for American & Soviet Studies, Dankook Univ 1985 136351
1797 RAS JX1555 .S6x     00008039 Soviet Union and East Asian in the 1980s, The Park, Jae Kyu The Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam Univ 1983 133540
1798 RAS JX1577.5 .M339x     00007416 Major powers and Korea: [papers] Symposium on Major Powers in the Far East and Korea Research Institute on Korean Affairs 1973 133539
1799 RAS JX1577.5 74     A0010633 鵬程七萬里   東亞出版社 1965 KOREAN
1800 RAS JX1974 .Nuc     00008067 Nuclear proliferation : in developing countries Park, Jae Kyu The Institute for far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam Univ 1979 46235
1801 RAS JX2505 .Uni     00008061 Unification of law : year-book 1960 International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Unidroit 1961

1802 RAS JX3096  .P33

Korea Research Monograph 4 Korean International Law Jae Schick Pae, Nam-Yearl Chai, Choon-ho Park

1803 RAS JX4411  .V35 1996

Maritime Regime For North-east Asia, A Valencia, Mark J.  OUP China, Ltd 1996 66910
1804 RAS JX68 .Bar     00008066 Operating internationally : a sourcebook of assistance for associations, businesses, professionals,and plain citizens Bartz, Carl American Society of Association Executives 1981 46236
1805 RAS JZ1747 .A4 K67a 2012

2012 Diplomatic White Paper
MOFAT 2012

1806 RAS JZ1747 .A4 K67a 2013

2013 Diplomatic White Paper  MOFAT Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2013 KOREAN
1807 RAS JZ1747 .A4 K67a 2013 (Korea)

외교백서 2013 외무부 외무부 2013 KOREAN
1808 RAS JZ5645  .M66

Arms Control on the Korean Peninsula: International Penetrations, Reg… Moon, Chung-in Yonsei University Press 1996 60132
1809 RAS K101.3 .C947       Education of the Legal Profession in Korea Park, Choon-ho  (ed) James M. West 1991 46241
1810 RAS K155 .L3x     00007395 Laws of the Republic of Korea   The Korean Legal Center 1975 46242
1811 RAS K217  .P927

Modernization and its Impact upon Korean Law Pak, Pyŏng-ho (Pyeong-ho) ; Kim, Chu-su ; Chŏng, Kwŏn-sŏp ( Cheong Kweon-seop ); Kim, Hyŏng-bae ( Hyeong bae ) ; Kwŏn ( Kweon ), T'ae-jun Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley Center for Korean Studies 1981 46244
1812 RAS K218 .K6 L4     00016041 Legal system of Korea Chun, Shin-young The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers, Inc 1982 1981
1813 RAS K218 .K8 H3x   2 00008270 Korean political tradition and law, The : essays in Korean law and legal history Hahm, Pyong-choon Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1971

1814 RAS K218  .B27 Korea Research Monograph 2

Traditional Korean Legal Attitudes Chun, Bong Duck ; Shaw, William ; Choi, Dai-kwon Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley Center for Korean Studies 1980 46238
1815 RAS K670 .K6 W385     00014052 What can I do? : based on the revised family law, actual cases of family legal counseling Lee, Tai-young Korea Legal Aid Center for Family Relations 1983

1816 RAS K7160  .L58 Korea

新婚姻法硏究 韓國硏究圖書館 1958

1817 RAS KBU 160 .C27 2011

1818 RAS KPA120 .C474 2005       Law and Justice in Korea, South and North Choi, Chongko  Seoul National University Press 2005

1819 RAS KPA74.53         Legal Norms in a Confucian State Shaw, William  Inst of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley Center for Korean Studies 1981

1820 RAS KPA970  .C48

Introduction to Korean Maritime Law, An  Choi, Lee Sik Korea University Press 1999  
1821 RAS KZ4335  .I58

International Law in Korean Perspective Nahm, Andrew C.

1822 RAS KZA1694 .R44 1990

Regime of the Yellow Sea, The Park, Choon-ho, et. al, Ed. Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University 1990

1823 RAS LA1331 .F5 1970 1970 1 00007312 Democracy and mission education in Korea Fisher, James Earnest Yonsei University Press 1970 46248
1824 RAS LA1331  .F5 1928a

Democracy and mission education in Korea Fisher, James Earnest  Teachers college, Columbia university 1928 RARE
1825 RAS LA2317  .K62 K63

Koh Kwang Lim: Essays in Honor of his Hwegap: 1980 Koh, Howard Kyongju (ed) East Rock Press 1982

1826 RAS LA2383 .K6E     00008320 Education in Korea 1977 Ministry of Education National Institute of Education 1977 46259
1827 RAS LA2383 .K6P     00012385 Parental encouragement and college plans of high school students in Korea Yang, Choon Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii  

1828 RAS LB2325 .C56     00007493 Toward the brighter future Cho, Yŏng-sik ( Yeong-sik) Moon Wha Print., Co 1974  
1829 RAS LC67  .K6E34

Education and Development in Korea (Studies in the Modernization of the Republic of Korea: 1945-1975) McGinn, Noel F. ; Snodgrass, Donald R.  ; Kim,Yung Bong ;  Kim, Shin-bok ;  Kim Quee-young  Harvard University 1980  
1830 RAS LD4721 .R32 E4 1942     00001864 First hundred years, The : Roanoke college, 1842-1942 Eisenberg, William Edward The Trustees of Roanoke College 1942

1831 RAS LG284  .S75 Germany

Der Edle ist kein Instrument Schoenfeldt, Eberhard  Ghk 1996

1832 RAS ML120 .K6 29 1991     A0037332 朝鮮王朝實錄音樂記事總索引 송방송 國立國樂院 1991 KOREAN
1833 RAS ML1751 .K7 P5 1994   1 00029552 Korean Singer of Tales, The  Pihl, Marshall R Council on East Asian Studies 1994 46424
1834 RAS ML1751 .K7 P4 2003       Voices from the Straw Mat: Toward an Ethnography of Korean Story Singing Park, Chan E. University of Hawaii Press 2003

1835 RAS ML342 .W35     00018936 Rhythms of percussion and melody in classical Korean and Chinese art song Wells, Marnix St. John 韓國國樂學會 1989 KOREAN
1836 RAS ML342 42     A0025981 韓國音樂學序說 송방송 世光音樂出版社 1989 KOREAN
1837 RAS ML342 .H68 Vol. 1

Preserving Korean Music: Intangible Cultural Properties as Icons of Identity  (Perspectives on Korean Music Volume 1) Howard, Keith  Ashgate Publishing Company 2006 46260
1838 RAS ML342  .P76 1988

Essays on Sino-Korean musicology : early sources for Korean ritual music Provine, Robert C.  Jung Eum Sa 1988 60184
1839 RAS ML342  .M87 2007

Music of Korea Lee, Byong Won ; Lee, Yong-shik (ed) The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts 2007

1840 RAS ML342  .H68 Vol.2

Creating Korean Music: Tradition innovation and the Discouse of Identity (Perspectives on Korean Music Volume 2) Howard, Keith  Ashgate Publishing Company 2006 122104
1841 RAS ML342.1 .Son     00008305 Annotated bibliography of Korean music, An Song, Bang-song Asian Music Publications Brown Univ 1971

1842 RAS ML342.1 .Kor     00008274 Korean musical instruments Lee, Hye-gu National Classical Music Institute 1982 130547
1843 RAS ML342.1 .S6x     00007522 Source readings in Korean music Song, Bang-song Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1980  
1844 RAS ML342.1 .T73 1993   1 00014515 Traditional music & dance of Korea, The 한국. 국립국악원 Korean Traditional Performing Arts Centre 1993 46262
1845 RAS ML342.1 62 1990   A0075891 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1846 RAS ML342.1 62 1991   A0041297 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1847 RAS ML342.1 62 1992   A0041963 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1848 RAS ML342.1 62 1993   A048351 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1849 RAS ML342.1 62 1994   A015084 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1850 RAS ML342.1 62 1995   A000038 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1851 RAS ML342.1 62 1996   A0065443 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1852 RAS ML342.1 62 1998   A0082609 國樂   國立國樂院   KOREAN
1853 RAS ML342.1 62 2000     A0089041 國樂, 2000   國立國樂院 2001 KOREAN
1854 RAS ML342.1 62 2001     A0092232 國樂, 2001   國立國樂院 2002 KOREAN
1855 RAS ML342.1     A0015350 천덕송 天道敎中央總部 天道敎中央總部 1955   RARE
1856 RAS ML3612  .T12 Japan

特別電 日本の 古典音 전리대학부속 Tenry Central Library 1992 JAPAN
1857 RAS ML3752 .H69 1990   2   Bands, Songs, and Shamanistic Rituals: Folk Music in Korean Society Howard, Keith  Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1990 64533
1858 RAS ML3752 .L4     007329 Essays on Korean traditional music Yi, Hye-gu Published for the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch by Seoul Computer Press 1981 64533
1859 RAS ML3752 93 1988     A0079633 산조연구 : 가야금·아쟁·단소 김해숙 세광음악출판사 1988 KOREAN
1860 RAS ML3752 75     A0027206 韓國民間儀式謠硏究 종목 集文堂 1990 KOREAN
1861 RAS ML3752  .S67

Sanjo Tradition of Korean Kŏmun'go Music, The  Song, Bang-song Jung Eum Sa 1986 64533
1862 RAS ML421  .S38 

四物놀이 (Samulnori) Shimizu, Ichiro Art Space Publications
1863 RAS ML462 .S46 C53

참소리 축음기 - 오디오 과학 박물관 Chamsori Gramophone & Audio Science Museum 손성목 전진프로덕션 1997 140085
1864 RAS ML537  .Y5   3 00008340 introduction to Korea music and dance, An Lee, Hye-Gu Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1977 61191
1865 RAS ML537  .Y5

Introduction to Korean Music and Dance, An  Lee, Hye-gu RAS KB 1977 146159
1866 RAS N1447  .C26

문자도 (Painting of the Chinese Characters)
가회박물관출판부 2004

1867 RAS N168.6 .A1 54     A0078983 ( 圖說 ) 朝鮮美術史   [발행자불명] 1948  
1868 RAS N330  .W3 C457a  V.16

CENTER16 Record of Activities and Research Reports June 1995 - May 1996 National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA 1996 65583
1869 RAS N4403 .M73       목아박물관: 소장유물 박찬수 Mok-a Museum 2004 127917
1870 RAS N4702 .C732       최만린 회고전 Choi Man-lin: A Retrospective
삼성미술관 Samsung Museum of Modern Art 2001 46276
1871 RAS N4811  .S572       격조와 해학: 근대의 한국미순 Elegance and Wit: The Making of Modern Korean Painting
삼성미술관 Samsung Museum of Modern Art 2002 OVERSIZE
1872 RAS N4813 .E72

文化遺産  '97 韓國 古美 術大展 The Exhibition of Korean Antiques
韓國古美術協會 한국고미술협회 Korea Antiques Association 1997

1873 RAS N4822  .H31       꽂과사랑: 매혹의 우리민화
Ho-Am Art Museum 1998 Korean, Exhibition Catalogue
1874 RAS N4900 .H1       익살과재치 
경기도팍물관 2004

1875 RAS N4913  .W422       Western Han Golden Treasure Exhibition 황금보물전 나라 황금보물전 거손 1996 137805
1876 RAS N4914 .T21       22 전통공예명품전
한국무형문화재기능보존협희 2002

1877 RAS N4964 .H41       위대한 문화유산을 차자서 (2)
호암미술관 1996 124810
1878 RAS N4964  .H41  (Supp)     위대한 문화유산을 차자서 (2) (Supp)
호암미술관 1996

1879 RAS N4971 .G141       티베트불교 예술대전 (Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet)   Gana Art Forum Space  2000  
1880 RAS N6350 .Tra     00007862 History of Korean Art, A   Asian Culture Documentation Center for UNESCO 1976  
1881 RAS N66 .Ec     00008284 History of Korean Art, A Eckardt, Andreas Edward Goldtston 1929  
1882 RAS N7260 .A8 1985     022986 Asiatic art in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Scheurleer, Pauline Lunsingh  Riksmuseum 1985

1883 RAS N7360 .KorC     00008280 Korea cinema 81   Motion Picture Promotion Corporation 1981  
1884 RAS N7360 .A55 v.3   002190 Korean arts Korea (South) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea 1956  
1885 RAS N7360 .Ko     00008292 Korean Folk Art & Craft Adams, Edward B Seoul International Publishing House 1987  
1886 RAS N7360 .Nat v.1   00007838 Survey of Korean arts, fine arts National Academy of Arts National Academy of Arts 1972  
1887 RAS N7360 .Nat v.2   00007839 Survey of Korean arts, fine arts National Academy of Arts National Academy of Arts 1972  
1888 RAS N7360 .Nati     00007837 Survey of Korean arts, traditional music National Academy of Arts National Academy of Arts 1973  
1889 RAS N7360 .M3     008889 Arts of Korea, The McCune, Evelyn C.E. Tuttle Co 1962 60753
1890 RAS N7360 .T7x     00007431 Traditional performing arts of Korea Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1975 46281
1891 RAS N7360 95 1995     A037241 문화의 향기 30 삼성미술문화재단 삼성미술문화재단 1995 KOREAN / OVERSIZE
1892 RAS N7360  .K627

한국 미술 金重敦 (김중돈) 성일문화사 1995 OVERSIZE/KOREAN
1893 RAS N7360
.P67        Korea: Art and Archaeology Portal, Jane  British Museum Press 2000 46295
1894 RAS N7361 .J6

한얼의 미술 조자용 에밀레 미술관 1971 KOREAN
1895 RAS N7362 .B76 1987     012538 Korean art : from the Brooklyn Museum collection = [Hanguk misul] Brooklyn Museum Universe Books 1987 46287
1896 RAS N7362 .H67

Selected items from the Horim Art Museum
Sungbo Foundation for Art and Culture 1984 46296
1897 RAS N7362  .N625

National Arts Exhibition Record of Korea

1964 46296
1898 RAS N7362   .A15 1979
1 00008332 5,000 years of Korean art Asian Art Museum Asian Art Museum 1979 46297
1899 RAS N7362   .H6

Masterpieces of the Hoam Art Museum
Hoam Art Museum 1984 62860
1900 RAS N7363 .A5 1972     00008334 Ancient arts of Korea, The Korea. Ministry of Culture and Information Ministry of Culture and Information, Republic of Korea 1972 60138
1901 RAS N7363 .F613     015251 Art of ancient Korea, The Forman, W P. Nevill 1962 91563
1902 RAS N7363 16     A0027487 韓國藝術總集 한국. 예술원 大韓民國藝術院 1989 KOREAN
1903 RAS N7363  .S85 

Catalogue of Famous Relics of Sookmyung Women's University Museum
Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul 1992  
1904 RAS N7363  .S85

박물권소장 명품도록/ Catalogue of famous relics of Sookmyung University Museum
숙명여자대학교 반물관 1993

1905 RAS N8  .R431       Catalogue of Paintings, Drawings, Engravings and Busts Head, Raymond  Royal Asiatic Society 1991 62864
1906 RAS N8020  .B72

창세기-요한계시론 서봉남 성서화집   Bongnam Suh BIBLICAL ART 서봉남 MIG 2010

1907 RAS N8193 .K6 H46

Korean Temple Motifs: Beautiful Symbols of the Buddhist Faith. Trans: Tim Atkinson Heo, Gyun Dolbege 2005

1908 RAS N8193 .T5 B7

House on the Klong, The Warren, William ; Brake, Brian Privately Printed 1968 46397
1909 RAS N8193 .B9103 (Korean)

부처님 이야기 Buddhism in Pictures
한진출판사 1986 KOREAN 
1910 RAS N8193 .B9  (Korea)

세계의 불교미술 (Buddhist Art of the World) 
불교신문사 1988 46325
1911 RAS NA109  .G720

서울 북경 동경 : 수도의 원형과 보존 CONSERVING HISTORIC URBAN FORM : SEOUL BEIJING TOKYO 강홍빈(서울역사박물관장) 서울역사박물관 2010 62859
1912 RAS NA1560 .P37 1991 v.1 1991   00021779 Introduction to Korean Architecture, An Park, Sam Y Jungwoo-Sa Pub. Co 1991 46298
1913 RAS NA1560 .P37 1991 v.2 1991   00021780 Introduction to Korean Architecture, An Park, Sam Y Jungwoo-Sa Pub. Co 1991

1914 RAS NA1561 86 1999     A0079640 건축장인의 땀과   국립민속박물관 1999 OVERSIZE KOREAN/ENGLISH
1915 RAS NA1563  .K67 1983     Korean Architecture : Kyongbok Palace   Kwang Jang Press 1983 OVERSIZE
1916 RAS NA1563  .L273

어진의궤와 미술사 조선국왕 초상화의 제작과 묘사 이성미 소와당 2012 KOREAN
1917 RAS NA1567

.S4 A64    1   Palaces of Seoul: Yi Dynasty Palaces in Korea's Capital City Adams, Edward B.  Taewon Publishing Company 1972

1918 RAS NA2047  .S5

대한제국기 정동을 중심으로 국제교류와 도시건축에 대한 학술연구 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 서울학연구소,          서울역사박물관
1919 RAS NA23 .H33       Habib House: The American Embassy Residency, Seoul Korea ?? Am-Cham ??   불교동화시리즈 1
1920 RAS NA340 .K6 Mat     00008079 Ornamental roof titles of Korea Mattusch, Kurt Dong-A Publishing Compant, Ltd 1962

1921 RAS NA340 .K6 한국     A0015353 韓國外來語辭典 배양서 塔出版社 1976 KOREAN
1922 RAS NA340 .K6 159 2002     A0093330 韓國 古建築 / 24 문화재관리국 국립문화재연구소 2002 OVERSIZE
1923 RAS NA340 .K6 159     A0011023 韓國 古建築 임응식 廣場 1976 OVERSIZED KOREAN
1924 RAS NA40 .A47 Japan

朝鮮の建築と藝術 -- 岩波書店 ??? 127407 RARE
1925 RAS NA4611 16     A0018092 佛國寺 : 復元工事報告書 경주시 慶州市 1976 OVERSIZED KOREAN
1926 RAS NA4722  .Y61       연화장 세계와 단청 홍정석, 송인정 도서출판 디자이나경 2008 KOREAN
1927 RAS NA584.6 .S9 1974     022985 Survey of Korean arts Korea National Academy of Arts 1974  
1928 RAS NA9355 .S4 661 v.1   A0093302 서울의 문화재 서울특별시사편찬위원회 서울특별시 2003 KOREAN
1929 RAS NA9355 .S4 661 v.2   A0093303 서울의 문화재 서울특별시사편찬위원회 서울특별시 2003 KOREAN
1930 RAS NA9355 .S4 661 v.3   A0093304 서울의 문화재 서울특별시사편찬위원회 서울특별시 2003 KOREAN
1931 RAS NA9355 .S4 661 v.4   A0093305 서울의 문화재 서울특별시사편찬위원회 서울특별시 2003 KOREAN
1932 RAS NA9355 .S4 661 v.5   A0093306 서울의 문화재 서울특별시사편찬위원회 서울특별시 2003 KOREAN
1933 RAS NA9355 .S4 66     A0018094 서울의 文化財 서울특별시 서울特別市 1980 KOREAN
1934 RAS NB1063.2 .H945 1989       Sokkuram Cave Temple  Hwang, Su-young ; Ahn, Jang-heon (photos) Yekyung Publications, Ltd. 1989 KOREAN/OVERSIZED
1935 RAS NB1912 .B83 C455

한국 불상 진홍석 일지사 1976 KOREAN
1936 RAS NB1912 .B83 H55 1987     A0079072 미륵 : 운주사 천불천탑의 용화세계 Hiltman, Jochen 학고재 1997 KOREAN
1937 RAS NC248  .P970 (Korea)

Chosun Ilbo, Co.  1974 91852
1938 RAS NC704 .C602 (Korean)

산소 /화도화 최정선 학일출판사 1986 148780
1939 RAS ND 1383 .H8   v.1
  00008263 Humor of the Korean Tiger, The Zozayong Emille Museum 1970 OVERSIZE
1940 RAS ND 1383 .H8   v.2
  00008264 Humor of the Korean Tiger, The Zozayong Emille Museum 1970 OVERSIZE
1941 RAS ND1049 .S5 A4

Shu I-fei Exhibition of Chinese Painting Shu, I-Fei
1942 RAS ND1063  .O607

Special Lecture on Korean Paintings Oh, Ju-seok Hollym 2011 148780
1943 RAS ND1063.4 .H375

Exhibition of Koryo Buddhist Painting
Hoam Gallery 1993 Korean Exhibition Catalogue KOREAN
1944 RAS ND1065 .H32

Korean Painting Artists of Honam Province from the Chosun Dynasty to Modern Times
Museum of Kwangju 1984
1945 RAS ND1069 .Y37 

Lee, Manbong’s Buddhist Art Exhibition Lee, Manbong

1946 RAS ND1069 .H46 A4 1985

Namnong Memorial Hall
삼성출판사 1988 KOREAN
1947 RAS ND1069 .P283 A4 1991 Korea

丹靑展 (단청전) 박정자 ??? 1991

1948 RAS ND1069  .Y39 A4 1993

萬奉 李致虎  丹靑  이치호  단청 도화천 만봉 이치호 Handicraft Art Museum 1993 126068
1949 RAS ND1352  .G31 (Korea)

금강산 The Geumgang Mountains 한관수 호영 1998 KOREAN
1950 RAS ND1366.9 .Zoz     00008311 Guardians of happiness : shamanistic tradition in Korean folk painting Zozayong Emileh Museum 1982 OVERSIZED
1951 RAS ND1366.9 .ZozI   1 00008309 Introduction to Korean folk painting Zozayong Emille Museum 1977

1952 RAS ND1366.9 .M6x     00007428 Modern Korean painting Korean National Commission for UNESCO Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1971

1953 RAS ND1366.9 72 v.1   A0010634 剛山圖 조자용 에밀레 美術館 1975 Korean Exhibition Catalogue KOREAN 
1954 RAS ND1366.9 72 v.2   A0010635 剛山圖 조자용 에밀레 美術館 1975

1955 RAS ND1366.9 95     A0010631 민화 온양민속박물관 온양민속박물관 출판부 1981

1956 RAS ND1366.9 12     A0010636 西江大學校 博物館圖錄   西江大學校 出版部 1979

1957 RAS ND1366.9 12     A0010637 석가 八相圖 에밀레 미술관 에밀레 博物館 1983

1958 RAS ND1366.9 16     A0011024 한국 호랑이 民畵大展 에밀레 박물관 에밀레 博物館 1984

1959 RAS ND1366.9 72     A0020331 韓虎 美術 조자용 에밀레 美術館 1974 46971
1960 RAS ND1366.9 조자용     A0015351 韓畵虎郞圖 조자용 에밀레 미술관 1973 46344
1961 RAS ND1366.91 .Con     00008326 Contemporary Korean painting Asian Humanities Press Asian Humanities Press 1979 46338
1962 RAS ND1366.92 .Zoz Vol. 1

Zozayong Diamond Mountain Vol 1
Emille Museum 1975  
1963 RAS ND1366.92 .Zoz Vol. 2

Zozayong Diamond Mountain Vol 2
Emille Museum 1975  
1964 RAS ND1368 .H702 (Korea)

산수 화법 황거성 대강출판사 ??? KOREAN
1965 RAS ND1382  .H174 (Korea)

韓虎美術  한호의 미술 趙子庸 조자용 에밀레 美術館 1974 KOREAN
1966 RAS ND1383 .K8 C48  v.1
    Spirit of the Korean Tiger, The Zozayong Emille Museum 1971 OVERSIZE
1967 RAS ND1383 .K8 C49 v.2
    Spirit of the Korean Tiger, The Zozayong Emille Museum 1972 OVERSIZE
1968 RAS ND1457 .K2

동양화대관 김용관 대성출판사 1979   Calligraphy Reproduction Collection
1969 RAS ND1488 16     A0033070 한국전통표준색명 색상 : 1 시안 국립현대미술관 국립현대미술관 1991 46361
1970 RAS ND2073.6 .Z8 J862

Mad Monk, The : Paintings of Unlimited Action Jung-kwang ; Lancaster, Lewis R. (introduction) Lancaster-Miller Publishers 1979 46369
1971 RAS ND2853.7 .A1

벽화로보는 불교 이야기 ??? 해인사 출판부 뿔기2532 KOREAN
1972 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 1

한국미술전집 1
1973 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 10

한국미술전집 10
1974 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 11

한국미술전집 11
1975 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 12

한국미술전집 12
1976 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 13

한국미술전집 13
1977 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 14

한국미술전집 14
1978 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 15

한국미술전집 15
KOREAN Calligraphy Reproduction Collection
1979 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 2

한국미술전집 2
1980 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 3

한국미술전집 3
1981 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 4

한국미술전집 4
1982 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 5

한국미술전집 5
1983 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 6

한국미술전집 6
1984 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 7

한국미술전집 7
1985 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 8

한국미술전집 8
1986 RAS ND30 .H273 Volume 9

한국미술전집 9
1987 RAS NE1300.8 .G72 K444
영국화가 엘리자베스 키스의 코리아 1920-1940 (Old Korea) Keith, Elizabeth, Scott, Elspet K. Robertson 책과함께 2006

1988 RAS NK1073.6 92 2002     A0093341 北韓文化財解說集. 3: 一般建築篇 한국 국립문화재연구소 2002

1989 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 Y86 

유럽박물관소장 한국문화재 (The Korean Relics in Western Europe)
Korea Foundation

1990 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 45 1996     A0075420 日本所在韓國佛畵圖錄 : 京都·奈良 국립문화재연구소 國立文化財硏究所 1996

1991 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 298 2003     A0093340 파리 국립도서관 소장 외규장각 의궤 조사연구 김문식 외교통상부 2003

1992 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 292 1999     A0093339 프랑스 국립기메동양박물관 소장 한국문화재 김용민 국립문화재연구소 1999

1993 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 16 1996 v.5     A049467 한국문화재 : 미국소장2 한국국제교류재단 한국국제교류재단 1996

1994 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 16 1995 v.4     A048910 한국문화재 : 일본소장2 한국국제교류재단 한국국제교류재단 1995

1995 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 16 1997 v.3     A0064793 한국문화재 : 일본소장3 한국국제교류재단 한국국제교류재단 1997

1996 RAS NK1073.6 .A1 16 1998 v.8     A0075425 한국문화재 : 일본소장5 한국국제교류재단 한국국제교류재단 1998 148868
1997 RAS NK1073.6  .S26
Korean Art and Design McKillop, Beth (text); Thomas, Ian (photos) Victoria and Albert Museum 1992
Not for Sale Explicitly in Book
1998 RAS NK1073.6  .K73

근대의 거울, 등록문화재 김찬(문화재청장) 문화재청 2011  
1999 RAS NK1079 .M65 T78 1987       Mongolian Arts and Crafts Tsulteem, Niam-Osoryn State Publishing House, Ulan-Bator 1987 117810
2000 RAS NK1484.6 .S29     00008290 Korean Onggi Potter, The  Sayers, Robert Smithsonian Institution Press 1987 148869
2001 RAS NK2673.6 .W75 1984 1984   00013961 Korean furniture : elegance and tradition Wright, Edward Reynolds Kodansha International 1984 148867
2002 RAS NK2725 .W5   2 00008279 Korean chests : treasures of the Yi Dynasty Wickman, Michael Seoul International Tourist Pub. Co 1978 95393
2003 RAS NK3634 .A2 C465 1973 1973   00007340 Chinese calligraphy: an introduction to its aesthetic and technique Chiang, Yee Harvard University Press 1973 106119
2004 RAS NK3717  .C11       World Ceramic Heritages: The East 세계도자문명전   세계도자기엑스포직위원회 전신부 2011 113775
2005 RAS NK3735 .G7 L668 2008       Masterpieces of World Ceramics Liefkes, Reino ; Young, Hilary (ed) V&A Publishing   121553
2006 RAS NK3891  .M57       , , 그리고 아름다움, 빅토리아 & 알버트 박물관 소징 세계명품도자전 (Masterpieces in Ceramic from the V&A)   한국국제교류재단 문화센터 (Korea Foundation Cultural Center) 2008
Samsung Gallery of Korean Art Exhibition Catalogue
2007 RAS NK3912  .J43       문화를 담는 도자 (Ceramics: The Vehicle of Culture) The 3rd World Ceramic Bienniale 2005 재단법인 세계도자기엑스포 World Ceramic Exposition Foundation 2005

2008 RAS NK4168 .A1 C68
World of Korean Ceramics, The  Covell, Jon Carter, Alan Covell Si-Sa-Yong-O-Sa 1986

2009 RAS NK4168.5 .G6     002210 Korean celadon: and other wares of the Koryo period Gompertz, G. St. G. M Faber and Faber 1963 60129
2010 RAS NK4168.5  .G63 1968b 

Korean Pottery & Porcelain of the Yi Period Gompertz, G. St. G. M Faber and Faber 1968 60125
2011 RAS NK4168.6 .A1 A3

Korea's Pottery Heritage, vol. 2 Adams, Edward B. Seoul International Publishing House 1990 60124
2012 RAS NK4168.6 44 2000     A0085541 조선후기 백자 연구 방병선 일지사 2000 KOREAN
2013 RAS NK4210 .Y8 A2 1984

Koryo Celadon Yoo, Keun-hyeong Hong Ik Jae 1984 60118
2014 RAS NK4503 .P61       粉靑沙器 名品展 분청사기 명푼전 Masterpieces of Punch'ong Ware II   호암판물관 2001  
2015 RAS NK4568 .Y27

영암의 토기전통과 鳩林??  Youngam Earthenware Tradition and the Kurim Ware, The 나선화 이화여자대학교출판사 1999 KOREAN
2016 RAS NK520 .K6 54 1999     A0079658 여성의 손끝으로 표현된 우리의 : 혼례자수품과 장신구   국립민속박물관 1999  
2017 RAS NK9007 .P127       증국 직물의태돋과역동 (Dynamic Scent of Chinese Textiles) 숙명여자대학교 정영양자수박물관 (The Chung Young Yang Embroidery Museum, Sookmyung Women's University) 판권소유 정영양자수박물관 복제불허 2009  
2018 RAS NK9272 .C48 2005       실의비밀  Silken Threads   The Chong Young Yang Embroidery Museum 2004

2019 RAS NK9272  .C27 

Design: When the Lines Meet   Chung Yong Yang Embroidery Museum 2005 62866
2020 RAS NK9284.1  .H74

Crafts of the Inner Court: The artistry of Korea Women Huh, Dong-hwa Museum of Korean Embroidery 1987 OVERSIZE
2021 RAS NK9284.6 .A1 S6 1979

Yi Dynasty Upper Garment Insignia Patterns   Dangook University 1979 KOREAN
2022 RAS NK9288  .H18

숨결을 불어넣다  Giving Birth to Matter Huh, Dong-hwa 99 Hanam International Enviroment Exposition: 1999 135312
2023 RAS NX18  .J66 Korea 

寒畵 虎郞圖 조자용 에밀레미술관 1973

2024 RAS NX430 .K6 66 1978     A0079572 서울 세종문화회관 개관 기념 예술제   서울특별시 1978  
2025 RAS NX573.6 .K8 K v.1   00007393 Korean arts : ceramics Kim, Chewon Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1956 Korean, Exhibition Catalogue
2026 RAS NX573.6 .K8 K v.2   00007394 Korean arts : ceramics Kim, Chewon Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1956 127038
2027 RAS NX584.6 .S46 A3 1980 1980   00008328 Art treasures of Seoul, with walking tours Adams, Edward Ben Seoul International Tourist Pub. Co 1979  
2028 RAS NX584.6 .A1 K69  v.1 No.2 1
KOREANA   International Cultural Society of Korea 1987  
2029 RAS NX584.6 .A1 K69  v.2 No.1 1
KOREANA   International Cultural Society of Korea 1988

2030 RAS NX584.6 .A1 K69  v.2 No.2 1
KOREANA   International Cultural Society of Korea 1988

2031 RAS NX584.6 .A1 K69  v.2 No.3 1
International Cultural Society of Korea 1998

2032 RAS NX584.6 .A1 K69  v.3 No.1 1
International Cultural Society of Korea 1989

2033 RAS NX584.6 .A1 K69  v.1 No.1 1
International Cultural Society of Korea 1987

2034 RAS NX584.6 16 1992 1992   A0041277 한국의 민속예술 : 전국 민속예술 경연대회 33년사 한국. 문화부 문화부 1992 KOREAN
2035 RAS NX584.6  .A41
Folk Art of Korea 韓局民藝美術 National Museum of Korea Tongchun Moonhwa Publishing 1985 KOREAN
2036 RAS NX584.6  .A43 J7

우리 -베자                               EXHIBITION OF ARUMJIGI                 Beaja, the Beauty of Korea
재단법인 아름지기 Arumjigi Culture Keepers Foundation  2011

2037 RAS NX9 64     A0037193 문예연감 한국문화예술진흥원 한국문화예술진흥원    
2038 RAS P121 .S554 1986 1986   00021777 Linguistics in the morning calm, 2 : selected papers from SICOL-1986 SICOL Hanshin Pub. Co 1988  
2039 RAS P121 .S55 1981     00003223 Linguistics in the morning calm : selected papers from SICOL-1981 The Linguistic Society of Korea Han Shin Publishing company 1981  
2040 RAS P151 .S4 1983 1983   00020242 Seoul papers in formal grammar theory Lee, Ik-Hwan Hanshin Publishing Company 1985  
2041 RAS P151 .S4 1986 1986   00020243 Seoul papers in formal grammar theory II Lee, Hong-bae Hanshin Publishing Company 1988  
2042 RAS P306 .S6     00016572 Translation : theory and practice Song, Yo-in Dongguk University Press 1975

2043 RAS P90 .K6 Hahn     00008076 Communication policies in the Republic of Korea Hahn, Bae-ho UNESCO 1978

2044 RAS PG3237 . .W959

World's Best Loved Poems 鳳國 (이봉국), Ed. 한림출판사 1978
Korean Language 
2045 RAS PJ409  .A78

Asian Literature: Short Stories & Plays -- International P.E.N., Asian Writers’ Translation Bureau 1973

2046 RAS PK4549 .P51
Book of the Kindred Sayings V: Sanyutta Nittaya
Pali Text Society 1979 61189
2047 RAS PL1171 .M8   1 00007512 Noodle words: an introduction to Chinese and Japanese characters Murray, Don M.; Wong, T.W. Charles E. Tuttle Co 1971 60819
2048 RAS PL2250 .C535 v.2   00010904 Chinese pen (Summer 1988) Chung-hua min kuo pi hui Chinese Center, International P.E.N 1988 117958
2049 RAS PL2250 .C535 v.3   00010903 Chinese pen (Autumn 1988) Chung-hua min kuo pi hui Chinese Center, International P.E.N 1988 46828
2050 RAS PL2997 .C48 C413     00008021 Reflections on things at hand: the Neo-Confucian anthology Chu, Hsi Columbia University Press 1967 46829
2051 RAS PL3061 .W1     00007848 Washed-out Dream, A O'Rourke, Kevin Larchwood Publications 1980 46456
2052 RAS PL3061 92     A015001 知性 窓邊 박형구 다나 1988 KOREAN
2053 RAS PL3061 54 v.1,2   A011021 成桂 김성한 知文閣 1966 RARE
2054 RAS PL3061.1 .Choi     00007344 Distaff reflections Choi, Jin-Wha   1979

2055 RAS PL3064 .N5x     010908 19 contemporary Korean novelists Chung, Han-Sook (ed) The Korean Culture & Arts Foundation 1985 46215
2056 RAS PL3064.5 .E55 M66  1988     Moonlit Pond, The : Korean Classical Poems in Chinese Lee, Sung-Il (trans)   1988  
2057 RAS PL3074.5 .E5856

Slow Chrysanthemum : Classical Korean Poems in Chinese Kim, Jong-gil (trans) Anvil Press Poetry 1987 61323
2058 RAS PL342.5  .K56

English Poems of Jung-kee Lee, The  Lee, Jung-kee Hanshin Publishing Company 1988 61323
2059 RAS PL493 .S63 1986 1986   00020241 Linguistic expeditions Sohn, Ho-min Hanshin Publishing Company 1986 60177
2060 RAS PL525 .Mor     00008025 Prounciation of Japanese, The Mori, Masatoshi Gensen The Herald-Sha 1929 60140
2061 RAS PL784 .L847 2001

Wintermane/Vintermåne Vargo, Lars

2062 RAS PL849 .N4 R913 1990     022973 Foreign studies Endō, Shūsaku  ( Endoo, Shuusaku ) Linden Press/Simon & Schuster 1990 65521
2063 RAS PL908 .D48 1998     00019911 Description and explanation in Korean linguistics King, Ross Cornell University 1998 65521
2064 RAS PL908 .K6 1983 1983   00016570 Korean Language, The Yunesuko Hanguk Wiwonhoe Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers 1983 65521
2065 RAS PL908 .K5     00021218 Studies in Korean linguistics Kim-Renaud, Young-Key Hanshin Publishing Co 1986 61852
2066 RAS PL908 .T47 1994     00035423 Theoretical issues in Korean linguistics Kim-Renaud, Young-Key Published by CSLI Publications for the Stanford Linguistics Society 1994 62246
2067 RAS PL909 .U5     21490 Understanding Hunmin-jong.um Shin, Sang-soon Hanshin publishing Company 1990

2068 RAS PL911 .S65 1994       Korean Language, The  Sohn,Ho-min  Cambridge University Press 1999

2069 RAS PL913 .K5     00021120 Grammar of Korea Complementation, The Kim, Nam-kil Center for Korean Studies 1984 46830
2070 RAS PL913 .Ram     00007470 Korean Grammar, A Ramstedt, Gustaf John Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura 1939 47333 RARE
2071 RAS PL913 .Kor     00007471 Korean Language, The : its structure and social projection Sohn, Ho-min The Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii 1975

2072 RAS PL913 .KorR     00012122 Korean Reader Myongdo Language Institute Myongdo Language Institute 1980 88774
2073 RAS PL913 82 1966     00007360 한국어 교본, 1 박창해 연세대학교 출판부 1966 136349
2074 RAS PL913 82 1965     012123 한국어 교본, 2 박창해 연세대학교 출판부 1965 60126
2075 RAS PL913  .P33 1965 

Intensive Course in Korean 1, An (한국어교본1) 박창해 연세대학교 출판부 1965 36797
2076 RAS PL913  .I5812

Korean Language in Culture and Society Sohn, Ho-min  University of Hawaii 2003 133541
2077 RAS PL918  .H5

History of the Korean Alphabet and Movable Types, A  Lee, Sangbae Ministry of Culture and Information, Republic of Korea 1970 36938
2078 RAS PL918  .N75 .N32 

훈민정음 Hunminjeongeum  National Academy of the Korean Language NAKL
2079 RAS PL921  .S67 
Tense and Aspect in Korean Sohn, Sung-Ock S.  University of Hawai'i Press 
2080 RAS PL923  .S65 1988       Explorations in Korean Syntax and Semantics Song, Seok Choong  Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Center for Korean Studies 1988 47343
2081 RAS PL932 .Y48 1993       Korean Grammar on Semantic-Pragmatic Principles, A  Lee, Keedong  한국문화사 1997 47336
2082 RAS PL935  .R85       Basic Semantic Structure of Korean Abasolo, Rafael  Georgetown University 1974 47337
2083 RAS PL935.5 .G7 1983     00008353 Guide to Korean Characters, A : reading and writing Hangu}l and Hanja Grant, Bruce K Hollym International Corp 1982 312657
2084 RAS PL937 .E5 N43 2003       New Millenium Dictionary of Korean Language & Culture Suh, Cheong Soo (ed) Hansebon 2003 312673
2085 RAS PL939 .C517 1996     027409 Handbook of Korean vocabulary : a resource for word recognition and comprehension Choo, Miho University of Hawai'i Press 1996

2086 RAS PL939 백제     A0015359 百濟瓦塼圖譜 : 開校二十周年記念   忠南大學校 百濟硏究所 1972 KOREAN
2087 RAS PL939  .H372 

Glossary of Korean Culture Song, Ki-joong 지문당 2001

2088 RAS PL941 64     A0025964 방언학의 자료와 이론 국어국문학회 지식산업사 1990 KOREAN
2089 RAS PL945 .S46 H66 1991

Sociolinguistic Study of Seoul Korean, A  Hong, Yousook  Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea 1991

2090 RAS PL950 .L4   1 00014647 Korean literature: topics and themes Lee, Peter H Published for the Association for Asian Studies by the University ofArizona Press 1965  
2091 RAS PL950.2  .A93  Vol. 4 2011

AZALEA ( Journal of Korean Literature & Culture )  Volume 4 Korea Institute Harvard University 2011  
2092 RAS PL950.2  .A93  Vol. 5 2012

AZALEA ( Journal of Korean Literature & Culture )  Volume 5 Korea Institute Harvard University 2012  
2093 RAS PL951.2 .T994

Cahiers D'Études Coreénnes, Twenty Papers on Korean Studies
Collége de France Centre D'Études Coreénnes 1989 60151
2094 RAS PL952  .C23 Korea

신자전 최남선 신문관 1928  
2095 RAS PL955 .K4913  1997 2   Understanding Korean Literature Kim, Hyunggyu ; Fouser, Robert J.  (trans) M.E. Sharpe 1997 98151
2096 RAS PL956 .Z59 1983 1983   00008087 Guide to Korean Literature, A Zŏng, In-sŏb (  Hollym International Corp 1983 47346
2097 RAS PL956 .K48 1996     00001836 Introduction to Classical Korean Literature, An : from hyangga to pansori Zŏng, In-sŏb ( Zong In-sob , Jeong In-seob ) M.E. Sharpe 1996

2098 RAS PL956 29     A0015002 나루터 장날 : 한국시조대표작집 한국시조시인협회 서문당 1988 KOREAN
2099 RAS PL956 .Y6 Y6 1956     A0078985 Yongbi o^ch'o^n-ga ( eocheonga , ochonga )   [Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch] 1956 RARE
2100 RAS PL957.5 .F37 N6 1983       Farmer's Dance: Poems by Shin Kyŏng-nim Shin Kyŏng-nim ; Brother Anthony of Taizé ; Kim; Young-moo (trans) 답게 1999 60127
2101 RAS PL957.5 .W5 H8 1982

Humour in Korean Literature Edited by International Cultural Foundation, Chun, Shin-yong, general editor The Si-sa-yong o-sa Pulishers 1982

2102 RAS PL958 .K5     00020183 Darling Buds of May, The : essays on English and Korean poetry Kim, Chong-gil Korea University Press 1991

2103 RAS PL958 25     A0025978 삼국시대 설화의 풀이 조동일 집문당 1990 English/French/ KOREAN
2104 RAS PL958 38     A0025975 韓國 아리랑文學硏究 박민일 江原大學校 出版部 1990 KOREAN
2105 RAS PL96 .K15

Idle Talk, An Kim, Jaihun J Hanshin Publishers 1995  
2106 RAS PL96 .K12502  1988
Nature Man Kim, Jaihiun J.  Hanshin Publishing 1988 46206
2107 RAS PL96 .K12502 1995

Nature Man and Afterward Kim, Jaihun J Hanshin Publishers 1995 111579
2108 RAS PL96 .K62

Rainbow, The Kim, Jaihiun Joyce Hanshin Publishers 1995 47393
2109 RAS PL960 .S63       Faces in the Well Suh, Ji-moon Seoul Computer Press 1988 124766  check
2110 RAS PL960 .Clo     00008343 Homage to the haiku masters Clough, S. D. P Severn Side Printers Ltd 1981  
2111 RAS PL960 .K6     00010905 Korean poetry Lee, Young-gul Korean Culture and Arts Foundation 1987

2112 RAS PL960 .K62K     00010976 Korean poetry today Kim, Jaihiun J Hanshin Pub. Co 1987 42350
2113 RAS PL960 .P62     00020503 Poems by Zen masters Kim, Jaihiun J Hanshin Publishing Co 1988 47360
2114 RAS PL960  .D80       Heaven, the Wind, Stars and Poems: The Collected Poetry of Yun Dongju Vorhees, Duane ; Mueller, Mark ; Kim Chaeryong, Ed. and Trans. Samseong Publishing Co., Ltd. 1989 47358
2115 RAS PL960  .J141       Threads of Heaven 정영양 숙명여자대학교정영양자수박물관 2006

2116 RAS PL960 . .F43

How Poetry Mattered in 1920s Korea de Fremery, Peter Wayne  Harvard University 2011

2117 RAS PL960.25  .M84

Mu-ga : The Ritual Songs of Korean Mudangs Im, Sok-jae, Heyman, Alan C. Trans Asian Humanities Press 2003

2118 RAS PL961.5 .S95 1982       Making of Modern Korean Poetry, The  Sym, Myung-ho SNU Press 1982

2119 RAS PL962 52     A0025976 韓國文學 道敎思想 최삼룡 새문 1990 KOREAN
2120 RAS PL966  .L4 (Korea)

흙속에 바람 속에 이어령 汎曙出版社  범서 출판사  1975 KOREAN
2121 RAS PL966.6  .S55

Trap of History, The Shin, Jeong-hyun University of California Berkeley 1998 60130
2122 RAS PL972 .K27       Faint Shadow of Love: Poems by Kwang-kyu Kim Kim, Kwang-kyu ; Brother Anthony of Taizé (trans) Forest Books 1991 24237
2123 RAS PL972 .H27       Silence of Love, The  (남의침목): Poems by Yong-un Han   Han, Yong-un ; Kim, Jaihiun  (Trans) Prairie Poet Books. Charleston, Illinois 1985 46973
2124 RAS PL972.6 .M63 1995     Modern Korean Literature : An Anthology 1908-1965 Chung, Chong-hwa (ed) Kegan Paul International 1995  
2125 RAS PL972.7  .S41

I Heard Life Calling Me : Poems of Yi Sŏng-bok (Seong-bok) Yi Sŏng-bok (Seong-bok) ; Sidney Jye-jin Juhn, Sidney, George (trans) University of California Press 2006  
2126 RAS PL975.6 .H28

Poetry and Music of the Classic Age Ha, Tae Hung  Yonsei University Press 1958  
2127 RAS PL975.6  .H2978 2008 Korea

한국시조선집 37th Annual P.E.N Club meeting 천자 10 청자시조문학회 1970

2128 RAS PL975.9  .K67 B76        Brother Enemy: Poems of the Korean War Suh,  Ji-moon, Ed and Trans White Pine Press 2002

2129 RAS PL976.23 .Y6 E5 1971 1971 2 00007521 Songs of the dragons flying to heaven: a Korean epic Hoyt, James Korean National Commission for UNESCO [and] Royal Asiatic Society, KoreaBranch 1971  
2130 RAS PL979 .K5 K4

Cloud Dream of the Nine, The  Kim, Man-choong Daniel O'Connor
2131 RAS PL980  .S65   1   Echoes from Mt. Kaya Ven. Song-Chol 藏經閣 (장격각) 1988

2132 RAS PL981 .J6 K5

Reed-Plumes and other Poems Kim, Jaihiun Joyce  P & L 1979
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Korean Research Monograph 10
2133 RAS PL981 .K727
Selected Poems of Kim Namjo Kim, Namjo; McCann, David , Yee, Sallee Hyunjae Cornell University 1993  
2134 RAS PL984 .Ago     00008278 Agony with pride Lee, Dong-jin  Seoul International Publishing House 1986  
2135 RAS PL984 .E3 R8

Bamboo Grove, The Rutt, Richard, Ed., Trans University of California Press 1971

2136 RAS PL984 .Bes     00008299 Best loved pomes of Korea : selected of foreigners trans. by Chang-soo Koh Hollym International Corp 1984

2137 RAS PL984 .E1 B57

Black Crane 2: An anthology of Korean Literature McCann, David R. Ed Cornell University China-Japan Program 1980

2138 RAS PL984 .E8 M4 1980

Meetings and Farewells Chung Chong-hwa (ed) University of Queensland Press 1980

2139 RAS PL984 .E8 M54 1980

Modern Korean Short Stories Chung Chong-hwa (ed) Heinemann 1980

2140 RAS PL984 .H87     00018861 Book of masks, The Hwang, Sun-won Readers International 1980  
2141 RAS PL984 .KimJ     00007349 Dawning Kim, Jaihiun Pan Korea Book Corporation 1976 46221
2142 RAS PL984 .K52     00018943 Faint shadows of love Kim, Kwang-kyu Forest Books 1991

2143 RAS PL984 .Clou     00008323 Five friends, The : a Korean anthology Clough, S. D. P [Severn Side Printers Ltd.] 1985  
2144 RAS PL984 .Fou     00008306 Fourth world congress of poets, The   International Cultural Society of Korea 1979

2145 RAS PL984 .Y86     00018860 House of twilight, The Yun, Heung-gil Readers International 1989 Cornell East Asia Series 63
2146 RAS PL984 .E3 K5   2 00007388 Immortal voice, The : an anthology of modern Korean poetry Kim, Joyce Jaihiun Inmun Pub. Co 1974 47361
2147 RAS PL984 .K79   2 00018939 Infant splendor Ku, Sang Samseong Publishing Co., Ltd 1990

2148 RAS PL984 .L3x     00007417 Lamp Burns Low, A  : 101 poems by Sowol Kim Kim, Jaihiun Seongji-sa Pub. Co 1977 47362
2149 RAS PL984 .M381x     00007398 Master poems from modern Korea since 1920 : an anthology of modern Korean poetry Kim, Jaihiun Joyce The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Pub 1982

2150 RAS PL984 .M38x     00007402 Master Sijo poems from Korea : classical and modern Kim, Jaihiun Joyce The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Pub., Inc 1982 47353
2151 RAS PL984 .E8 M58

Modern Korean Short Stories
Larchwood Publications Ltd. 1981 47372
2152 RAS PL984 .L65   1   Oh Sae-young Collected Poems Lee, Chong-ho, Trans Koreaone Press 1987 47370
2153 RAS PL984 .P3 1990     022981 Plain stories by a Grandpa Park, Jung-ki Mun Mu Publications 1990 47365
2154 RAS PL984 .Pak     00007528 Sea of Tomorrow Pak, Tu-jin Il Cho Kak 1971 47366
2155 RAS PL984 .E3 S47 1987

Sijo Tradition, The O'Rourke, Kevin, Ed, Trans Jung Eum Sa 1987 47357
2156 RAS PL984 .E3 S5
Silence of Love, The  : Twentieth Century Poetry Lee, Peter H.  University of Hawaii Press 1980 47368
2157 RAS PL984 .C48K     00010901 Strangers ChoByung-hwa Universal Pub. Co 1988 59551
2158 RAS PL984 .Lee     00007841 Studies in the Saenaennorae : old Korean poetry Lee, Peter H Is.M.E.O 1959 RARE RARE
2159 RAS PL984 .E3 C66

Contemporary Korean Poets, The : Korean Poetry Since 1920 Kim Jaihiun, Trans Larchwood Publications 1980 47389
2160 RAS PL984 .T7 v.1   00003491 Traditional tales of old Korea : a mixture of legend and history of Korea's colorful past Park, Yongjun Hanguk Munhwa Publishing Co 1974 47388
2161 RAS PL984 .T7 v.2   00014047 Traditional tales of old Korea : a mixture of legend and history of Korea's colorful past Park, Yongjun Hanguk Munhwa Publishing Co 1974

2162 RAS PL984 .T7 v.3   00014048 Traditional tales of old Korea : a mixture of legend and history of Korea's colorful past Park, Yongjun Hanguk Munhwa Publishing Co 1974  
2163 RAS PL984 .T7 v.4   00014049 Traditional tales of old Korea : a mixture of legend and history of Korea's colorful past Park, Yongjun Hanguk Munhwa Publishing Co 1974 77728
2164 RAS PL984 .T7 v.5   00014050 Traditional tales of old Korea : a mixture of legend and history of Korea's colorful past Park, Yongjun Hanguk Munhwa Publishing Co 1974 47391
2165 RAS PL984 .E3 H9    1 00007422 Voices of the dawn : a selection of Korean poetry from the sixth century to the present day Hyun, Peter John Murray 1960

2166 RAS PL984 .E3 K6 1960     Korean Verses Korean Poets Association Korean Information Service  1961

2167 RAS PL984 .E8 W39    1   Wayfarer: New Fiction by Korean Women Fulton, Bruce ; Fulton, Ju-Chan  (ed/trans) Women in Translation 1997

2168 RAS PL984 .Moh   1 00007850 Wren's elegy Moh, Youn-sook Larchwood Publication Ltd 1980 47364
2169 RAS PL984 .W75 2002     00036513 Writing across boundaries : literature in the multicultural world Kim, Uchang Hollym 2002 47373
2170 RAS PL984 .E3 P66  1991

Korean Sketchbook Pantoja-Hidalgo, Christina  Yong-Ahn Publishing Company  1987

2171 RAS PL984 .E1 K67        Korean Classical Literature: An anthology Chung, Chong-wha, Ed Kegan Paul International 1989 47351
2172 RAS PL984 .E3 P3     00008352 Ever White Mountain, The : Korean lyrics in the classical Sijo form Pai, Inez (Kong) Charles E. Tuttle 1965 47351
2173 RAS PL984 .E3 K545 1998     00003396 Fugitive dreams Kim, Sowol Ronsdale Press 1998 47351
2174 RAS PL984 .E3 K48 1986 1986 1 00010975 Hanguk ko sijo : Classical Korean poetry : more than 600 verses since the 12th century Kim, Jaihiun Hanshin Pub. Co 1986 47392
2175 RAS PL984 .E3 L57        Looking for the Cow: Modern Korean Poems O'Rourke, Kevin Ed. Universal Press, in agreement with the Deadalus Press 1999  
2176 RAS PL984 .E3 M64        Modern Korean Poetry Kim, Jaihiun Trans. Asian Humanities Press 1994 47390
2177 RAS PL984 .E3 M64 1997     0003387 Modern Korean verse in sijo form Hatch, Ronald B Ronsdale 1997 147717
2178 RAS PL984 .E3 P56 1991 1991 1 00021775 Pine River and Lone Peak : an anthology of three Choso}n dynasty poets Lee, Peter H University of Hawaii Press 1991

2179 RAS PL984 .E3 L4 1974 1974   00007436 Poems from Korea: a historical anthology Lee, Peter H University Press of Hawaii 1974  
2180 RAS PL984 .E3 T5 1988 1988   00010907 Tilting the jar, spilling the moon : poems from Koryo, Choson, and contemporary Korea O'Rourke, Kevin Universal Pub. Co 1988 46202
2181 RAS PL984 .E3 W56 1989 1989 1   Wind and the Waves, The : four modern Korean poets Lee, Sung-Il Asian Humanities Press 1989  
2182 RAS PL984 .E3 C65 2002       Columbia Anthology of Tradional Korean Poetry, The  Lee, Peter H. (ed) Columbia University Press 2002 46204
2183 RAS PL984 .E8 A7 1988 v.1 1988   00010909 Anthology of Korean literary   Dong-suh-Munhak-sa, Inc 1988 121332
2184 RAS PL984 .E8 A7 1988 v.2 1988   00010910 Anthology of Korean literary   Dong-suh-Munhak-sa, Inc 1988 46207
2185 RAS PL984 .E8 A7 1988 v.3 1988   00010911 Anthology of Korean literary   Dong-suh-Munhak-sa, Inc 1988  
2186 RAS PL984 .E8 L36 1993 1993 2 00022979 Land of exile : contemporary Korean fiction Pihl, Marshall R. ; Fulton,Bruce ; Fulton, Ju-Chan (trans, ed) M.E. Sharpe/UNESCO Pub 1993  
2187 RAS PL984 .E8 R35 1998     00003402 Rainy Spell and Other Korean Stories, The Suh, Chi-mun M.E. Sharpe 1998 121264
2188 RAS PL984 .E8 S66 1993     00029549 Snowy Road and Other Stories, The : an anthology of Korean fiction Sallee, Hyunjae Yee White Pine Press 1993 46116
2189 RAS PL984 .E8 K56 1989   1   Words of Farewell: Stories by Korean Women Writers Kang Sŏk-kyŏng, Kim Chi-wŏn, and O Chŏng-hŭ1 The Seal Press 1989 46217
2190 RAS PL984 .E8 L5 1956 1956   00021587 Yalu Flows, The : a Korean childhood Li, Mirok   1956 46224
2191 RAS PL984 .E8 C78        Cruel City and Other Korean Short Stories, The  Various Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers 1983  
2192 RAS PL984 .E8 V65 2002       Voice of the Governor General,The  Chun, Kyung-Ja (trans) EastBridge 2002  
2193 RAS PL984 .E8 R43

Ready-made Life, A Kim, Chong-un ; Fulton Bruce (trans) University of Hawaii Press 1998 46203
2194 RAS PL984 .E8 M66
A Moment's Grace Holstein, John

2195 RAS PL984  .K914

Korean Poetry Lee Young-gul, Kim Yong-jik, Kim Seong-kon, ed The Korean Culture and Arts Foundation 1987 57404
2196 RAS PL984  .S58

Unforgettable Love Kim, Sowol  (Jaihiun Kim, Ed) Pacmoon Publishers 1991 121265
2197 RAS PL984.5 .Asi v.3   00007374 Asian Literature   Asian Writers' Translation Bureau 1979 130544
2198 RAS PL984.5 .A83x     00007383 Asian literature : poetry, short stories & essays   Asian Writers' Translation Bureau 1975  
2199 RAS PL984.5 .Class     00007316 Classical Novel Chun-hyang, A Chin, In-sook Korean Center, International P.E.N 1970 55024
2200 RAS PL984.5 .Col v.1   00008081 Collected short stories from Korea The Korean Center of the International P.E.N. Club Eomun-Gag Publishing Co 1961  
2201 RAS PL984.5 .Fra     00007330 Fragrance of spring Sim , Chai Hong International Pub. League of Korea 1962  
2202 RAS PL984.5 .Hon     00007318 Han Joong Nok : reminiscences in retirement Hong, Crown Princess Larchwood Pub. Ltd 1980

2203 RAS PL984.5 .Kim   1 00003547 History of Korean literature Kim, Donguk The Center for East Asian Cultural Studies  

2204 RAS PL984.5 .Oh     00008342 Hochzeit auf Koreanisch Oh, Young-chin Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 1977
Minerva Poetry Series, 11
2205 RAS PL984.5 .Hahn     00007308 In the depths Hahn, Moo-sook Hwimoon Publishing Co 1965

2206 RAS PL984.5 .LeeL     00007303 In this earth and in that wind : this is Korea Lee, O-young Hollym Corp 1967

2207 RAS PL984.5 .ZonI     00007359 Introduction to Korean Literature, An Zong, In-sob Hyangnin-Sa 1970 47399
2208 RAS PL984.5 .SuhKo     00008287 Korean literary reader Suh, Doo Soo Dong-A Publishing Co 1965 47398
2209 RAS PL984.5 .L4x     00007418 Lee Kyung-hee's essays and columns : giant of a man he was Lee, Kyung-hee Taewon Pub. Co 1974 47401
2210 RAS PL984.5 .Lib     00008054 Liberte sous clef Leverrier, Roger Editions le léopard ( leopard ) d'or 1981 47402
2211 RAS PL984.5 .Moe     00007505 Lotus and I : in the temple of the Jade Mountain Moen, Erna I Sejong Corp 1974 47405
2212 RAS PL984.5 .M29     00010906 Making of Korean literature Kim, Yong-jik The Korean Culture & Arts Foundation 1986 47407
2213 RAS PL984.5 .M3x     00007420 Märchen aus Korea Zaborowski, Hans-Jürgen Eugen Diederichs Verlag 1975 47417
2214 RAS PL984.5 .Cha     00008073 Migrating birds on the Charles River Chang, Wang-rok Dong-a Publishing Co., Ltd 1984 47404
2215 RAS PL984.5 .HahnR   1 00007532 Running Water Hermitage, The  Hahn, Moo-sook Moonwang Publishing Co 1967 47410
2216 RAS PL984.5 .LeeSo     00007533 Sokdam : capsules of Korean wisdom Lee, Jung Young Seoul Computer Press 1983 47423
2217 RAS PL984.5 .S5A     00010912 Three voices at midnight Shin, Sangung Dong-suh-Munhak-sa, Inc 1988 47419
2218 RAS PL984.5 .K5x   1 00007423 Ulhwa : the shaman Kim, Tongni Larchwood Pub. Ltd   47408
2219 RAS PL984.5  .Lit3  Vol 14 No 3

Literature East and West: Korean Literature Issue
Jenkins Publishing Company 1970? 47412
2220 RAS PL984.5  .Weh
Yobo, The Wehry, Whalen M.  Hollym 1985 47413
2221 RAS PL988 .R352       10 Million Tigers Ritchie, David  늘봄 2002 47416
2222 RAS PL989 .P28 E5 1976     00006452 Story of Bae Beejang,The  Pae Pijang chŏn ( cheon ) Ewha Womans University Press 1976 47414
2223 RAS PL989 .T6 E5 1979     00006402 Tale of a toad Ewha Womans University Ewha Womans University Press 1979 47415
2224 RAS PL989 . .A1 U5936

Unyŏng-jŏn: A love affair at the Royal Palace of Chosŏn Korea Pettid, Michael J.; Cha, Kil and Pettid, Michael J. Trans  University of California Berkeley 2009 47400
2225 RAS PL990  .K36       金載玹 詩全集 김재현 시전집 김재현 거목 1995 59605
2226 RAS PL991.2 .C4 A24
Distant Valleys : Poems of Chang Chi-yong Chang, Chi-yong ; Kister, Daniel A (trans) Asian Humanities Press 1994 47418
2227 RAS PL991.24 .S4 A2

Grand Retreat and Other Plays, A Lee, Gun-san ; Lee, Sidney T. (trans) Homa and Sekey Books 2013 47406
2228 RAS PL991.26 .Y6 N513   1 00018865 Meditations of the lover Han, Yong-woon Yonsei University Press 1970

2229 RAS PL991.26 .Y6 A25 1986 Korea       Many Lands, Many Stories Conger, David  Charles E. Tuttle, Company 1987

2230 RAS PL991.26 .Y26 A23

Everything Yeaned For : Manhae's poems of love and longing Han, Yong-un ; Cho Francisca (trans) Wisdom Publications 2013  
2231 RAS PL991.26  .Y6 L68 1999

Love's Silence and Other Poems Yong-un Han, (Jaihun Kim, Ronald B. Hatch, trans) Ronsdale Press 1999 312553
2232 RAS PL991.28 .S26

Heaven in a Footprint : Selected poems by Chang-ho Shin Shin, Chang-ho Universal Press 1999 312554
2233 RAS PL991.29 .S9 A24 1990 1990   00016415 Shadows of a sound : stories Hwang, Sun-wo}n Mercury House 1990
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Korean Research Monograph 33
2234 RAS PL991.29 .S9 A24

Lost Souls : Stories Hwang, Sunwŏn (Sunweon) ; Fulton, Bruce, Fulton Juchan (trans) Weatherhead Books, Columbia University 2009  
2235 RAS PL991.415 .T7 S213

Cross of Shaphan, The. Translated by Sol Sun-bong Kim, Tong-ni 시사영어사  1983 75671
2236 RAS PL991.415 .T7 K513 

Cry of the Magpies, The Kim, Dong-ni Jimoondang

2237 RAS PL991.415 .Y8 A2 2010

Until Peonies Bloom  Kim, Yeong-nang  Merwin Asia 2010

2238 RAS PL991.62 .C5 S413

1 King Sejong: A Novel Park Chongwha (Ahn Junghyo, Trans) Larchwood Publications 1980 47397
2239 RAS PL991.74 .C5 A22 1993     025408 Midang So Chong Ju : the early lyrics, 1941-1960 So, Chong-ju Forest Books 1993  
2240 RAS PL991.9 .T3 A2

Eastern Sentiments Yi, Tae-jun ; Poole, Janet (trans) Columbia University Press 2009

2241 RAS PL991.9  .S3 A2

Wings, The  Yi, Sang Jimoondang

2242 RAS PL991.92 M6 L18

Voices of Heaven, The Devine, Maija Rhee Seoul Selection 2013

2243 RAS PL991.92  .S3 S2413

Three Generations Yom, Sang-seop (Yŏm, Sang-sŏp) Archipelago Books 2005 46220
2244 RAS PL991.94 .C924 1998

Banner and Other Poems Yoo, Chi-hwan ; Kim, Ok-hee, McClanahan, Kay (trans.) St. Andrew's Press 1998  
2245 RAS PL991.96 .T6 A35 1988

Le ciel, le vent, les étoiles et la poéise Yun, Tong-ju;  Lim, Byung-sun Ed, trans. Seoul Computer Press 1988

2246 RAS PL992.17 .S4 N3613

Dwarf Launches a Little Ball, A Cho, Se-hui Jimoondang

2247 RAS PL992.17 .S4 N3613

Dwarf, The Cho, Se-hŭi (Se-heui , Se-hui) ; Fulton, Bruce ; Fulton, Juchan (trans) University of Hawaii Press 2007

2248 RAS PL992.18 .I45 K3413

Tower of Ants                                  Choi, In-Ho                                Hollym 2004

2249 RAS PL992.18 .Y86 C4613

There is a Petal Silently Falls : Three Stories by Ch'oe Yun Ch'oe, Yun (Choi Yun) ; Fulton, Bruce, Fulton, Juchan (trans) Columbia University Press 2008 87092
2250 RAS PL992.18 .S5 A27

Echoing Song : Contemporary Korean women poets Lee, Peter H. (ed) White Pine Press 2005

2251 RAS PL992.2 .H3 I96 1986 1986   00010902 Iyo Island Chong, Han-suk Si-sa-yong-o-sa 1986

2252 RAS PL992.2 .H6 A23       Day-shine : Poems by Chong Hyon-jong Chong, Hyon-jong ; Choe, Wolhee, Pusco, Peter (trans) Cornell University 1998

2253 RAS PL992.2 .K48 K6613 2000     00036507 Black flower in the sky : poems of a Korean bridegroom in Hiroshima Chong, Ki-sheok Katydid Books 2000

2254 RAS PL992.26 .M8 Y5813

And So Flows History Hahn, Moo-sook ; Kim-Reymaud, Young-key University of Hawaii 2005

2255 RAS PL992.26 .M8 M3613 1992     027407 Encounter : a novel of nineteenth-century Korea Han, Mu-suk University of California Press 1992

2256 RAS PL992.28 .Y8 A2

Sunlight in a Distance Place : Selected poems by Hong Yungsook Hong, Yunsook ; Brother Anthony (trans) ; Park, Chan E. (ed) Foreign Language Publications, Ohio State University 2013

2257 RAS PL992.29 .T63        Wind Burial Hwang Tong-gyu , Grace Loving Gibson and Tong-gyu Hwang, trans St. Andrew's Press 1990

2258 RAS PL992.29 .C45 S313

Even Birds Leave the World : Selected Poems of Ji-won Hwang Hwang, Ji-won ; Kim, Won-chung , Merrill, Christopher (trans) White Pine Press 2005

2259 RAS PL992.38 .S5 P313        Waves, The  Kang Shin-Jae, Tina L. Sallee, trans Kegan Paul International 1989

2260 RAS PL992.38 .S615 K3515  1997     Valley Nearby, The Kang, Sok-kyong Heinemann 1997

2261 RAS PL992.415 .K675

Snow Falling on Chagall's Village/샤갈의 마을에 내리는 Kim Ch'un-su Cornell University East Asia Program 1998

2262 RAS PL992.415 .W65 P3713 1988 1988   00018868 Wind and the River, The Kim, Wo}n-il Si-sa-yong-o-sa 1988

2263 RAS PL992.415 .Y5863 N313

I Have the Right to Destroy Myself Kim, Young-ha Harcourt 2007

2264 RAS PL992.415 .C46 A2

Five Thieves : Poems by Kim Chi-ha Kim, Chi-ha Dapgae Books 2001
Korean Voices Series, Vol. 8
2265 RAS PL992.42 .U5 A26

Sound of My Waves, The Ko Un ; Kim Young-moo, Brother Anthony, (Trans) Cornell University 1993 46210
2266 RAS PL992.42 .U5 A2

Three Way Tavern, The : Selected Poems (of) Ko Un Ko, Un ;  You, Claire , Silberg, Richard (trans) University of California Press 2006 147308
2267 RAS PL992.425 .C48 I5413

Human Decency Gong, Ji Young Jimoondang
2268 RAS PL992.43 .S3 A2

Eternity Today: Selected poems by Ku Sang. Trans: Brother Anthony of Taizé Ku, Sang Seoul Selection 2005  
2269 RAS PL992.43 .S3 A22
Korean Century, A : Poems by Ku Sang Ku Sang, Br Anthony, Trans Forest Books  1991
Korean Voices Series, Vol. 10
2270 RAS PL992.43 .S3 W3 1989       Wasteland Poems: Poems by Ku Sang
답게 2000  
2271 RAS PL992.43 .S3 W3 1989 1989 1 00018942 Wastelands of fire : selected poems of Ku Sang Ku, Sang , Brother Anthony of Taizé, (trans) Forest Books 1989

2272 RAS PL992.43  .S3  \A22       Jeongdong in the 1900s: The Great Han Empire Meets the World (The 10th International Symposium of the Seoul Museum of History) Various Seoul Museum of History   46226
2273 RAS PL992.472 .Y2 S7

Bird's Sunrise and other poems Kim, Yang-shik Kim, Yang-shik / Writers Workshop 1986

2274 RAS PL992.58 .T28 A24 1999     00036619 Metacultural theater of Oh T'ae-sok, The : five plays from the Korean avant-garde Oh, T'ae-sok University of Hawai'i Press 1999

2275 RAS PL992.62 .W34 N3

Naked Tree, The. Trans: Yu Young-nan Pak, Wan-seo Cornell University 1995

2276 RAS PL992.62 .W34 A26 1999     00036064 My very last possession and other stories Pak, Wan-so M.E. Sharpe 1999

2277 RAS PL992.62 .W34 S54        Sketch of the Fading Sun, A  Park Wan-suh , Hyun-jae Yee Sallee, Ed. and Trans. White Pine Press 1999

2278 RAS PL992.62 .Y6 A25 1990 1990   00018968 Selected poems of Pak Mogwol Pak, Mog-wo}l Asian Humanities Press 1990

2279 RAS PL992.62 .T26 H5

Hill Where-on Winds Never Lull, and others, The : selected poems of Tae-jin Park Park, Tae-jin The She-son 1994  
2280 RAS PL992.62 .J16

Jesus of Gold Crown : A play Lee, Dong-jin Spectrum Books Limited 1999 46225
2281 RAS PL992.62 .W34 K82513

Who ate up all the Shinga? Park, Wan-sun ; Yu, Youngnan, Epstein, Stephen J. (trans) Columbia University Press 2009  
2282 RAS PL992.62 .C4175

Sending the Ship Out to the Stars : Poems of Park Je-chun Park, Je-chun ; Ko, Chang-soo (trans) Cornell University 1983

2283 RAS PL992.62 .S75 G5

Sunset Glow : Poems of Lee Gil-won Lee, Gil-won ; Ko Chang-soo (trans); Torry, Debemiere J. (ed) Yeonin M&B  2009 149566
2284 RAS PL992.74 .H26 H6613

Hong Gildong Seo, Hajin Jimoondang

2285 RAS PL992.74 .K5 M3413

Ma Rok Biographies, The  Seo, Giwon Jimoondang

2286 RAS PL992.77 .S6 N313

Wind from the South, The Son, So-Hui 시사영어사  1988 144605
2287 RAS PL992.9 .M853 H35

Hail to the Emperor! Translated by Sol Sun-bong Yi, Munyol 시사영어사  1986  
2288 RAS PL992.9 .M83 S5513
Poet, The Yi, Mun Yol Harvill Press 1995

2289 RAS PL992.9 .C216 P742  2001

Your Paradise Yi, Chongjun ; Lee, Jennifer M. ; Tangherini, Timothy R (trans) Green Integer 2004

2290 RAS PL992.9 .C414 P9313

Wounded, The  Yi, Chongjun  Jimoondang

2291 RAS PL992.9 .C414 A13 1999     00036067 Prophet and Other Stories, The  Yi, Ch'ong-jun East Asia Program, Cornell University 1999

2292 RAS PL992.9 .I4767 Y6513 2002       Everlasting Empire Yi In-hwa, Yu Young-nan (trans) EastBridge 2002
East Asia Series, 88
2293 RAS PL992.9 .S788 S8713

Susae k Kang, Hyunsook ; Lee, Jinah ; Parker, Robert (trans)

2294 RAS PL992.9 .M83 O8713
Our Twisted Hero Yi, Mun Yol ; O'Rourke, Kevin (trans) Hyperion 2001

2295 RAS PL992.9  .H57 N2813

Southerners, Northerners Lee Ho-chul

2296 RAS PL992.9.T616 .C513        Toy City Lee Dong-ha ; Kim, Chi-young (trans) Koryo Press 2007

2297 RAS PL997 .Y5

떠도는 者의 우편번호 이서영 법서출판사 1983 KOREAN
2298 RAS PN1978 .K6 C48     00016574 Study of the Korean Puppet Play, A Choe, Sang-su The Korea Books Publishing Co., Ltd 1961

2299 RAS PN1998.3 .I42 C48 2006

Im Kwon-taek (Korean Film Director series) Chung, Sung-ill Seoul Selection 2006

2300 RAS PN2 .L67
Literature East and West: Korean Literature Issue Teele, Roy E Literature East and West Inc 1970

2301 RAS PN20 .M4x     00011471 Members PEN Korea, 1988 국제 펜클럽 한국본부 P.E.N. Korean Centre 1988

2302 RAS PN2093  .S170  

No Victory, No Sting Sayers, Dick  The Town House Press 1992 144602
2303 RAS PN2931  .K67 1983       Korean Dance, Theater and Cinema Korean National Commission for UNESCO (ed) Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers 1983  
2304 RAS PN45.5 76     A0025980 한국현대쟝르 비평론 김준오 文學 知性社 1990 KOREAN
2305 RAS PN4874 .A3 1994     011465 My times : adventures in the news trade Corry, John G.P. Putnam 1993

2306 RAS PN5115 .W26       Mass Communication and Korea Chang, Won Ho  The Sungkok Foundation for Journalism 1988

2307 RAS PN6101 .Elo     00007509 Poetry by prescription Elovitz, Stuart Taewon Publishing Co 1973  
2308 RAS PN6145 .K6 C48     00018869 Crazy quilt : a collection of essays Chang, Young-hee Dongmoon Press 1990

2309 RAS PN6145 .K6 64     A0027264 추억은 두번 살게한다 : 이대동창문인회 에세이모음 이대동창문인회 인문당 1990 KOREAN
2310 RAS PN6147 .I5 1990   00007380 Humour in Literature East and West The Korean P.E.N. Center The Korean P.E.N. Center 1970

2311 RAS PN6166  .W630

Chosun Limericks Wade, James  Hollym 1971

2312 RAS PN6307 .K6 H3

Maxims and Proverbs of Old Korea / 한국속담 Ha, Tae Hung Yonsei University 1958 46457
2313 RAS PN6323  .C602

How Koreans Talk: A Collection of Expressions Choe, Sang Hun 은행나무 2002

2314 RAS PN6519  .K6 G73

Korean Proverbs: Dragon head, Snake Tail and a Frog in a Well Grant, Bruce K  Moth House Wu Ah Dang 1982  
2315 RAS PN682 .Bab     00008297 Babylonian and Assyrian literature
Co-Operative Publication Society 1901 46460
2316 RAS PQ2680  .G165

White Field Korean Grant, Bruce K  Moth House Publications 1982 72898
2317 RAS PQ2712   .Y232

Love of Dunhuang, The Yun, Humyong Cross-cultural Communications 2005  
2318 RAS PQ2715  .L502

Brush and the Sword, The Lee, Sung-Il  Cross-cultural Communications 2009 46469
2319 RAS PQ9270  .K36 Korea

오적 김지하 동광출판사 1985 KOREAN
2320 RAS PQ9280  .M326 Korea

하느님 당신의 실수이옵니다 민족미술협의회 엮음 미래사 1988 KOREAN
2321 RAS PR6013 .R743 Z79 1993

Dreamer in Five Lands Norris, Faith G. Drift Creek Press 1993

2322 RAS PR6062 .E4164 K6 1988

Korean Exodus Lee, Won Sul Voice Publishing House 1988

2323 RAS PR829 .Ste     00007852 Wind and bone Stewart, Ruth G The Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1980

2324 RAS PR9199.3 .N564 K57 1989     022071 Kiss in the hotel : Joseph conrad and other stories Norman, Howard Summit Books 1989

2325 RAS PR9520.9 .S4B6 1982       Bone of Space: Zen Poems by Master Seung Sahn Sahn, Master Seung  The Subterranean Company 1982 46463
2326 RAS PR9520.9 .A78 K3413

Silver Stallion Ahn, Jung-hyo Soho Press 1990

2327 RAS PR9520.9 .C55 A2

Instances : Selected Poems (of) Jeongrye Choi Choi, Jeongrye ; Hillman, Brenda ; de Fremery, Wayne ; Choi Jeongrye (trans) Parlor Press 2011

2328 RAS PR969  .M12 
Written in the Stars Moen, Erna I.  Taewon Publishing Company 1973

2329 RAS PS15 .L3     00008286 Landmarks of American writing: Edited by Hennig Cohen Cohen, Hennig Voice of America 1982

2330 RAS PS3503  .U198 L58 1990

Living Reed, The Buck, Pearl S.  Pocket Books, Inc. 1964

2331 RAS PS3509 .Per     00008060 Persian literature McCarthy, Justin The Co-Operative Publication Society 1900

2332 RAS PS3535 .A84 v.1   00008083 American writing today Kostelanetz, Richard   1982

2333 RAS PS3535 .A84 v.2   00008084 American writing today Kostelanetz, Richard   1982 46501
2334 RAS PS3551 .Mas     00008062 Masterpieces of Chikamatsu : the Japanese Shakespeare Miyamori, Asataro E.P. Dutton & Co 1926 RARE RARE
2335 RAS PS3552 .O59725 R44 1989

Red Phoenix Bond, Larry  Warner Books 1990  
2336 RAS PS3561 .E38574 C66

Comfort Woman Keller, Nora Okja Penguin 1997

2337 RAS PS3561 .I415 Z473

Lost Names Kim, Richard E. University of California 1998

2338 RAS PS3561 .I415 M3716

Martyred, The  Kim, Richard E.  Si-Sa-Yong-O-Sa 1987

2339 RAS PS3562 .I465 S58 1997

Slicky Boys Limon, Martin  Bantam 1997 46214
2340 RAS PS3564 .N4755

Jade Dragon Nelson, Sarah Milledge RK Log Press 2004

2341 RAS PS3564 .E4755 S75 1999     00036066 Spirit bird journey Nelson, Sarah M RKLOG Press 1999 46511
2342 RAS PS3569 .T3855 Z466 1990 1990   00018981 Lost in Seoul : and other discoveries on the Korean peninsula Stephens, Michael Gregory Random House 1990 46282
2343 RAS PS3608 .O4943575 Y36  2005     Yang for Every Yin, A : Dramatizations of Korean Classics Holstein, John  Seoul Selection 2005 46282
2344 RAS PS509 .K67R48

Retrieving Bones Ehrhart, W. D. ; Jason, Philip K. Eds.
1999 46513
2345 RAS PS615 .Ear     00007348 Early voyagers Wade, James Hollym Corp 1969

2346 RAS PS647 .K67 K67

Kŏri (Keori) : The Beacon anthology of Korean American Fiction Fenkl, Heinz Insu ; Lew, Walter R. (eds) Beachon Press 2001

2347 RAS PZ1 .R41     00013962 Song of a Faithful Wife, The : Chun-hyang Rutt, Richard The Royal Asiatic Society-Korea Branch 1999 46268
2348 RAS PZ1 .O725 Te

Ten Korean Short Stories  O'Rourke, Kevin  Yonsei University Press 1981

2349 RAS PZ1
.V53   1 00013958 Virtuous Women: Three Classic Korean Novels (A Nine Cloud Dream, Queen Inhyŏn, Ch'un-hyang Richard Rutt, Kim Chong-un (trans) Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 1974

2350 RAS PZ3 .M583 Br       Bridges at Toko-Ri, The Michener, James A.  Fawcett Crest Books 1984

2351 RAS PZ4 .K4838   2   Innocent, The Kim, Richard E. 시사영어사 1974

2352 RAS PZ4 .S853 Un 1973 1   Under the Snow the Bamboo Shines: Stories of Korea Stewart, Ruth G. Taewon Publishing Company 1973 144603
2353 RAS PZ7 .F364 Mi   3   Mr. Hong and the Dragon and other Korean Stories Ferrar, G. K. Pŏmsŏ Publishers / Royal Asiatic Society 1975 61183
2354 RAS PZ7 .P22115 Si        Single Shard, A Park, Linda Sue Dell Yearling 2001  
2355 RAS PZ7 .P22115 Wh       When My Name was Keoko Park, Linda Sue Clarion Books 2002

2356 RAS PZ8.1 .R253 Mag   1   Magic Gourds, The  Reed, Nancy Binns Sahm-bo Publishing 1969 46508
2357 RAS PZ8.1 .C277 Ta     00007486 Tales of a Korean grandmother Carpenter, Frances Doubleday 1947

2358 RAS PZ8.3 .Y96 Haf       Half-past Four: Poems for Children Yoon, Suk-joong (Francis Taewon Yoon, David D. Lapham, trans) F.T. Yoon, Company 1978

2359 RAS PZ8.3 .R249 Su   1   Sun and the Moon, The  Reed, Nancy Binns Sahm-bo Publishing 1969 47396
2360 RAS QE305 .G81       Geology of Korea Um, Sang ho; Chun Hee Young Korea Institute of Energy and Resources 1983

2361 RAS QE33 .R44   1 00007331 Geology of Korea, The Reedman, Antony John Korea Institute of Energy and Resources 1975

2362 RAS QH75 .C75 1990 1990   00021782 Conserving the world's biological diversity McNeely, Jeffrey A IUCN 1990

2363 RAS QK370  .C7       Flowers and folk-lore from far Korea  Crane, Florence Hedleston  The Garden Club of Seoul 1969
2364 RAS QK495 .G74 L37       Manual of the Korean Grasses (excluding Bambusaea) Lee, No Yong Ewha Womans University Press 1966

2365 RAS QL327 16     A0010632 韓國 稀貴動物 調査報告書   韓國野生動物保護協會 1981 KOREAN
2366 RAS QL545  .S7   1 00007485 Synonymic list of butterflies of Korea (Tyōsen), A  Seok, D. M.  Korea Branch of the R. A. S 1930(소화5)
2367 RAS QL691 .K6 W639   1   Birds of Korea, The Gore , M.E. ; Won , Pyong Oh Taewon / RAS 1971

2368 RAS QL691 .K6 K55        자연속의 (Wild Birds): 김 수만 사진집 김수만 사진집 아카데미 서적 1988 OVERSIZE
2369 RAS QL691 .K6 S9     00014645 Survey of coastal wetlands and shorebirds in South Korea, A , Spring1988   Asian Wetland Bureau 1988

2370 RAS R601 .Can     00007313 Canon of Acupuncture, The : the Yellow Emperor's canon of internal medicine Ki, Sunu,  Korea Acupuncture Society 1978 46516
2371 RAS R703 .Cla     00007338 Avison of Korea : the life of Olive R. Avison, M.D Clark, Allen DeGray Yonsei University Press 1978 46102
2372 RAS R722 .M87 A3 1999     00029547 Return to Korea Murray, Florence J Essence 1999

2373 RAS RA776 .Ill     00007458 Illustrated Kodokan Judo   Dodansha 1954 RARE
2374 RAS RS180 .K6 Y54     00007465 Korean Folk Medicine Lee, Sun-ju Pub. Center of Seoul National Univ 1966 46517
2375 RAS S305 .F6       Rehabilitation and Development of Agriculture. Forestry, and Fisheries in South Korea United Nations Korea Reconstruction Agency Columbia University Press 1954 60191
2376 RAS S495 .Dix     00007324 Ginseng Dixon, Pamela Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd 1976

2377 RAS S495 .Pro     00008045 Proceedings of the 4th international Ginseng symposium, 1984   Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute 1984

2378 RAS S495 .Veg     00007507 Vegetation of Hong Kong, The : its structure and change Thrower, L. B Royal Asiatic Society, Hong Kong Branch 1970

2379 RAS S500 .Reh     00007433 Rehabilitation and development of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in South Korea   Columbia University Press 1954 46519
2380 RAS S523 .KorG     00007463 Korean Ginseng Bae, Hyo-won Korea Ginseng Research Institute 1978 46521
2381 RAS S523  .KorG       Korean Ginseng (Second Edition) Bae, Hyo-Won, Ed.  Korean Ginseng Research Institute 1978 46524
2382 RAS SB450.8  .C53    1   Flower Arrangement of Korea: Its beauty and spirit Chung Sun-ai Hollym International Corp 1984 46526
2383 RAS SB458.2 .M5     00021778 Korean gardens : the beauty of Korean gardens represents a spiritual world through theirhistorical Min, Kyung-Hyun Borim 1992 46522
2384 RAS SF413 .R67 1987     014594 Exotic pets Rosenfeld, Arthur Simon & Schuster 1987

2385 RAS TR646  .Y36        Images of Korea Yoo, Myeong-jong & Lee Gap-chul Discovery Media  2006 46529
2386 RAS TR654 .S33 .A41       정동 1900 세겨와 만나다 / Jeongdong in the 1900s   Seoul Museum of History 2011 KOREAN
2387 RAS TR654  .K654 1994       Korea International Salon of Photography   Dong-a Ilbo 1990 46533
2388 RAS TR700  .E81       Ewha Photo Diary 1979 이화여자대학교출판부 이화여자대학교출판부 1979 46542
2389 RAS TR700  .E81 1983     Ewha Photo Diary 1983 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1983 Korean/English
2390 RAS TR700  .E81 1984     Ewha Photo Diary 1984 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1984 Korean/English
2391 RAS TR700  .E81 1985     Ewha Photo Diary 1985 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1985 Korean/English
2392 RAS TR700  .E81 1987     Ewha Photo Diary 1987 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1987 Korean/English
2393 RAS TR700  .E81 1988     Ewha Photo Diary 1988 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1988 Korean/English
2394 RAS TR700  .E81 1989     Ewha Photo Diary 1989 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1989 Korean/English
2395 RAS TR700  .E81 1991     Ewha Photo Diary 1991 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1991 Korean/English
2396 RAS TR700  .E81 1992     Ewha Photo Diary 1992 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1992 Korean/English
2397 RAS TR700  .E81 1994     Ewha Photo Diary 1994 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1994 Korean/English
2398 RAS TR700  .E81 1995     Ewha Photo Diary 1995 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1995 Korean/English
2399 RAS TR700  .E81 1996     Ewha Photo Diary 1996 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1996 Korean/English
2400 RAS TR700  .E81 1997     Ewha Photo Diary 1997 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1997 Korean/English
2401 RAS TR700  .E81 1998     Ewha Photo Diary 1998 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 1998 Korean/English
2402 RAS TR700  .E81 2000     Ewha Photo Diary 2000 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 2000 Korean/English
2403 RAS TR700  .E81 2003     Ewha Photo Diary 2003 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 2003 Korean/English
2404 RAS TR700  .E81 2004     Ewha Photo Diary 2004 Ewha Womens University Ewha Womans University Press 2004 Korean/English
2405 RAS TR703  .H48       Koreans, The  Harvey, John H. T. Korean Overseas Information Service 1993

2406 RAS TR703  .P950       서울경찰/Seoul Metropolitan Police -- Republic of Korea 1970s?

2407 RAS TS1124.5  .H36  Vol 11 No 2 Winter 1996     Hand Papermaking, Volume 11, Number 2, Winter 1996 Hand Papermaking, Inc. Hand Papermaking, Inc. 1997

2408 RAS TS652 .Noh   1 00007840 Traditional Korean cooking : snacks & basic side dishes Noh, Chin-hwa Hollym Corp 1985

2409 RAS TT69 .E18 C48        Painting with a Needle: Learning the art of silk embroidery with Young Yang Chung Chung, Young Yang  Harry N. Abrams Publisher 2003

2410 RAS TX324 .Hou     00012121 Household Hints in Han'gul compiled by the Foreign Ladies' Guild of the Anglican Cathedral in Seoul The Anglican Cathedral in Korea 1973

2411 RAS TX501 .16     A0020282 韓國 飮食文化硏究院, 1   韓國飮食文化硏究院 1988 KOREAN
2412 RAS TX715 .All     00010979 All purpose guide to Korean food Suh, Hwan Seoul International Publishing House 1987

2413 RAS TX715 .Korean     00010983 Korean cookery Wade, Lee Hollym International Corp 1986

2414 RAS TX715  .H849    1   How to Make it in Korea LDS Church Seoul The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Korea Seoul Mission ???

2415 RAS TX722  .M26       Korean Cooking for You Moon, Ja Yoon Seoul Computer Press 1987

2416 RAS TX724 .Mor   1   Art of Korean Cooking, The Morris, Harriett Charles E. Tuttle Company 1959

2417 RAS TX724 .Noh   1 00010981 Healthful Korean cooking : meats & poultry Noh, Chin-hwa Hollym International Corp 1985 46549
2418 RAS TX724 .Shim     00010982 Korean Recipes Shim, Chung-shil Seoul International Publishing House 1984  
2419 RAS TX724 .NohL   1 00010980 Low-fat Korean cooking : fish, shellifis & vegetables Noh, Chin-hwa Hollym International Corp 1985 46553
2420 RAS TX724.5 .K65 H2813       Korean Cooking     Han, Chung Hea Chung Woo Publishing 1985 46554
2421 RAS TX724.5 .K6 Y86 1993 1993   00022162 Korean foods Yu, Tae-jong The Korean Cultural Research Center, Korea University 1993 46562
2422 RAS TX724.5 .K65 C4513       Korean Mother's Cooking Notes, A (HARD) Chang, Soon-young Ewha Womans University Press 2008 46565
2423 RAS TX724.5 .K65 N597 1985   1   Practical Korean Cooking Noh, Chin-hwa Hollym 1985 46567
2424 RAS TX724.5 .K65 H47 2001   1   Growing up in a Korean kitchen : a cookbook Hepinstall, Hi Soo Shin Ten Speed Press 2001

2425 RAS TX724.5 .K65 H9 1979 1979   00008268 Korean Cookbook, The Hyun, Judy Hollym Corp 1979 46570
2426 RAS TX724.5 .K65 W3   1   Lee Wade's Korean Cook-book Wade, Lee ; Rutt, Joan ; Mattielli , (eds) Pŏmsŏ Publishers 1974

2427 RAS TX941  .W44 C68 1984       Westin Chosun, Seoul, The : On Center Stage for 70 Years Covell, John Carter  Hollym 1984 46573
2428 RAS UA17.5 .K8 K67 1976       Economic Development and Military Technical Manpower of Korea Labor and Education Research Institute, Korea University Korea University Press 1976 46578
2429 RAS UA830  .T48 1983       Threats to Security in East Asia-Pacific Morrison, Charles E. , Editor Lexington Books 1983 46574
2430 RAS UA853 .K5 A85       Asian Flashpoint: Security and the Korean Peninsula Andrew Mack, Ed Allen and Unwin 1993

2431 RAS UG735 .K6 A37       Air Power Dynamics and Korean Security Moon, C. & M. Chung  Yonsei University Press 1999 55562
2432 RAS VA667 .K6 K67 1990       Korean Sea Power and The Pacific Era Kim, Dalchoon ; Cho, Doug-Woon Eds Institute of East and West Studies Yonsei University 1990

2433 RAS VG227 .W66 N38       Naval Surgeon in Yi Korea: the Journal of George W. Woods Bohm, Fred C., Swartout, Robert R., Eds. University of California Berkeley 1984

2434 RAS Z1033 .Bril     00008048 Short-title catalogue of publications from E. J. Brill Brill, E. J E. J. Brill 1987  
2435 RAS Z1201 .Com 1983 1983   00008335 Complete catalog, 1983 : books and journals in print   The University of Chicago Press 1983 46211
2436 RAS Z186 .K67 16     A0037478 韓國古印刷資料圖錄 한국도서관학연구회 鮮文出版社 1976  
2437 RAS Z186.C5 .C3 1955 1955   00008016 Invention of Printing in China and its Spread Westward, The Carter, Thomas Francis Ronald Press Co 1955  
2438 RAS Z3215  .L74       Annotated Bibliography of Korean Literature in Translation 1980-2002, An    Korean Literature Translation Institute 2002

2439 RAS Z3316 .B5x     00007310 Bibliographical Guide to Traditional Korean Sources, A Kim, Tai-jin Asiatic Research Center, Korea Univ 1976

2440 RAS Z3316 .B6 1979     00014654 Books from Korea : a selected list   Korean Publishers Association 1979

2441 RAS Z3316 .S78   1 00007432 Studies on Korea, a scholar's guide Kim, Han-Kyo , Ed. University Press of Hawaii 1980

2442 RAS Z3316 92     A011018 國學硏究著總覽 / 國學硏究著總覽刊行會 국학연구논저총람간행회 乙酉文化社 1960

2443 RAS Z3319 .L5 L83 1989   1   Linguistique Coréenne Bibliographie 1960-1985 Lucas, Alain Collége de France Centre D'Études Coreénnes 1989
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Korean Research Monograph 26
2444 RAS Z3320 .Y6       Koreana Collection Murphy, Sunny; Yi, Myung-hui, Editors Yongsan Library 1982 46289
2445 RAS Z3320  .S27 2011       책의 기억, 시대 기억   삼성출판박물관 (Samseong Museum of Publishing) 2011 46290
2446 RAS Z40 .A3K 이조     A0015375 聖御筆帖 이병년 二喬社 1930 60189
2447 RAS Z5055 .Cat     00009827 Catalogue of Books on the Near and Far East and a Number of Manuscripts, A offerd for sale by J. Thornton & Son University Booksellers   46209
2448 RAS Z5055 동양 v.3 v.3   A0041169 東洋文庫 所藏 アラビア語 文獻目錄 東洋文庫 中央アジア·イスラム 硏究委員會 東洋文庫 1985  
2449 RAS Z5055 동양 v.1 v.1   A0037480 東洋文庫所臧 アラビア語 文獻關係 書誌目錄 東洋文庫 中央アジア·イスラム硏究委員會 東洋文庫 1974 46291
2450 RAS Z5055 동양 v.2 v.2   A0037481 東洋文獻 所藏 トルコ語·オスマン語 文獻 關係 書誌目錄 東洋文庫 中央アジア·イスラム硏究委員會 東洋文庫 1974 46292
2451 RAS Z5055 .C48 D4x     00008031 Records of the Three Kingdoms, The : a study in the historiography of San-kuo Chih De Crespigny, Rafe Centre of Oriental Studies, The Australian National Univ 1970 65546
2452 RAS Z5055 .C48 63 1987     A0078982 東洋文庫所臧 漢籍分類目錄 : 史部   東洋文庫 1987 60754
2453 RAS Z5055 .K8 Lis     00007409 List of the Korean Research Center Koreana collection : in commemoration of sixth anniversary   The Korean Research Center 1962 RARE
2454 RAS Z6204 .H5 1978   013743 Historical abstracts Boehm, Eric H American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, etc.] 1955

2455 RAS Z6204 .H5 1978   013744 Historical abstracts Boehm, Eric H American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, etc.] 1955

2456 RAS Z6204 .H5 1979-80   013745 Historical abstracts Boehm, Eric H American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, etc.] 1955 60188
2457 RAS Z6204 .H5 1979-80   013746 Historical abstracts Boehm, Eric H American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, etc.] 1955 46301
2458 RAS Z6204 .H5 1983-84   013747 Historical abstracts Boehm, Eric H American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, etc.] 1955 46311
2459 RAS Z6207 .K8Am     001689 American image of Korea in 1882, The : a bibliographical sketch McCune, Shannon University of Florida 1982 RARE
2460 RAS Z6207 .Bib     00009829 Bibliography of Asian studies, 1975 / editors, Estrella S. Bryant ... [etal] Bryant, Estrella S Association for Asian Studies 1978 46307
2461 RAS Z668  .K642   2   Korean Librarianship Outside of Korea Kim, Joy, Editor Asian Culture Press 2002 46294
2462 RAS Z7004 .Cla     00008331 Classified Catalogue of Pamphlets in Foreign Languages in the Toyo Bunko acquired during the years 1917-1971, A   Toyo Bunko, Br. N. D. L 1972 124811
2463 RAS Z7862.3  .K67 BQ1210       Tripitaka Koreana   고려대장경보존동지회 1973 46302
2464 RAS Z840 .T4046  No.9 (French)      Mémorial OJIHARA Yutaka Studia Indologica Turu, Yagi ; Minoru, Hara,  Eds Toyo Bunko 2007 60762
2465 RAS Z840  .T4046  No.5     Selected Works on Mordern Japan-China Relations Eto, Shinkichi Toyo Bunko 2005 60762
2466 RAS Z845 .A5     00009975 Annual report of the director of The Korean Research Center   The Korean Research Center 1961 60762 RARE?
2467 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.27 (1995) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 1995 60762
2468 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.29 (1997) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 1997 60762
2469 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.30 (1998) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 1998 65605
2470 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.34 (2002) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 2002 46313
2471 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.36 (2004) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 2004

2472 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.38 (2006) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 2006 46316
2473 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.39 (2007) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 2007

2474 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.40 (2008) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 2008

2475 RAS Z846  .T6985 Japan  No.41 (2008) 1   東洋文庫書報/ TOYO BUNKO SHOHO, THE   Toyo Bunko 2008

2476 RAS Z888  .C456  Japan       中國關係圖書目錄 (和文1957~1970)   東洋文庫 近代中國硏究委員會 ##### 60190