The Korean Repository. Weekly Edition. Vol. I.

No. II. Thursday,
FEB. 16, 1899.

Alexandre Pavlow, Esq., the new Russian Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General, arrived in Seoul on the 10th of January and was presented in audience to the Em- peror on the 12th following. Mr. Pavlow served as a naval officer for several years before he joined the service of the Russian Foreign Office. He came to the Far East in 1891 with Count Cassini, who was then under appointment as Russian Minister at Peking. He was first attache to the Legation but was soon promoted to second Secretary, and later to the post of first Secretary. On Count Cassini's departure some two years ago to Washington as Minister, Mr. Pavlow became Charge d'Affaires at Peking which position he held until his transfer to
M. de Matanine, Mr. Pavlow's predecessor here, left Seoul on Jan. 21st.

This road was transferred by the American Syndicate to a Japanese syndicate on New Year's day. Work of construction we understand will be resumed a soon as the weather moderates and rumors are afloat that early summer will see trains running. We shall not indulge in any prophecies as we have several against us still unfulfilled.

The discussion in the Japanese Diet when the subject came up on the 18th ult. was interesting. The supplementary budget asked for an appropriation of yen 1,800.000 in order to complete the road. According to the Osaka Asahi, Japanese merchants of Tokyo formed a syndicate and under guarantee of the government advanced a million yen to Mr. Morse on the understanding that he finish the road and hand it over to the new syndicate. This amount was paid out of the indemnity fund but was insufficient and yen 800,000 more were called for. To provide for this as well as to cover the million yen already advanced the consent of the diet was asked.

The motion precipitated a lively discussion as may be seen in the following account reproduce from the Kobe Chronicle:
Mr. Hoshi (the well-known Liberal leader) desired the Government, as the Bill was an important one, to explain it in full. He wished to know (1) when the contract was concluded between Mr Morse and the syndicate to undertake the scheme; (2) when the Specie Bank paid Mr. Morse the bargain money; (3) how far the work of the line had progressed and how much more was needed for its completion. In reply Mr. Sakaya, the Government delegate, replied that the contract was concluded in May, 1897. Mr. Morse receiving a million yen from the Specie Bank in October of the same year. Up to the present time 27 miles had been completed, and the expenditure still needed for construction work was Y750,000. Mr.Hoshi there upon remarked that Mr. Morse was not in a position to warrant his borrowing such a large sum of money.

Why did not the Government interfere when the money was paid to him? Mr. Sakaya’s reply being ambiguous, numerous questions were thereupon put to the Government delegate from all parts of the House Members becoming excited, the President proposed that the House should sit with closed doors, which was accordingly done the House was reopened to the public after an interval, when it was announced that the Bill had been adopted.

Very sad news was received by the Hon. Masus Kato, the Japanese Minister, on Tuesday, the 14th. in a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. Kato at Tokyo on that day. Mrs. Kato is very well known here in Seoul and was quite a favorite. She left Seoul last October, going to Tokyo to receive medical treatment for a cancer. The Minister and his family have the sincere sympathy of all who know them in their great trial.

Korean New Year came on Feb. 10th.
Dr. H. G. Underwood left Seoul last week for an itinerating tour in the country. Rev: S. A. Moffett preached a very acceptable sermon on Sunday at the Union Church
The new Ewa School building is occupied by the teachers and pupils. Some of the larger girls of the school were received and entertained last Saturday evening by Mrs. Allen, the wife of the U.S. Minister.
The temple of the god of war, situated outside of the South Gate of the city, burned on Tuesday evening.

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Mrs. S. Akidzuki, the wife of our esteemed Japanese Consul, wishes it knows that she receives every Wednesday afternoon.
The engagement of the Rev. S. A Moffett and Miss M. Alice Fish, M. D., is an nounced. The wedding will be in Seoul next May.
T. H. Yun, Esq. left Seoul yesterday for Wonsan: via Chemulpo to assume the duties of Magistrate and Superintendent of Trade of the place.

Remember if you want the LOCAL REPOSITORY you must subscribe for it. Your subscription to the magazine has nothing to do with this paper.
It is rumoured that Mr. Yi Yongik, ex Director of Mines, is to be appointed to the same position with the object of opening mines in the southern provinces.
J. F. Oiesen, Commissioner of Customs at Wonsan, visited our capital the last few weeks and was the guest of the Chief Commissioner, Mr. McLeavy Brown.

The usual entertainment will be given in the room of the Seoul Union tomorrow afternoon from four to six o'clock to which all the members are cordially invited.
Dr. E. H. Baldock, of the English Church Mission, is still unable to be around to any extent. His wound has been a great cause of inconvenience to him.
There is a prospect of a new publishing house being established in Seoul. Money to the amount of Y6,000 has been raised and initiatory steps are being taken to procure the plant. The company is entirely Korean and its object is to translate and publish books.
Mrs. Greathouse, who has been under medical treatment the past month by Dr. Cutler in her hospital in Chong-dong, we are happy to learn, is nearly well again.
U. S. Consul-General Allen is having printed a guide to foreigners coming to Korea, by which he intends to acquaint Americans of the rules of residence and business laid down by the Korean government.

The news of the battle at Manila which reached Seoul last Friday created much comment among the Americans here. General Regret is heard on all sides that peace between the Americans and insurgents could not have been preserved.

Philip S. Yi, a young Korean who spent a year in England and one and a half years in the United State, returned to his native land a few days before the Korean New Year. He was connected with the Christian Alliance while in America.

The fall of some six inches of snow on the night of the 7th inst. remained on the ground long enough to give the Koreans a white New Year. Koreans are loud in their predictions of a year of plenty because of the abundance of snow this winter.
The Japan Mail says: “It is alleged that the Bank of Korea, projected by Mr. Omiya Chober, Baron Ozaki Saburo and others, will be started next May. **** Rumour alleges that they have already enlisted the active sympathy of some important Korean officials.”

This is the time when Korean officials go thro the ceremony of “laying down their offices” to take them up or otherwise at the commands of their sovereign. This may account in part for the listing of forty-seven new magistrates in the Official Gazette. Other appointments are still to follow.
LONDON, Feb. 4. A telegram from Havana states that Gomez has telegraphed McKinley assuring him of his co-operation in disbanding Cuban soldiers and in distributing $3,000,000 offered by America to enable them to return to their homes.

LONDON, Feb. 4. The French government has ordered a supplementary inquiry into Beaurepair's charges against the judges in the Court of Cassation.

LONDON, Feb. 4. A conference of Australian premiers has unanimously settled all disputed points of federation.

LONDON, Feb. 6. There is a report in New York that hostilities have begun in the Philippines and that Manila has been attacked.

LONDON, Feb. 6. Despatches from Washington state that there is small prospect of securing requisite majority in United States senate in favor of ratifying the treaty of peace.

LONDON, Feb. 6. Referring to the telegram of the 2nd of February the Chinese loan has been issued at 97 and hst closes on the 7th.

LONDON, Feb. 6. No fresh cases of the plague have occurred in Port Loan since the 20th of January.

LONDON, Feb. 6. A later telegram states that severe fighting has taken place at Manila and after a fourteen hours’ engagement the United States troops carried two positions and advanced their lines losing 20 killed and 125 wounded. The Filipinos suffered a heavy loss.

No Theological Seminary is as yet existent in Korea. Such special biblical and theological instruction as is given the Korean workers attached to the various Mis sions is obtained in the Mid-year Workers Training Classes which usually assemble in Seoul and other places about this time. The Class of the Presbyterian Mission adjourned a short time ago. The Class of the Methodist Mission is now in session with twenty one Koreans in attendance. It will adjourn probably Saturday. Theological is probably 100 strong a word to use in connection with these Classes. They are yet little more than Bible Training Classes or Biblical Institutes. But from them will grow the theological seminaries of the future.

A lad in Kunsan cut his hair to displease his parents. The latter were so enraged and grieved at this conduct that they “looked upon him as dead” and calling in their relatives and friends went thro the ceremony for the dead, sacrifices were offered and the wailing indulged in. The incorrigible youth was a stoic spectator thro it all, sitting quietly by himself and when hired he made his way to the dispensary of Dr. Drew (from whom we have the account) and reported the progress of the services. For a month no notice was taken of the boy by his parents other than giving him his food. He has taken to wearing foreign clothing now and it is said the country people do not accept his observation that he is “a Daihan man” tho they are loud in praises of his ability to speak the native language fluently an instance where internal evidence tho strong is not conclusive against weaker external.


DEAR SIR: Can you allow me space to make the following statement?
(1) The money subscribed for the memorial to Dr. Landis, chiefly in Chemulpo, amounted to $290
(2) The tombstone cost $89; freight and cost of erection amounted to $11; exactly $100 in all.
(3) $9 have been spent in reprinting: a photo of the late doctor and it is proposed also to photograph the tombstone.
Will those subscribers who would care for a copy of either or both of these photos send me their names?
(4) Even after paying for all the photographs, there will remain a balance of about $170, as to the disposal of which I should be glad to receive suggestions.
(5) It is proposed to add a “Landis Memorial Ward” to the new hospital, now being built in Chemulpo. Towards this the Bishop has subscribed £50 sterling. If any who have not yet subscribed to the Memorial would wish to do so now, their subscriptions can be put to this fund, to which also, unless I receive other suggestions, I propose to hand over the balance above referred to.
(6) “Three Friends” are uniting to put up a stained glass window in St. Michael's Church, Chemulpo, in memory of the late doctor. Should any of the subscribers prefer their money to be devoted to this memorial I should be glad to hear from them.
(7) I am afraid it would take up too much space to publish the list of subscribers in your columns.
            I am, Sir,
                M. N. TROLLOPE
This column would be a good place for your advertisement. Try it.