An Index to the Papers
Published in the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic
Society, Korea Branch.
2. Title Index
ACCENT and Vowel Length in Korean. Gary Rector. 75:43. 2000.
ACCOUNT of the Shipwreck of a Dutch Vessel on the Coast of the Isle of Quelpart, With Description of the Kingdom of Korea. Hendrik Hamel. IX:91-148. 1918.
ADDRESS. W. E. Griffis. XVII:1-14. 1927
AFFORESTATION in Korea. E. W. Koons. VI, part 1:35-42. 1915.
ALICE Hyun and Wellington Chung: Paradise Lost. Hl�sny Vladimir and Jung Byung Joon. 91:21-41. 2016.
THE AMERICAN Role in the Opening of Korea to the West. Donald S. MacDonald. XXXV:51-66. 1959.
AMULETS. Kim Jong-Dae. 65:35-40. 1990.
THE ANGLICAN Cathedral Seoul 1926-1986. J. E. Hoare. 61:1-14. 1986.
THE APPEAL of Korean Celadon. G. St. G. M. Gompertz. 52:45-54. 1977.
APPRECIATING �Ugly� Late 20th Century architecture in Korea. Nate Kornegay. 97: 74-90. 2023.
ARBORETUM Coreense, Being a Preliminary Catalogue of the Vernacular Names of Fifty of the Commonest Trees and Shrubs Found in Chosen. Mark Napier Trollope. IX:69-90. 1918.
ARBORETUM Coreense, Part 11, Being a Second List of Fifty of the Best-Known Trees and Shrubs Found in Corea, With Some Prefatory Notes on Those Contained in Part I. Mark Napier Trollope. XI:39-100. 1920.
ARCHBISHOP Mutel, A Biographical Sketch. G. St. G. M. Gompertz. XXVII:57-132. 1937.
THE ARCHITECTURAL Roots of Myeongdong Cathedral. Nate Kornegay. 93: 67-72. 2018
ARIMITSU, Kyoichi. An Objective View of Japanese Archaeological Works in Korea. XLII:75-79. 1966.
BACK to the Past: A Visit to North Korea in October 2011. J. E. Hoare. 86:7-23. 2011.
THE BAIRDS� Contributions to Building Design in 1910s Pyongyang. Nate Kornegay. 95:26-35. 2021
BEACON Fires of Old Korea. E. Wade Koons. XVI:46-52. 1925.
BENEATH our Feet: Geology and Landscape of Seoul. Rodney Grapes and Gyeong-Nan Jeong. 83:117-132. 2008.
THE BIRTH of Korea�s Advertising Industry and My Role in It. John Stickler. 87:81-96. 2012.
THE BOATS of the Han River. Robert Neff. 90:117-138. 2015.
BOOK Production and Printing in Corea. Mark Napier Trollope, XXV:101-107. 1936
BORROWED National Bodies: Ideological Conditioning and Idol-Logical Practices of K-Pop Cover Dance. CedarBough T. Saeji. 94: 43-67. 2019.
BRILLIANT as the Morning Star: Cultural notes on the yogang. Boudewijn Walraven. 91:109-120. 2016.
BRITISH Extraterritoriality in Korea, 1884-1910. Christopher Roberts. 96:120-142. 2022.
BUDDHIST Ritual Music and Dance. Allen Heyman. 81:23-32. 2006.
THE BUDDHIST Transformation of Silla Kingship: Buddha as a King and King as a Buddha. N. M. Pankaj. 70:15-36. 1995.
BUILDING the Daegu Hospital (1903-1907): A Study on the Construction and Design of Early Western-Korean Hybrid Architecture. Nate Kornegay. 94: 69-83. 2019.
THE BULLDOZED Future: Exploring Korea�s Urban Redevelopment Zones. Ryan Berkebile. 95:146-160. 2021
BY Blood or by Sweat: Two Kinds of Martyrdom. Brother Anthony. 97: 1-18. 2023
CAPTAIN Basil Hall�s Account of His Voyage to the West Coast of Corea in 1816. XI:3-37. 1920.
CATALOGUE, A. I. Ludlow Collection. XIV:40-62. 1923.
THE CELESTIAL Planisphere of King Yi Tai-jo [Yi T�ae-jo]. W. Carl Rufus. IV, part III:23-72. 1913.
THE CENTENARY of Korean-British Diplomatic Relations: Aspects of British Interest and Involvement. J. E. Hoare. 58:1-34. 1983.
CERAMIC History of the Yi Period. G. St. G. M. Gompertz. XLII:3-25. 1966.
CHARLES Hunt: Missionary and Martyr. Brother Anthony. 95:23-36. 2022.
CHANGING Patterns in American Diplomacy: Implications for Korean-American Relations. Richard L. Walker. 57:1-9. 1982.
CH�AO-HSUN Fu. Tung Yueh. Trans. and annotated by Richard Rutt. XLVIII:29-73. 1973.
THE CHIENTAO Incident (1920) and Britain. Daeyeol Ku. 55:1-33. 1980.
�A CHILDREN�S Paradise�: Reforming Juvenile Incarceration under the US Military Government in Korea, 1945-48. James D. Hillmer: 94: 19-42. 2019.
CHINESE Vernacular Narratives in Chosŏn Korea. Emanuel Pastreich. 87:35-64. 2012.
CHOE Nam-ju: A pioneer of Korean archaeology and preservation and research of Silla cultural heritage. 98: 91-121. 2024.
CHOI IN-SUH and the Tae-Ch��wi-t��a. Alan C. Heyman. 84:91-96. 2009.
CHŏN CHAEKYŏNG�S Butterfly. Tristan Webb. 90:165-176. 2015.
CH�ONDOGYO Enters Its Second Century. Benjamin Weems. XLIII:92-100. 1967.
CHONG CHI-YOUNG�S Night and Mountain Poems: Eight Poems from the Poet�s Mature Years. Daniel A. Kister. 65:15-22. 1990.
CHŎNG TASAN (1762-1836). Moo Sook Hahn. 64:79-88. 1989.
CHOSŎN DYNASTY ROYAL COMPOUNDS�Windows to a Lost Culture. Peter Bartholomew. 68:11-44. 1993.
A CHRISTIAN collector in Korea: The Reverend Stanley Smith (1876-1954). Morgan Wilson. 98: 70-90. 2024.
CHRISTIANITY, American Missionaries, and Korean Immigration to the United States, 1903-1915. Wayne Patterson. 88:59-78. 2013.
CHRONOLOGY of Plant Taxonomy in Korea. Lee Tchang-bok. XLIX:48-54. 1974.
CHUNGSAN�GYO: Its History, Doctrines and Ritual Practices. Lee Kang-o. Trans. by Richard Rutt. XLIII:28-66. 1967.
CHURCH Growth in Korea: Perspectives on the Past and Prospects for the Future. Daniel J. Adams. 79:1-32. 2004.
CHUSOK Trip to China 2002. Nancy Peck. 77:105-116. 2002.
THE CINEMA in Korea: A Robust Invalid. James Wade. XLV:109-128. 1969.
CITY PLANNING and Neighborhood Preservation in Seoul. Josh Moreinis. 69:53-70. 1994.
COLLECTIVISM and Competiton in South Korea. Hyunjee Romy Cho. 97: 91-99. 2023.
A COMPARATIVE LOOK at the Portrayal of Parenthood in Korean and English Fiction. Ji-moon Suh. 64:65-78. 1989.
CONFUCIANISM: Tradition and Transformations. Chung, Chai-sik. 63:37-66. 1988.
CONTRIBUTIONS by Western Scholars to Modern Historiography in Korea, with Emphasis on the RAS-KB. Young Ick Lew. 80:3-18. 2005.
COREAN Books and Their Authors, Being an Introduction to Corean Literature. Mark Napier Trollope. XXI:1-58. 1932.
COREAN Coin Charms and Amulets, A Supplement. Frederick Starr. VIII:42-79. 1917.
COVETING the Dragon�s Pearl. Fred Jeremy Seligson. 93: 137-148. 2018
THE CRANE in the Pine Tree: The State of Wetlands in Korea. Nial Moores. 77:59-68. 2002.
THE CREATION of the Korean Navy During the Koryo Period. Benjamin H. Hazard. XLVIII:10-28. 1973
CULTIVATING Collective Memories: Seoul�s Changgyeonggung. David Kendall. 92: 1-20. 2017
THE CULTURE and Preparation of Ginseng in Korea. C. T. Collyer. III:18-30. 1903.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. Alex �vamberk. 88:1-52
DAILY Life. Lee Hyo-jae and others. XLVI:51-61. 1971.
DEATH and Taxes: A Korean Approach to Hell. Laurel Kendall. 60:1-14. 1985.
THE DECISION for War in Korea. Kathryn Weathersby. 89:51-64. 2014
DEVELOPMENT and Trend of the Automotive Transportation in Chosen. W. W. Taylor. XV:57-82. 1924.
THE DIAMOND Mountains. J. S. Gale. XIII:1-67. 1922.
THE DIAMOND Mountains: Lost Paradise. Brother Anthony. 93:1-18. 2018
DIARY of a Trip to Sul-Ak San [Sŏrak-san] (Via the Diamond Mountains) 1923. Charles Hunt. XXIV:1-14. 1935.
Dr. FRANK WILLIAM SCHOFIELD and His Place in Korea History.Jin Young Choi. 65:23-34. 1990.
D.R. Clark�s 1874 photographic expedition to the Koreans of Posyet Bay, Russia. Peter Juhl. 98: 47-69. 2024.
EARLY American Contacts with Korea. Harold F. Cook. 55:85-107. 1980.
THE EARLY History of Korean Electric Light and Power Development. Moon-Hyon Nam. 86:41-59. 2011.
EARLY Korean Writing Systems. Adrian Buzo. 55:35-61. 1980.
AN EARLY Koreanologist: Eli Barr Landis, 1865-1898. Richard Rutt. 54:59-100. 1979.
THE EARLY Years of the RASKB : 1900 � 1920. Brother Anthony. 85:131-149. 2010
ECOLOGICAL Studies in the Tong-nai River Basin. G. G. Mills. XII:3-78. 1921.
EMBARKING on our 1245th year: A milestone in the history of Royal Asiatic Society Korea. Rev. Steven L. Shields. 98: 1-12. 2024.
THE EMERGENCE of Kim Ju-ae. Rochelle Leonor. 98: 179-193. 2024.
EMILY Brown: The American Empress of Korea. Robert Neff. 78:79-84. 2003.
THE EMPEROR and the Miner: The Story of John Kavanaugh. Robert Neff. 95:161-184. 2021.
THE EMPEROR�S Foreign Bodyguards. Robert Neff. 97: 51-73. 2023
ENCOURAGEMENT from Dongducheon 93: 19-30. 2018
AN ENGLISH Chemist Visits Korea in 1899. Brother Anthony (Ed.). 88:141-151
ENTRY Sequence to Buddhist Temples. Kim Kyun. 60:15-30. 1985.
EXCLUDE, exploit, eliminate: Anti-vagrancy in authoritarian-era South Korea. Jack Greenberg. 98: 122-142. 2024.
AN EXPEDITION to Korea to Rescue the Crew of The Narwal in April 1851. Robert Neff. 83:27-72. 2008.
THE EXPEDITION to Northern Korea, Autumn 1898. D. A. Samsonov. 79:33-46. 2004.
EXPLORING the Confucian Self: A Critique and Reinterpretation. Philippe Thi�bault. 73:11-40. 1998
EXPLORING Manchocheon, Seoul�s Underground River. Jon Dunbar. 93: 97-136. 2018
THE FIRST Century in the Development of Korean Advertising. In Sup Shin. 57:53-66. 1982.
THE FLOWER Boys of Silla (Hwarang). Richard Rutt. XXXVIII:1-66. Oct., 1961.
FOOTPRINTS OF THE WILDGOOSE: Horak hongjo or Hodong sŏrak ki by Kŭmwŏn. Richard Rutt. 68:57-98. 1993.
FOR Men or Women? The Case of Chinju Kŏmmu, A Sword Dance from South Korea. Judy Van Zile. 75:9. 2000.
THE FORGOTTEN Korean Labourers on Nauru. Ron Munro & Alamanda Lauti. 95:90-110. 2021
FORGOTTEN People: The Koreans of Sakhalin Island. 1945-1991. Andrei Lankov. 85:13-28
FORM and Philosophy in Korean Buddhist Temple, Landscape and Architecture. Valeri Tian. 71: 55-95. 1996.
FORTRESSES of Kyŏnggi-do. Wilbur D. Bacon. XXXVII: 1-63. April, 1961.
THE FOUNDING of the Royal Dragon Monastery. Trans. and annotated by David H. McClung. 53:69-79. 1978.
FRANK Carpenter�s Visit To Joseon. Robert Neff. 89:147-168. 2014.
FROM New York to Seoul: Conversations with Princess Yi Haegyong. Juancho L. Baylon. 96:37-43. 2022.
FROM Koryu To Kyung (Pictures of Koryŏ) by Soh Keung, Imperial Chinese Envoy to Korea, 1124 A.D. Trans. by L. G[eorge] Paik. XXIII: 90-94. 1934.
FROM Traditional Opera to Modern Music Theatre? Jan Creutzenberg. 88:87-102
FURTHER Investigation into the June 8, 1948 Bombing of Dokdo Island. Mark S. Lovmo. 78:21-34. 2003.
GENERATIONAL CHANGE and Confucianism: Organization and Interaction in Korea. Tony Michell. 61:15-34. 1986.
GEOGRAPHICAL Divisions of Korean Plants. Kong, Woo-seok. 69:23-44. 1994.
GHOSTS, Spirits, and Saints: Ancestors and the Catholic Church in Korea. Daniel J. Adams. 85:109-130. 2010.
A GLIMPSE of Life at the Gold Mines. Robert Neff. 81:93-110. 2006.
A GLIMPSE of the Korea. Cyprian A. G. Bridge. 87:161-168. 2012.
GOLD Mining in Korea. Edwin W. Mills. VII:5-39. 1916.
�GO-UN� Choi Chi-won�s Pungryu. David A. Mason. 90:57-70. 2015.
THE GREAT Tumulus of Whangnam. Kim, Young-Duk [Kim Yŏng-dŏk]. 72:35-42. 1997.
GRIT and Enterprise. Matt VanVolkenburg. 93: 149-168. 2018
A GUIDE to Haeinsa. Susan Lauster. XLVII:59-104. 1972.
THE GYEHU Deungnok. Mark Peterson. 93: 43-52. 2018
HAENGJU Mountain Fortress on the ��River of Hell.�� Sam Hawley: 85:29-35. 2010
THE HAN-SAM-WEI-I Principle for Eastern Societies. David Chung. XXXVIII:95-118. Oct., 1961.
HAN-YANG (Seoul). J. S. Gale. II, part II:1-43. 1902.
HAPPY Mutant in Daechi-dong. Myungseo Kim. 97: 100-106. 2023.
HARMONY Day. Park Jaein. 98: 13-15. 2024.
HENRI Zuber�s Day-by-Day Record (of the French 1866 Expedition). Brother Anthony. 90:71-94. 2015.
HERBAE Koreanae, Being a First List of Some of the Commonest Herbaceous Plants Found in Korea. A Sister of the Community of St. Peter. XVIII:43-82. 1929.
THE HISTORIC Town of Yo-Ju [Yŏju], Its Surroundings and Celebrities. Charles Hunt. XXXI:24-34. 1948-49.
HISTORIC Background of Seoul City. Lee Hyo-jae and others. XLVI:15-19. 1971.
HISTORICAL Article: An Early Description of Korea and Asia Chinese and Japanese. E�a de Queiroz. 76:45-62. 2001.
AN HISTORICAL Study of Discriminatory Legislation Against the Descendants of Concubines in Korea, 1415-1894. Hahm Pyong-choon. XLII:27-48. 1966.
HISTORY as Fact and Social Process. Boudewijn Walraven. 90: 47-56. 2015.
THE HISTORY of Korean Medicine. N. H. Bowman. VI, part I:1-34. 1915.
A HISTORY of the Chŏng Dong Area and the American Embassy Residence. Gregory Henderson. XXXV:1-32. 1959.
A HISTORY of the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1900-1950. Harold M. Otness. 63:1-12. 1988.
A HISTORY of Tea in China, Sometimes Touching on Korea. Steven D. Owyoung. 86:93-121. 2011.
HISTORY and Justice: Approaches to the Dokdo Issues. Kim Yongdeok. 83:97-106. 2008.
HORACE Grant Underwood (1917-2004). Daniel J. Adams. 78:1-2. 2003.
HOW the West First Learned about Korea. Brother Anthony. 87:117-160. 2012.
HUI NENG in Korea: A Chapter in the Story of Korean Religion. Daniel J. Adams. 81:1-22. 2006.
HUMANISTIC Egalitarianism in Donghak. Choe Chong-dae. 97: 107-139. 2023.
A HUNDRED Great Books of Korea. Richard Rutt. 92: 205-226. 2017
THE HUNGNAM Evacuation: A Korean War Christmas Miracle. Ned Forney. 92: 31-40. 2017
IDOLATRY, Ideology and Nationalism: A Korean Millenarian Sect and the State. James Grayson. 85:95-107. 2010.
IMAGINATIVE Awakenings: Dream Writing in South Korea. Loren Goodman. 92: 175-186. 2017
IMAGINING Community and Nation in Late Chosŏn Kasa. Boudewijn Walraven. 92:91-114. 2017
THE IMJIN War. Samuel J. Hawley. 78:35-56. 2003.
THE IMCH�ŎNGGAK, Neo-Confucian Aesthetics, and Architecture Parlante. Pablo N. Barrera. 86:71-91. 2011.
IMPERIAL Crown Style in Colonial Korea. Nate Kornegay. 92:21-30. 2017
IMPERMANENT RESIDENTS: The Seoul Foreign Community in 1937. Donald N. Clark. 64:19-38. 1989.
THE INDEPENDENCE Movement and the Missionaries. Samuel H. Moffett. 54:13-32. 1979.
INDEX for �Notes on Korean Birds� and �Birds Found in Korea From a List of Japanese Birds.� XXII:89-94. 1933.
INDEX to Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch 1900-1983, Volumes 1-58. 59:1-45. 1984.
INDEX to Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society-Korea Branch Volumes I Through 74 (1900-1999) 75:49. 2000.
INDEX to Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society-Korea Branch Volumes I through 75 (1900-2000). 76:63-80. 2001.
THE INFLUENCE of China upon Korea. James S. Gale. I:1-24. 1900.
IN Korea (Chosen). J. V. Dane�. 85:65-75. 2010.
IN Memoriam: Alan Heyman (1931-2014). 88:53-57. 2013
THE INQUIRING Literatus: Yi Sugwang�s �Brush-Talks� with Ph�ng Khac Khoan in Beijing in 1598. William F. Pore. 83:1-26. 2008.
INSCRIPTION on Buddha at Eun-jin [Ŭnjin]. I:51-56. 1900.
IN Search of Japan�s Origin. Kim Yong-duk [Kim Yŏng-dŏk]. 73:89-99 1998.
INTRODUCTION to Ancient Egyptian Temples and Tombs. Maissa Cholkamy. 69:45-52. 1994.
INTRODUCTION to Courante�s Bibliographie Coreene. Trans. by W. Massy Royds. XXV:1-99. 1936.
AN INTRODUCTION to the Sijo�A Form of Short Korean Poem. Richard Rutt. XXXIV:1-88. 1958.
INTRODUCTION to the Study of Buddhism in Korea. M. N. Trollope. VIII:1-41. 1917.
IS Retro the New PRESENT?. Lee Chaemin. 97: 19-21. 2023
JAMES Gale�s Translation of the Yŏnhaengnok, An Account of the Korean Embassy to Peking, 1712-1713. Reworked and Introductory notes by Richard Rutt. XLIX:55-144. 1974.
JAPANESE-KOREAN Relations after the Japanese Invasion of Korea in the 16th Century. I. Yamagata. IV, part II:1-11. 1913.
JAPAN�S Korean Roots: In Search of Paekche�s Tamnos. On Bronze Mirrors: Relating Paekche and Wae Japan. Kim Yong-duk [Kim Yŏng-dŏk]. 76:13-30. 2001.
JAPAN�S Connection to Korea: A Series of Three Essays. Kim Yong-duk[Kim Yŏng-dŏk] . 77:117-142. 2002.
JAPAN�S Connection to Korea (Part II): A Series of Three Essays. Kim Yong-duk [Kim Yŏng-dŏk]. 78:57-78. 2003.
JAPAN�S Connection to Korea (Part III): A Series of Three Essays. Kim Yong-duk [Kim Yŏng-dŏk]. 79:47-64. 2004.
JEAN Perry: Twenty Years a Korea Missionary. Gigi Santow. 88:129-139. 2013
JEJUEO, Korea�s Endangered Language. Moira Saltzman. 93: 73-84. 2018
THE JEJU Fish Wars. Robert D. Neff. 93: 85-96. 2018
THE JENNIE Lovatt Letter: An Early View of Pusan in 1885. Robert Neff. 78:85-90. 2003.
JIRI Viktor Dane�: Czechoslovak Geographer and Diplomat in Colonized Korea. Jaroslav Ol�a, jr.. 85:57-64. 2010.
JIRISAN : Sacred Aspects and Assets. David A. Mason. 82:89-106. 2007.
JOURNEY in Korea: The 1884 Travel Diary of George C. Foulk. Samuel Hawley. 80:59-86. 2005.
JOURNEY to Old Korea: The 1886 Diary of Gertrude Hall Denny. Robert R. Swartout, Jr. 61:35-68. 1986.
KARL Friedrich August Guetzlaff: The First German in Korea. Sylvia Braesel. 77:69-90. 2002.
KAYAGO: The Origin and Evolution of the Korean Twelve-string Zither. Coralie J. Rockwell. XLIX:26-47. 1974,
[SHORT STORY] KIMCHI Kitty. Martin Limon. 97: 140-168. 2023.
KIM CH�ON-HUNG: Portrait of a Performing Artist. Judy Van Zile. 66:45-60. 1991.
KIM Iryŏp: Pioneer Writer/Refomer in Colonial Korea. Bonnie B. C. Oh. 71:9-30. 1996.
KO Un�s Hwaom-kyong: A Modem Korean Pilgrim�s Progress. Brother Anthony [An Sonjae] 70:1-14. 1995.
KOREA and Manchuria: The Historical Links Between Korea and the Ancestors of the Modem Manchus. Johannes Reckel. 76:1-12. 2001.
�KOREA as Seen from the Saddle� (Homer Hulbert�s accounts of a journey to Pyongyang: Part One). Robert D. Neff. 91:143-162. 2016
KOREA as Seen from the Saddle (Part 2: Pyongyang). Robert D. Neff. 92: 133-154. 2017
KOREA Chronology 1901-1960. Yi Kyŏngsik. XLVIII:104-193. 1973.
THE KOREA Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society: The First One Hundred Years. Horace G. Underwood. 75:1. 2000.
KOREA Confronts the Outside: Triumphs and Tragedies. Edward Shultz. 85:1-12. 2010..
1945: KOREA Faces a Post-Colonial Industrial Future. Bill Streifer. 88:79-86. 2013.
KOREA in the Asian Crisis of 1997 � 1998: the IMF Crisis in Korea. Hank Morris. 121-128. 2013.
KOREA in Early Western Cartography. Henny Savenije. 92:73-90. 2017
KOREA in the White City: Korean Participation in the World�s Columbian Exhibition of 1893. Daniel Kane. 77:1-58. 2002.
THE KOREAN Alphabet. J. S. Gale. IV, part I:12-61. 1912-13.
KOREAN Boats and Ships. Horace H. Underwood. XXIII, part I:1-99. 1934.
KOREAN Christian Nationalists and Canadian Missionaries. Frederick J. Glover. 90:1-20. 2015.
A KOREAN Counterblaste to Tobacco. Boudewijn Walraven. 89:99-110. 2014.
KOREAN Folk-tales. H. B. Hulbert. II, part II:45-79. 1902.
KOREAN Identities: What Does It Mean to be Korean American in Korea? Mary Yu Danico. 80:115-136. 2005.
KOREAN Literature in English: A Critical Bibliography. Horace H. Underwood. LI:65-115. 1976.
KOREAN Mask and Mask-dance Plays. Yi Tu-hyon. XLII:49-67. 1966.
THE KOREAN Mission to the United States in 1883. Harold J. Noble. XVIII:1-21. 1929.
KOREAN Musical Instruments and air Introduction to Korean Music. J. L. Boots. XXX:1-32. 1940,
KOREAN Names for Birds Listed in Paper. XXII:68-69. 1933.
KOREAN Spirit in the historical poem. Song Sumin. 95:22-25. 2021
THE KOREAN PAINTER Pae Un-sŏng. Jaroslav Olsa Jr.. 90:95-116. 2015.
KOREAN PATRIOT and Tea Master: Hyodang Choi Beom-Sul. Brother Anthony of Taiz�. 82:107-128. 2007.
KOREAN Perspectives on 4 English Voyages. William F. Pore. 91:1-19. 2016.
THE KOREAN Record on Captain Basil Hall�s Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Korea. George Paik. XXIV:15-19. 1935.
KOREAN Roads Past and Present. W. W. Taylor. XV:33-56. 1924.
KOREAN Shamanism and Cultural Nationalism. Hyun-kye Kim Hogarth. 69:1-22. 1994.
KOREAN Survivals and Discussion. H. B. Hulbert. I:25-50. 1900.
THE KOREAN War, American POWs and the Legacy of Brainwashing. Michael Devine. 92: 163-174. 2017
KOREAN Weapons and Armor. John L. Boots. XXIII, part II:1-37. 1934.
KOREAN Wolves: The Princes of Darkness. Robert Neff. 94: 107-120. 2019.
KOREAN Women�s Traditional Outfit and Chador: Cousins? Maija Rhee Devine. 92: 155-162. 2017
KOREANS in Transition: Americanization at the University of Dubuque, 1911-1935. Daniel J Adams. 80:87-114. 2005.
KOREA�S Colossal Image of Buddha. G. H. Jones. I:57-70. 1900.
KOREA�S Inhospitable Shores : Cheju Island Shipwrecks. Robert Neff. 82:53-88. 2007.
KOREA�S Tong-il Movement. Choi Syn-duk. XLIII:101-113. 1967.
KOSAN, YUN SON-DO (I587-1671): The Man and His Island. Kim Yong-dok. 67:61-70. 1992.
KYŎNGNO-DANG of Korea. Peter H. Kunkel, Shin, Jae-shin, Yi, Kang-suk. 63:69-80. 1988.
LAO Tzu and Nietzsche: Wanderer and Superman. Park Yn-hui. 56:47-58. 1981.
LANGUAGE use in Himhae�s Dongsang-dong. Robert J. Fouser. 98: 194-213. 2024.
LEADERSHIP and Organization in the Olive Tree Movement. Felix Moos. XLIII:11-27. 1967.
LEVEL of Living. Lee Hyo-jae and others. XLVI:43-49. 1971.
THE LIFE and Work of Pierre Louis Jouy (1856-94), �The Smithsonian�s First Man in Korea�. Peter Juhl. 95:36-69. 2021
LIFE at Port Hamilton during the �Preventive Occupation,� 1885-87. Robert Neff. 79:65-78. 2004.
LIFE in Urban Korea. Lee Hyo-jae and others. XLVI:1-89. 1971.
THE LIFE of Hong Jong-U. Brother Anthony. 89:129-146. 2014.
THE LIFE of William Richard Carles. Brother Anthony. 86:175-179. 2011.
A LIFETIME of Czechoslovak-Korean Interactions: Jaroslav Bařinka�s Story. Vladim�r Hl�sny. 96:66-94. 2022.
�LITERATURE Play� in a New World. Robert J. Fouser. 93: 53-66. 2018
MARIE Antoinette Sontag (1838-1922). Sylvia Braesel. 89:83-98. 2014.
THE MARTYRDOM of Paul Yun: Western Religion and Eastern Ritual in 18th Century Korea. Donald L. Baker. 54:33-58. 1979.
MASTER Eibokken on Korea and the Korean Language: Supplementary Remarks to Hamel�s Narrative. Frits Vos. L:7-42. 1975.
THE MATURE POETRY of Chong Chi-Young. Daniel A. Kister. 65:1-14. 1990.
THE MCCUNE-REISCHAUER Romanization System for Korean. John Holstein. 74:1-22. 1999
THE MING Connection: Notes on Korea�s Experience in the Chinese Tributary System. Donald M. Clark. 58:77-89. 1983.
MINJOKCHONGGYO: The Religions of the Nation. Yeonju Lee. 94: 121-127. 2019.
MINJUNG Art Reconsidered: Art as a Means of Resistance. Tobias Lehmann. 84:73-90. 2009.
MONEY, Money, Money: Korea�s History Through Banknotes. Rev. Steven L. Shields. 96:1-18. 2022.
MOUNTAIN Tourism and Religious Heritage Sites: A Fresh Paradigm. David A. Mason. 87:65-80. 2012.
MURDER in the Land of the Morning Calm. Robert D. Neff. 77:91-104. 2002.
THE MUWISA Amitabha Triad Mural. Hal Swindall. 89:111-128. 2014.
MY 45 Years with the RASKB. Bae Sue Ja. 86:1-5. 2011.
NATIONAL Examinations in Korea. H. B. Hulbert. XIV:9-32. 1923.
THE NATIONAL Museum of the Republic of Korea. David L Steinberg. XLIV:1-69. 1968.
THE NEOLITHIC Culture of Korea (1940). Han Hŭng-su. 87:15-34. 2012.
THE NEW Religions of Korea: A Preliminary Interpretation. H. Byron Earhart. XLIX:7-25. 1974.
THE NEW Religions of Korea: Introduction. Spencer J. Palmer. XLIII:1-10. 1967.
NEW YEAR�S by the Sea. Timothy R. Tangherlini. 63:29-36. 1988.
NORTH Korea and the Armistice Negotiations. Kathryn Weathersby. 90:21-46. 2015.
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